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Jimmy silker Aug 18
Drinking in the day
Just like my daddy did
Before me
Drinking in the day
just like my daddy done
Before me
Oooh the shame

"No body loves me,
I'm not long for this world,
I'm gonna become a monk"
That was his drunken mantra
As to the couch he slunk

My mother would tut her distaste and say
"Jimmy not in front of the kids!"
But he'd just laugh
Roll round on the floor and say
"Sandra **** those kids!"

Then we'd drag him off to bed
My brother/my sister and me
To get the fat ****** up the stairs
You know it took all three

The sot
The lush
The drunken old louse
And that was Friday night in my father's house.
Jimmy silker Aug 18
Never turn your back on love
The ******'s just not to be trusted.
Jimmy silker Aug 17
When you've abandoned your vehicle and walked away the thing goes rigid the paint turns grey and when you see it from a dimension above all that's left is the marks o your love.
Jimmy silker Aug 17
Who did what to who
And was how it done
Everyone gets cruel
When there's  no gates to fun

But hang just a min
And reflect on style
Everyone gets jerky
Once in awhile.
Jimmy silker Aug 17
And after it happens,I'll fall through the air,
Braced for the impact that will not be there.
Form tightened and strained
Expecting the blow,
But I'll tumble forever
To what happens below.
Jimmy silker Aug 17
Chistmas in prison
Christmas out at sea
Christmas round the in laws
Christmas alone with me

Christmas at the wainwrights
Christmas in the I.C.U
Christmas in Carcosa
Just the yellow king and you

He won't dress as Father Chrimbo
In his tattered robes he'll stay
As he eats all time and space
No prezzies he'll display

He won't watch vintage two ronnies
As the black stars rise
And in terrible twin sunlight
Your soul will be his prize.
Jimmy silker Aug 17
**** out the woman and **** out the man
That is how old egypt began
From primordial soup the island did rise
Then god turn to man and the stones he did prise
Up from the earth in pyramid form
And that is how old egypt was born.
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