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NafisaSB Jan 11
The sunlight speeding through the sky
Touching everything – low and high
Touched, in its, travels, a sleepy little town
And helped it discard its old night-gown.
Dawn was bright, spreading the light
Dispelling the shadows from a great height
Before its greatness, night had to bow
It had to pick up its bedding, and go..
Factories began to hum with activity and life
Glad as there were, that there had come a new morn
Whilst women started to sharpen their little kitchen knives
Eager to cook curry, rice or prawn.
Soon, over the town, spread a hustle and a bustle
And in the gym, athletes flexed their strong muscles
A  new day had been ushered in – the old one had gone
The sun smiled benevolently, as a new day was being born…
There will always be someone around you
Who will resent your claim to fame
Do not stress about them
They will soon be caught at their game

Let the jealous ones paint you
To be black like the coal in the ground
But show your true colors and shine out
Like the diamond waiting to be found

If humility is your forte
It will be your armored coat
Neither praise nor disgrace will touch you
And none can rock your boat

Do not let your success
Make you proud and rude
For it’s a’9 day wonder’
As has been always proved

Stay grounded all the time
Even at the height of fame
Let people talk with fondness
When they mention your name
NafisaSB Dec 2024
Friends are flowers in the garden of life
They protect you always from harm and from strife
They are the aspirin when you are feeling unwell
They’ll stick till you recover, like glue or like gel

When you face troubles
They are your shield
They are the players
Who won’t desert the field

They are the reason you smile through your tears
They are the souls who chase away your fears
They are the shoulders on whom you can lean
They protect you from danger – seen or unseen

They are the sun who shine through the rains
They are the remedy when you are facing pain
Treasure these ‘EARTH ANGELS’ who are second to none
For they will stick with you when others leave and run
NafisaSB Nov 2024
I would rather talk about things
Than the people around I know
For then they may talk about things
Rather than talk about me
Since I will value their secrets
And not spill them for all to see :
So keep the gossip you hear
Well within you , friend
For if you open your mouth
You will start an ugly trend –
Then be prepared that people
Will talk about you too
So do not spill their secrets
For you will surely rue.
be careful - a listening ear can also be a running mouth
NafisaSB Dec 2024
The harrying days are gone
We welcome a new dawn
Nothing has changed, but the date
So change your attitude, to change your Fate

If, with life’s struggles, you will cope
You will give birth to a new type of hope
You will overcome, you will succeed
If the seeds of doubt, you do not feed

So stand straight, with chin up,
Smile, and take a chance
Party with your friends
Lead life a merry dance

Here’s to the coming year
May it be good for you
Our prayers and our blessings
And wishes good and true

Are yours for the keeping
Use them well with care
Be safe, be healthy
But It’s time to do and dare

2024 is ending
With a whimper and a sigh
So let 2025 enter
With a note that’s sweet and high
wishing the editorial team and the readers and their families a beautiful new 2025
NafisaSB Jan 3
Its farewell to the old year
And welcome to the new one
Its ‘thank God’ for the old year
And best wishes for the new one.
It’s a permanent adieu to the old year
And bright hopes for the new one
It’s a tear for the old year
And a smile for the new one
It was ‘tough time’ in the last year
But should be ‘smooth sailing’ in the new one
It was a royal kick to the old year
And an obsequious obeisance to the new one.
Wishing each of you an exciting yet safe 2025
NafisaSB Nov 2024
When someone shares a secret
Do you hide it in your heart
Do you honor the promise given
To always keep it locked ?
If not –
Whose secrets have you betrayed ?
Whose boat have you just rocked ?
Whose confidence have you bartered ?
Hose dignity have you socked ??
If yes –
A listening ear
A sealed mouth
Will ensure respect
Without a doubt
Be careful
Whom you vent to
And always be on guard
For covering up spilt secrets is indeed very hard

Respect the privacy of others
As you would want your own
For words are heard to catch
Once they have already flown.
NafisaSB Dec 2024
The steps that you take
Will your reputation make
For if you falter
Your goodwill can also break
So :
Step forward to assist
Step forward to unite
Step back when you are angry
And thirsting for a fight

Step forward to help
Step forward to mend
Step back from gossip
Step back when you can’t fend

Step forward when happy
Step forward to rise
Step back from jealousy
Step back from any lies

Step aside from controversy
Step around ongoing fights
Step happily along with others
Step back from stabbing your brothers

Step up with vigour
Step down when feeling rigour
Step ahead with head held high
Step back whenever you exhale a sigh

Step forward in places known
Be cautious when they are unknown
Step back when danger appears
Stay courageous and still your fears

