I am always
Praying for you
Every single night
I never miss a night
That I just don’t pray
For you my father
And in my prayer
I ask you to remove
The stress
That I am having
Every single day
Father I just
Have a hard time
Coping with my stress
Can you teach me
How to cope with my stress
Because I would love
To know from your father
The best way I should
Cope with my stress
Also, I am happy that
I have you in my life
Every single day
I just could not live
Without you
I am also glad
That I am one of your sons
Also, I am your oldest son
The youngest children
That you have are now
There childhood life
Ended so fast
And It is hard for me
To believe
That they already lived
There childhood life
Yes father your teenagers
Are also growing so fast