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933 · Sep 3
Yonah Jeong Sep 3
It is very hard
to make money

It is too easy
to spend money

for neighbors
which one?
400 · Aug 26
Golden Wedding
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
more than me
with the grandchildren

I like it better.
369 · 7d
real flower hurts alone.
160 · Sep 8
a Sonnet of Love
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
through the blinds,
against the barbed wire fence,
swaying in the wind
the wild flowers,
watching their dances
in the early fall.
137 · 5d
Our Youth
Blue Sky Expanse
Two birds fly away



to go in a straight line
Go in a curve

Toward the ground
Toward the heaven

it is obvious that they are in love

as they are rushing toward the sea

I can't see its waves anymore,
they are going away
again into the clouds.
117 · Aug 31
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
Do your best, Evil can be avoided.
82 · 9h
great people don't look great. because they don't have to.
75 · Aug 28
Yonah Jeong Aug 28
the breath of the forest is in their fallen leaves.
68 · 4d
profile Bio
I have autism
but I am not an autism patient
because it does not rule me

This is also a gift.

                              - for myself
53 · Aug 26
a sleeping poem
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
cars are running
at Manhattan Intersection
hunger and loneliness
like being inside a castle
must fall
we can get out of self-locking
and homelessness,
the deep sorrow
It is not rare anymore
It is not just dumb
It is not just them, either
cars are driving madly.
50 · Aug 26
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
(Best) Artwork, there is artificial naturalness.
49 · Aug 27
my oath
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
they fought he fought the dictator of the time, who were more busy maintaining the status quo than those trying to defend and those trying to change. people loved the Romantic poet. In their love, there was always a passionate love that made them see the world and society right. they fight a world that doesn't admit different things than a society that doesn't admit wrongdoing. However, there are no romantic poets in this land, only renegade romantic poets abound. They make up to suit their tastes in the several kinds of poetry by the name of romance to hide it, and are satisfied that the world they see in the well is the universe. They look different, but they are all the same. Like pigs to be led to the slaughter, they grunt at their loves. You renegade, but still, my old friend, your political flattery and complacency are not romantic, you will find out when we are no longer friends. you have to be different If you are a snob like everyone else, then you are a renegade romantic. Oh, yes, You can't be a poet.
49 · Aug 27
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
Do not save imitations, consume for one creation.
43 · Sep 10
too bad
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
If you don't have
any regrets,
your present
no charm

Look at a birdbathing.
43 · Aug 26
Hairpin game
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
Hairpin game
looked at friend's hair and said
// ( ͒_̉ ͒ ) ꒰⍨꒱ ツ ü ᐵ Ӫ ⛤ ✾ ✿ܓ ❀ ★彡 .͙·☽ ⚘༉ *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙
should buy these
so cool and cute
for a long time
for a long time
holding a fairy
who has kept her neatness and peace
for so long:
leaf hairpins,
ribbon hairpins
that her mom made from torn fabric,
a thread pin from a poor honey,
butterfly pin,
And with them,
on the soft ground
kicking up dust
my first love
decorated our childhood.
43 · Aug 26
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
like a dreamer

what don't achieve
is not a dream

a flower that doesn't bloom
where would it be?

- in the garden
43 · Aug 29
Married the end
Yonah Jeong Aug 29
mother married
at the age of 19
lived for 70 years
father was a very strong
he took care of all the money
he dealt with bad people
he was a teacher and a farmer
for my mother
as the years passed
my father became unable to do
any work for himself
he asked her
to untie his hands and feet
to free
my mother didn't listen to my father's pleas
to stay with him
until the end.
42 · Sep 1
I love bare feet
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
There is a reason I love hill

It is not a forest
            a field
      in the grass

There is another reason I love hill

Hill, no direction.
      no height or base
      can lie down.

Really, there is a reason I love hills

Hills, Nostalgia
        There is a future
        There is bare feet

Where two meet, there is a Squiggly road
                                        there is a hug of healing.
Yonah Jeong Aug 28
I see the forest of the trees
I walk through the park
with the homeless birds

In the distance
a park forest path: snake's tailing
at the crawling night

Will it rain?
Will time stop?
Will it wind.
Will space disappear?

I hug the leaves that tickle me
clean and warm
This winter night is dawning.
41 · Sep 8
gone sides away
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
gone sides away
already gone
from me,
not disappear
that landscape
that person
that event
And those roads,
My diamond sides
will never fade away
that have made up my minds,
daily soul food stamp.
41 · Aug 27
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
love without a fight=a fight without love.
40 · Sep 5
Welcome autumn 1
Yonah Jeong Sep 5
A forest
like New Yorker colors
flowing through
the sea of clouds
i see
the disappearing road,
deer footprints,
rattan run,
wildflowers last dancing,
early morning
october, wind
stroking the grass of meadow,
dog barking from afar
shaking traffic lights,
most beautiful city,
Paramus stretches out.
40 · Aug 27
favorite trash
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
I place
the complete works of
my favorite poet
poetry books
on top of the trash
39 · Aug 26
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
To restore the original state, That is life.
Love prevents the conceit of knowledge
Knowledge sees the direction of love.
39 · Aug 31
Yonah Jeong Aug 31
Extremists are not brave. Because can't love peace.
38 · Aug 26
it sacrifices
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
putting sorrow to sleep,
not getting rid of it.

that is
why love is sacrifice.
38 · Aug 26
Movie and Love
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
Don't try to show love
                     Make it feel

Love is not something you make
                    it is about revealing it

Watch the movie!

