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328 · May 2021
Aakriti May 2021
Floating time like a blowing breeze
Trying to stop trying to squeeze
Harder i tried faster it slipped
Leaving me with regrets all in
290 · May 2021
A worthless doll
Aakriti May 2021
Looking back I see nothing
Not a single thing feels ok
Not a single achievement
that I could call mine
Could see nothing coz have nothing to see
After all I am nothing but
a worthless doll

Fell and stood many times
No-one cared whether or not  I was fine
No-one was there to call them mine
Sad, depressed and lonely
all at once
That's none other than this
worthless doll
275 · Jun 2021
After you left
Aakriti Jun 2021
My mind hates you
So does my heart
But on a fine day
I get a urge to talk to you once
My wish vs me
At last i win
But the part of me that lost
Makes me sad
And no now i don't cry for you
But's really hard to feel happy without you
231 · Jul 2021
Do you see that too?
Aakriti Jul 2021
The sky is mourning with me
expressing the grief
of losing you.
Pitter patter the drops fall
With a sudden downpour beginning.
My deep rooted pain starts flowing out.
Lightens my heart
That had been aching since forever.
The suffocation is over
The pain of loving you is gone.
I could smell my freedom in the air
179 · Jul 2021
Aakriti Jul 2021
Dreams in the eyes
Hope in the words
Wishes in the heart
The fear of being criticized
Ruined them all
176 · Jun 2021
A new day or the same?
Aakriti Jun 2021
Here begins another day
With a new excitement for future
Curiosity to see what will happen next
Another day wasted
Wondering about next
142 · Nov 2021
No way to escape
Aakriti Nov 2021
Tied to what i want to free from
Returning to what i want to run from
Attached to what i want to detach from
Haunted by what i want to forget
Passing by same point in this maze, again.
130 · May 2021
You will find me
Aakriti May 2021
You will find me,
In the wind that blows when you are burning in the sun
In the gentle touch that will give you the comfort you want
In the voice that gives you hope in despair
In the moonlight that will be your consociate in the lonely nights
In the hand that will help you stand
In the words that will show you the path

You will find me wherever you want
122 · May 2021
Love wasn't enough
Aakriti May 2021
Love wasn't enough
Love wasn't enough to tie us together
To keep our relation living
To let go of all the worries
To enjoy ever little thing with each other
To make our "happily ever after"

After all we lived in the society and
it has the "power"
to control us
to decide whether or not
we could be together
it made the decision
to separate us

Sadly love was not enough
113 · Jul 2021
Nature is loving me
Aakriti Jul 2021
Wind is blowing
Tangling my hair
Detangling my thoughts
Embracing me, all
Celebrating my scars
Pushing me to grow
Holding my back
Filing me with courage
Making me strong.

Leaves are fluttering
Telling me its ok
Honouring my attempt
Cheering me up for another try

Nature is loving me
99 · May 2021
Aakriti May 2021
Stridulating crickets and the moonlit sky;
Chirping birds and the glowing sun;
Fluttering leaves spreading sprinkles of water;
Takes me to the time when 'you' and 'me' were 'us'
94 · May 2021
A ray of hope
Aakriti May 2021
About to give up
losing all hopes
sinking in the fear
with pieces of hearts
scattered all over
he came in the dark room
to be the light
gave me the sight
to see the side which was bright
he was the ray of hope
taught me how to cope
and helped me reach to the top of the *****

— The End —