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Kindinheart Jan 19
Trauma leaves a mark
That cannot be erased
Stays with you forever
Something not to be praised
But time is a healer
The memory with time fades
You cannot forget
What caused that trauma
That made that imprint
Which stays in your mind
Kindinheart Jan 6
My mind is divided by poetry
Between reality and what i create
Like living two separate lives
Always thinking two separate ways
It’s hard to sometimes explain it
People cannot understand
I am one single person  
With two sides to my thoughts
One is in the present
The other in a creative place
Where imagination and emotions
Present themselves as poetry on a page .
Kindinheart Dec 2024
We all have our lies
We all have our sins
But the past does not matter
So long as you’re in the life i’m in
I don’t care what you’ve done
I don’t  care what you have said
The only thing that matters
Is that your inside my head
My heart yearns for you
To tell me you love me
But the silence is deafening
Leading me to think
Am i only dreaming
Kindinheart Dec 2024
We live in a sea of emotion
That ebbs and flows with the tide
The people we meet are the currents
That carry us on waves for the ride .
Kindinheart Dec 2024
Her true emotions are hidden
Not revealing her true self
She chooses her words carefully
As not to cause offence
But one day she will find someone
Who opens up her heart
Then  she will understand
This is only the first part
Her heart will then tell her
Which way she has to go
Then she’ll take the  cautious step
On the path she has to follow .
Kindinheart Dec 2024
Her heart so kind
Her mind so bright
Eyes like shinning stars
Personality so bubbly
Like champagne in a glass
A smile to brighten any day
And  a voice that charms my heart
Kindinheart Dec 2024
I have to go
For how long i don't know
Will it be a weekend
Or a week that never ends
I have to clear my mind
And maybe  my heart
But i have to work it all out
I might have to go back to the start
Find a new love again
This time one with kindness
Afraid to decide ,scared of that future
Never felt this alone
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