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If the water is clear
as if there were no
It shows everything

If the person is clean
as if there were no
They show everyone.
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
The human
started lives
with the pain of hands
widened the relationship

Two hands ten fingers
are making dreams
come true

look at your hands.
Yonah Jeong Aug 30
must  can show
the miracle that
should not happen
with the eyes of
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
did you kidnap me?”

I am tired of being lonely....”
I have autism
but I am not an autism patient
because it does not rule me

This is also a gift.

                              - for myself
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
Good morning, stars

It rains
The wind is blowing

The branches shaken
Autumn on the asphalt
You are rolling

The wires become swings
You sent in the parking lot
Look at the gifts of the night

Your painful pains
I'm counting.
Yonah Jeong Aug 30
Wife warns
get angry very well
do not take care of appearance
do not know the power of money
human relationship are not good
eating food is too picky
just say what want to say
repetitive force
and intolerance.

i live in peace

the reason:
with old parents in the 90's
under the May sun
hanging the laundry
sharing the happy conversation
even in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yonah Jeong Aug 31

Does time seem to move slower
Look at the second hand

Does time seem to move faster
Look at the hour hand


Time seems to be meaningless
Look at the events

Time seems to be meaningful?
Look at the clock.


Time creating, not consuming.
you can do mail
you can't be the postman
like a Fred.
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
from the heart

into the heart.
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
Empty parking lot,
early in the morning,
riverside restaurant,
flowing into the city center,
shaking old table,
pieces of clouds floating in the blue sky,
impressionism pointillism,
grass light of the roadside,
broken old tree branches in the forest,
waving leaves,
pine leaves melodies,  
pierced by knife and fork,
                                                                                                                    jazz melody
by the concrete bridge
solo angler
be dinner

waitress cleaning next door,
no more than 118.11 inches in height,
landscape outside the window,
trail ending with dots,
a glass of wine,
afternoon standing alone with a tree,
come in and fall asleep

night sunlight: street lamp lights,
riding the wind through,
tunnel of the long night,
                                        a fragrance of the flowers
of the lucky tree
bloomed after 20 years
                                                                                  a rushing poem
enters into the “good morning".
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
Even one time
desired to walk back
While walking
wish to see more

Wanted to get closer to
the present's past than to
the present's future

If walk forward,
the present disappears
If walk backward,
the present appears

The taste of life is felt
through the present, not
the future or the past

Take a back step
Can meet a peace
in the flow of time.
Yonah Jeong Aug 28
I see the forest of the trees
I walk through the park
with the homeless birds

In the distance
a park forest path: snake's tailing
at the crawling night

Will it rain?
Will time stop?
Will it wind.
Will space disappear?

I hug the leaves that tickle me
clean and warm
This winter night is dawning.
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
The tree
speaks with shadows

The sky
speaks for stars

The sea
speaks as beaches

Love speaks in parting.
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
If you accept it,
it will give you
a future without shame.
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
Let's be 18 years
by now
the ripples of river,
wind in the woods
aromatic seasons air
It is gone, and now
removed the revulsion of strangers,
the World
It made it my hometown.
stone do not penetrate snows
it does not break them.
Do not avoid it, ignore it
If you ignore it, you can love.
Yonah Jeong Aug 27

look around


Life is a art.
Let a tree be a tree
Let the clouds be clouds
Sea to sea
Dust to dust
Let a traffic light be a traffic light
Earth to Earth
Space to space
Glass window to glass window
black hole to black hole
Keep the distance between you and me
and make us eat rice without a side dish
that binds distance and time
power of being,
law of love,
You will be with me, even today.
my wife and I
argue and fight often
not getting away

neighbors think
between us
we have something.
Yonah Jeong Sep 4
Five-year-old May,
just starting to escape Autism,
comes to my side,
taps fingers on the aluminum trash can
next to old desk,
looks at me,
and May says,
Yonah Jeong Aug 30
No harm.......No (c)harm
Know citizen.......Know crown
Between them.
All wars
**** people who have not killed people.
By the grass
Small vegetable garden
in between
grazing on the grass
a white butterfly
is hovering around them
is touching
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
It is very hard
to make money

It is too easy
to spend money

for neighbors
which one?
Yonah Jeong Aug 29
who has been without
friends for decades
a city officer
told me
“Behind the parking lot
The tree is old and
and the leaves are causing
a nuisance to the neighborhood
we don't know when it's going to fall
we need to cut it down now"
I said, "he lives in New York"
But Pablo always saying
“Not today...not today
It has been years."
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
If you don't have
any regrets,
your present
no charm

