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Dissident Feb 19
the closed system steps into the dewy universe,
ankle-deep in the blood-warm Argentine grasses

A skull-cap fracture—
splitting wide, spilling cloudy seminal nebulae,
star clusters tangled in the web of libidinal synapses.
The neocortical moan of primitive aloneness
rattles the damp debris of a forgotten belt—
dead planet husks,
ghost rivers of green,
echoes of lives, of songs
that never were,
that always are.


Cacophony swells,
the chittering rise of insect life,
throbbing pelvic heat,
the ****** pulse alive.

Edges commingling,
penetrate, dissolve—
in the sonic bloodstream race
of pure indigo energies

Mystery watching itself,
standing naked
in the starlit silence.
Dissident Feb 7
Mist pigments scrape.
Tattered remnants of dappled clouds.
Chrome yellow.
Translucent saffron.
Then ochre,
to umber,
to gloom.

Vision smudges into sound into touch.
Cricket rhythm—
Mind intuits the quiescence
at the center.
Order / Hazard.
Direct transfer:
nothingness into shuddering flesh
against the blast of sunrise.

Deer track wet.
Her rip tides.
Slake my thick old predation thirst.

I am alone.

Like water vapor,
suspended in the empty medium.
A mirage.
Dining with ******,
with lepers,
with fever-eyed puppets,
with whatever lingers
between the edges of sleep.

The brain settles for the image,
stored away somewhere in the synaptic catacombs.
Pulling up her scintillating portrait pleases it no end.
A self-perpetuating mechanism—
fragments clasp and cling together,
peeling away.
Drinking my fill of blood and saltwater
deep in the caverns of solitude.

The hollow-no-body devil god man
hovers between synaptic gaps,
among sharp fragments of thought,
hoping to string a few together,
to escape through a lone slit of starlight.

Exalt, suffer, howl—
scalping the loneliness
of the clotted, humid tropics.

Come back.
Come in.

Are you receiving?

Let me know if this message makes it.
If it cuts through the concertina wire,
through the melting dusk,
through the dumb, hungry-eyed militarized males,
through the empty hands of warm waiting women
spiral up on the currents of my breath against your pale neck,
your cheek,
your *******.

Through, in, and out—
Our breathing sylvan heat.

To lose itself awhile in the cirrus—
or fall down somewhere,
to drown within kudzu-choked deep.

out in the vast dark,
in that nothing-nowhere-universe,

her kitchen light is on.
Dissident Jan 23
Yearning fractures
Into infinite glittering threads of creation—
Milky-thick droplets,
Glazed nectar trails the comet’s blazing
Spiral tail.

Naked and ferocious,
The Hollow no-body Man,
Born Redeemer of fleeting anomalies,

Dances round the bonfire
Cradling the molten heart,
Wearing the masks of deep survival
With a razor-wire grin—
The sharpened jagged edge of flint
In God’s charred blackened hand.

The hand of fire reaches out.
The hand of shadow reaches in kind.

Creation consumes Creator
*** sweating,
cabled muscle skin tangling in the dark,
Spasms electric.

Now Keeper of dripping-wet dreamthirsts,
Slaked by blooded primeval romance—
The final death wound  
—An annihilation, sublime.
Dissident Jan 20
Drifting inside God’s vast, blue bloodstream,
Goodnight to thee, anthropocentrism—
Mitochondria choke-drown
in error’s blank stardust.

I am taking root now,
pressed between the Earth’s ragged furrows
and the warm, breathing sky.
From fountains of sweetest oud,
I rise, glistening green,
bathed in a warmth alive,
an ****** pulse of the older memory.

In it, the eye of the blind Beholder spies
seeds of a forgotten dream—
dipping fingers into the river named

Out of it,
a silent roar blooms:
a thousand aromatic oceans,
buds splitting into lavender pagodas,
trumpets framed in soft, sweet musk.

Sage, broad and leathery as an elephant’s ears,
curtains cascades of orange-blossom snow
that cool my sweat-drenched brow.

Tangled together,
wild ivy tendrils pull us under,
drawing heartstrings beneath
rosewater pools.
Breathless, we float,
ensconced in a crystalline
each moment’s petal
drooping lazily over the next.

Primordial whispering—wordless,
voice hums through roots and bones,
lifting, sinking,
settling into
soil shadows’ laughter,
older than light.
Dissident Jan 15
I bathe
In the moon-soaked
Ocean of you,
Soul to soul.

31 years I’ve spun
On the compass of rolling
Emerald oceans—your eyes.
Not once have I found an edge of you.
How could I have believed you were outside of me?
You’re not shaped like a body.
You’re shaped like a mango tree.

I bathe
In the great golden sun of you,
Churning in honey-colored bliss,
Cradled by the warm arms
Of every mother that ever lived.

Your fractal logic unraveled me—
Snapped instantly, like a dry branch.
I can know your momentum,
Or your position—
But never both.

Now, you’re just spooky action at a distance.
I scratch and scrape the stars,
Dragging the ragged pieces of (my) heart,
Dreaming of an angel dancing on the head of a pin,
Shiva spinning on the head of a pin,
A wild swan leaving home after home behind.

Laughter perched at the edge of intimacy,
Pretending that you’re
Sleeping beside me,
Breathing beside me,
Multiplying and adding powers
by the gleam of your laugh.
Dissident Dec 2024
The tanned
Dyed Indigo
Blood drinker
never-slaked celibate
wipes away every handprint
Leaves no track
of the kingpin
the Arrogant flame


Dissident Oct 2024
I find myself again
performing the ritual of changes
at the clotting edge of sunset,
where shadows slip silent through reeds
and brackish waters, thick with primordial mist.

The sky blazes indigo,
fades to ochre,
to umber—
and then to that dreamless, colorless hue
nightfall stretches across the horizon,
serene as a young god in asana.

A delta of sandhill cranes rises overhead,
their bugling, sharp, piercing the rugged dusk—
autumnal, deep,
woven from ten thousand shades of mauve, gunmetal, plum.

One older bird lingers behind the flock,
his scarlet brow an open wound
glimmering against the vermilion cut of sky.
He glides, unhurried, in perfect silence.

Listening to their ragged calls,
I feel my body dissolve into the trembling stillness,
brilliant, vast,
time herself, exhales.
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