The tides of sensation starts
                                        after it is over.
36 · 4d
f & s
flower is in the future
it is in it.
36 · Sep 9
from love
Yonah Jeong Sep 9
So light comes from
enters darkness,
and does not exist
without darkness.

For light is love.
36 · Aug 26
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
If you accept it,
it will give you
a future without shame.
35 · Aug 26
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
for passport photos
stopped by the photo studio
photographer's face
so beautiful
I couldn't help but smile
and then
he said
“no expression”
a few seconds
“Photo, good.”
camera didn't notice
my (non-)expression.

to AI
35 · Aug 26
leaves geature
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
(quiet) wind and

sky and earth
the empty space of freedom

      will the wind blow!

      time is scattered
      tickles                the earth

the hair(s) of the earth
grass, grasses, blade of grass
waving              and                beckoning.

from you
35 · Sep 8
Buried in the ground
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
In a storm


Bending but not breaking
Shaken but not broken

buried in the ground
raising a sprout

The power of love
Make a node
and make the wind sing)

Doesn't it make Wasteland into Loam?
because of
faults and transgressions
and sins
before those who need
what saying is
“All those things
I did it,
I did it”
It absorbs everything
and shows clean.
can do everything
without doing anything.
35 · Aug 27
Please 2
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
The human
started lives
with the pain of hands
widened the relationship

Two hands ten fingers
are making dreams
come true

look at your hands.
35 · Sep 10
Good and Devil
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
Good fears a greater good
Devil doesn't fear a greater devil.
34 · Aug 31
Relativity theory
Yonah Jeong Aug 31

Does time seem to move slower
Look at the second hand

Does time seem to move faster
Look at the hour hand


Time seems to be meaningless
Look at the events

Time seems to be meaningful?
Look at the clock.


Time creating, not consuming.
34 · Sep 1
one Tofu
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
made from crushed
comforting color,
comforting aroma,
square and stable
who filled us with blessings
every morning
in the childhood
a handful tofu,
and the broken glass windows,
and through the cracks of broken wooden doors
You came out dancing from them
enveloped us
vapor of wisdom and the soul &
best food in prison
after release
the first thing they should eat
you, a Tofu
It is not a coincidence
like Raffle.
33 · Aug 26
newness by love
Yonah Jeong Aug 26
I roll time up
I deposit love
for you

I roll sea up
I deposit love
in your life
for us.
33 · Sep 2
first love
Yonah Jeong Sep 2
in the evening
approach like darkness

at dawn
leave like light.
32 · Sep 10
with Love
Yonah Jeong Sep 10
i rise......irises.
Yonah Jeong Sep 1
It's too hot
windows up and
I look at the red brick wall next door

in the meantime
a fragile maple tree trunk
holding the square holes of the mosquito net
and is climbing up

My room
My desk
My bed
looking at my clothes

How happy am I?

Even in the midst of the winter to come
without pulling down the blind
Nor will I lower the windows

I'll be able to say hello to the neighbors
I've never spoken to before

What a joy!

Can i do it?


I will never be lonely at night.
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
clouds...sandy beach...gentle waves...jagged grass...broken­ men...young kid...various races...paths...loner....youth...families...neinghbors...signs...­ leaves...bicycle...stroller...puppy...laughter...fresh air...birds...old­l...slide...whisper...see-saw.
32 · Aug 27
A wallet is crying 1
Yonah Jeong Aug 27
from NJ to NY coming and going
meet G.W. Bridge
at entrance to New Jersey
sometimes encounter
a mid 30s female
scattered hairs,
puffy lips,
approaching with broken shoes
she can't holding a light paper
words of desperate help
by the spring breeze
drops and picks up
over and over
when bows down
the hot afternoon sun
pours behind back

i take out wallet
lower window a little
hand over one dollar

She blesses my future
never forgets to smile.

As soon as
i do that
unbearable sorrows coming out
my fingers begin to tremble.
32 · Sep 8
In the flame of love
Yonah Jeong Sep 8
all dark,
and complicated problems
melt away
we are loved, and especially
we are loving
the ice-cold problems
that are solidified by it
it will melt and flow like water
wetting the fields of our lives
and giving us
a harvest of abundant fruit
to beat the winter.
32 · Sep 2
because of daily food
Yonah Jeong Sep 2
too many
not be throw away

too little
not be run away

chaebol or

too satisfied
indifferent typical people

I don't want to live like them.
after 30 years
my wife
carrying a child
holding and soothing
31 · Sep 11
Yonah Jeong Sep 11
light doesn't overcomes night
it is to yield alone.
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