Look at a birdbathing.
because of
faults and transgressions
and sins
before those who need
what saying is
“All those things
I did it,
I did it”
It absorbs everything
and shows clean.
The great player who doesn't practice
The writer who doesn't write
Even if they're genius but
Worse than a hopeless.
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
The great player who doesn't practice
The writer who doesn't write
Even if they're genius but
Worse than a hopeless.
it approaches quietly like a mountain,
walking and whispering like a river,
rolling around in a hug like a forest,
returning with a smile like the sky:
...................................    ................You.
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
with people
without strongman
go with poems
without ant democracy
roads of the dream
glass into the hope
together future
in the different languages
It is wandering youth
memories of  heartbreak.
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
The impact of regional wars
are global all
So, as
there is no peace
that is irrelevant to me
there is no war
that is not related to me.
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
the sugar water
Sugar is not visible

Love is like water

It hides all things
and reveals them

Love flows downward alone.
I couldn't find a way out, so I used
and hit a rock in anger
crashing sea
water, ripples, waves, showing the sea
And shipwrecks,
there's someone's life breathing there

What a good sailor he is
He always wanted to fall over the horizon
His faith is in the anger and loneliness of the sea
How dare he speak of the sea?
The sea is only water, only those who swim in it
and the schools of fish that swim it

When is the sea happiest?
No one, nothing, no black clouds
Is it when an imperceptible breeze caresses?
With the cliffs singing shameful songs
with the cliffs?
beside me.
Yonah Jeong Sep 5
A forest
like New Yorker colors
flowing through
the sea of clouds
i see
the disappearing road,
deer footprints,
rattan run,
wildflowers last dancing,
early morning
october, wind
stroking the grass of meadow,
dog barking from afar
shaking traffic lights,
most beautiful city,
Paramus stretches out.
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
clouds...sandy beach...gentle waves...jagged grass...broken­ men...young kid...various races...paths...loner....youth...families...neinghbors...signs...­ leaves...bicycle...stroller...puppy...laughter...fresh air...birds...old­l...slide...whisper...see-saw.
Yonah Jeong Aug 28
Going down Apt. stairs
saw a dozing sparrow by the window
held down a sparrow
a sparrow escaped to upstairs rooftop
but hit beak to an locked iron door and
be shut in the corner
pressed a sparrow with flat bag softly
left hand grabbed and caught
with proud emotion
to bus station
walked in deep thoughts

Fly a night
when the morning comes
will ask mother then forcibly
will tie a sparrow ankle with thread sturdy
from yard to rice paddies and a empty field
a grandson will scamper

While i feel so good
my right fingers relaxed
opened wings powerful
circled around top of an electric pole
a sparrow grew
farther and farther

a dream of mine.
Yonah Jeong Aug 30
I always was painful
I feared the sound
sprang out of my mind
after it passed
even though disappeared
sound and light echoes
remained me
bothered me
no matter who was in there
it doesn't matter with me
but I have a wish:
I don't want to see

This morning,
an ambulance arrived a little late
at the hospital
my friend can no longer live
with me
until the dawn comes
I could not sleep
my hate killed friend
who was a poor in it

i pray that
it arrives on time.
Yonah Jeong Sep 4
light flowing
right also streams
A day with write burning
distant fire
leaking out from the extinguished past
excitinng fire,
Even I weaken it
If I put it away
spreading gaily at night
between the cracks
educating Day by Day,
life of lives,
Where is unwavering love?
all beings
leave suffering and joy

finding these traces:
showing the value of life

the sentry of history:
a poet.
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
wind's hill
wind's spunge
wind's pandora
wind's sea
wind's breathing
wind's hug
wind's reading
wind's pains
wind's winds

It is our Memorabilia.
Yonah Jeong Aug 28
Winter builds spring
Winter nurtures summer
Winter cures falling
Winter burns itself pure(
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
i rise......irises.
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
I was drunk alcohol
I lost many things

I was drunk on gambling
I lost more many things

I was drugged by hate
I lost all.

and I drunk with love
Regaining everything.
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
You can **** Memorabilia  that will be made
you can't end Reminiscences from being made.
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
to erase wrong acts
upholding equality

put it on the head
records and draws

In the note
yellow butterflies
white butterflies

Come from it
the flower garden
the fence
towards the streets
with two wings
larger than the body

Do not just stay
in the flower bed
the traffic light


— The End —