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When you walk on the beach
Take care where you tread
Hidden amongst the pebbles
Are hearts of crimson red

Hearts left by lovers
That eventually turned to stone
They couldn’t come together
So now lie here all alone

But when you do find one
Treat it will loving care
Because someone once left it
Thats why it was there
When i met a young woman
Little did i know
All the love and affection
To me , one day she would show
But now she is in a hard place
My help i will gladly give
I surrender all my kindness and love to her
To help her find her way
I want her to find love in the future
To get her life back on track
I will always stand by her
Until she gets warmth back in her heart.
I once planed my future
It didn’t go the way i those
Lost the love i lived for
Had to reset the rest of my life.
My heart took me on adventures
Some of which, i’m not proud
But in the end i mellowed
And finally settled down.
Now in my twilight , i recall it all
I finally got to realise
That my heart was always in control
So all i can say is this
Time will sort all out
Your heart will show you the way
And you will find what you search for .
You play your part when your on show
As if nothing is out of place
Always with a lovely smile on your face
Behaving normal to all who don’t know
But deep in your heart there is always a tear
That no one can ever see,
Wishing all the time
That the show was the real deal.
Head on my pillow
Cant get to sleep
Staring at the ceiling
Feeling my eyes weep
Tears of loneliness, tears of fear
Wandering what the future holds
Love left me , feeling alone
Yearning for company to keep me warm
I cant wait forever , but i have no choice
Love has to find me , fed up of listening to my own voice .
Two **’s on their own
To some don’t mean a lot
But i have always used them
Since a time i cannot forget .
I’m careful who receives  them
They have to be special to me
You will always receive them
Because your friendship means so much to me .
I cannot let her go
I cannot let her down
When i needed someone
She stepped up to the line
Cared for me when i needed company
Loved me when I felt alone
Meets me when convenient
Hold’s me close when i need a hug
Now it’s one day at s time
Careful steps along the way
Now i stand with her ,as she did me
I cannot let her go
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