The steps that you take
Will shape your future life
So let your steps be positive
To avoid dispute and strife
NafisaSB Dec 2024
The waves roll high
They try to reach the sky
The wind blows low
It passes under the prow
The gull poised in [mid] flight
Sees the men in fright
It shrieks with delight –
Its feeding chance is bright.
The clouds, in anguish, roar
As the planes over it, soar
They mumble and they growl
As over the lands they prowl.
The fishes in the deep
Over the corals leap
With glassy eyes they wink
As boats capsize and sink
The storm gathers force
And breaks out in wild fury
Nature is its judge
And Nature is its jury
Wrecking everything
That lies in its way
It’s like a vengeful spirit
That none can hold at bay.
Laughing in delight
At the human’s plight
Its force is almost spent
The air, with screams, is rent.
Holding both its sides
It laughs – till they do split
Its screams, to whispers, die
Its passion is now dry.
Sighing with deep content
Though its back is fully bent
Away with the wind it goes
With many curtsies and bows.
NafisaSB Jan 16
In the lush green landscape
Rose a tiny blob of yellow
So bright and so beautiful
So soft and so mellow

The harbinger of spring
Small and yet so brave
Opened up its petals
To share a tiny wave

Gathering up their strength
Others followed suit
Soon a thousand sunflowers
Bloomed on taking root

It’s the first who leads the way
And inspires sisters and brothers
So let’s learn from the sunflower
And inspire a few others
inspired by a tiny flower in a bed of green grass
NafisaSB Dec 2024
Rejoice one and all
For today is Christmas
Decorate the hall
For today is Christmas

Take out the fairy doll
For today is Christmas
Hang her on the tree in the hall
For today is Christmas

Wrap your presents neatly
For today is Christmas
Present it to relatives sweetly
For today is Christmas

First, remember our Lord
For today is Christmas
For he was the son of God
And today is Christmas

Be charitable today
For today is Christmas
Be happy thro’ the day
For today is Christmas

Decorate the crib
For today is Christmas
Do not tell any fib
For today is Christmas

Eat, and be merry
For today is Christmas
Bring out the holly and cherry
For today is Christmas

Spend the day in visiting
For today is Christmas
As well as in feasting
NafisaSB Jan 24
The rustle of the leaves
The gently swaying palm
The slow refreshing breeze
That acts like a balm

The twittering of the birds
The silently grazing herds
The mist that hides the beauty
The guard who’s going off-duty

The call of the cuckoo
The screech of the peacock
Will herald the dawn
And your senses fully block..

All these sights will meet your eyes
If you go for a walk, around sunrise
So wake up, smile, and greet the day
Nature will, many dividends, pay
serenity unfolded
NafisaSB Dec 2024
When nature calls
How do you feel
Do you, your city layers, peel
And throw them on the grass so green
Do you love to see the peacock preen
And smell the air so pure and clean
Do you, to the game reserves, go
When you are feeling sad and low
For they will give you such delight
And make your heart feel so light
That all the pain will wash away
As you in serene spots do stray..
Feel the wind in your hair
Look out sharp for deer and hare
The jungle is full of beasts and fowl
Here is an eagle, and there an owl
But you will need keen eyes and sharp
If you want to see the butterfly dart
It’s all there for you to see
flora and fauna, bird and bee
so relax, and enjoy the pure fresh air
let the breeze blow away your care
feel the burdens lift and go
see the leaves, bend and bow
It's all just for you, my dear
So wonderful and crystal clear
So don't tarry, for time will fly
while you just moan and sigh
enjoy the sights, hear the sounds
for nature's glory knows no bounds
come, relax, feel at ease
and you will surely feel at peace
this was written after a jungle safari - nature is indeed a good relaxant
Nothing hurts more than a harsh, unkind word
From the mouths of people unnecessarily frank and pert
Insulting others is to be avoided at any cost
Speak one sentence, and then you’re as good as lost.

What urges people to tell stories about others?
Why don’t they treat all as sisters or as brothers
How would they like to hear tales concerning them alone
Wouldn’t they blame the world, wouldn’t they sigh and groan?

Its no use, my friend, you can never assure man
You can never, never, gossiping in the land, ban
Man’s good at making a mountain of a mole-hill
Spreading false rumors, and creating ill-will

Ensnared by material benefits the world provides him with
Man, who is, by the urge to win fame, bit
Forgets all his manners – just brushes them aside
And is enveloped in a snake-skin of venom and of pride

So! where’s the land of our dreams in which we can take pride
Why do people revel in taking others for a ride
Why cant we be engrossed in our own joys and sorrows
A hopeful, expectant, wait for the morrows

Why interfere in other’s affairs when our own work is there
Would we tolerate it if they laid our secrets bare ?
Why tell stories behind the backs, and why insult others
Why not mete out love and respect if all mankind are brothers??

— The End —