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aldo kraas May 2021
Every day life
I spend here on earth
With my brothers
That my father had made
In his image
We are grateful for the
Beautiful life that
We live each day
Praying for our father
First thing in the morning
When we wake up in the morning
We feel refreshed
Also we live the windows open
In our house
So we can hear the birds singing
For us first thing in the morning
It take our breath away
Also today we are all grown up
We had lived our baby lives
A long time ago
And at that time we had been
Baptized with the holy water
Also our father welcome
Us into his family
Then we started to live our childhood life
We also play with each other
We had to share our toys with the rest
Of our brothers
Every single day
When our childhood life was over
We begin living our teenager lives
At that time we had our confirmation
And at that day we had been
Thrilled that we were confirmed
Also our teenager lives ended
Very fast
And we started our adult life
At our adult life we had our
Also we had been thrilled about our
Also we learned to pray at our communion
To our brothers and our father
Also we never lied to our father
We are very honest
And our father can trust us
A 100 percent
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Every man
Was made by
With his holy hands
Also after
He made
Every man
He placed them
To live on earth
Yes father
Every man
Also loves to live
Here on earth
Also they have
A good life
That you father
Gave to them
aldo kraas May 2021
Every now and then
I pray to  my father every single night
Before I go to bed
And then after I finish praying to my father
I go to sleep
Every now and then
A have a million dreams
That I have dream while
I was sleeping
Every now and then
I can be very happy with my dreams
Because I had dream with
Beloved ones
That had  before me
Every now and then
I work on my work for my father
I write some poems
Also my father gives me the
Inspiration to write
I have written some dark poetry
I personally don't like the poetry
Because I find it depressing
I like when I write the happy poetry
Now and then
Some nights I spend
The nights with my friends
All my friends have respect for me
They respect my race
And my religion
Also I respect my friends
I respect there race and religion
Also my friends accept me the way I am
I don't need to change anything
I am responsible for my anger
I try to keep it cool
Also I am responsible for my behavior
aldo kraas May 2021
Every tear drop
I had cried
Every single day
When you saw me
It had left you sad
But you had
Wiped my tears
That was rolling
Down my face
With a tissue paper
And I had tried
So hard to stop
But I had a difficult time
Stopping my tears from
Falling down my face
End I told the
Truth I was having
My sad moments
aldo kraas Oct 2021
That I have my father
Gave to me
My beautiful life
Here on earth I am
Every single day
I never sleep in during the day
Because if i do that
I won’t sleep at night
My father also gave me
The gift of health
That I need to be alive
Without health I can’t live
Also I no longer have good
Heath because I have my depression
And I am living with it
Also my father gave me
My hearth
That pump my blood
All over my body
He also gave me the red blood
And the white blood
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Everything I do for my father
Every night before
I go to sleep
I pray for my father
And in my prayer
I ask my father
To give me some health father
Because I no longer have
Good health
Also I am an old man
Also father
I am already tire
I am going to sleep now
All through the night
Father don't worry about me
I will get plenty of sleep tonight
And tomorrow I will wake up
Feeling refreshed
Tomorrow I will work in
Your garden
Removing the weeds
That is a hard job to do
I had learned fast
What are plants
And weeds
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Everything I own
My father gave to me
He gave
My life that I am
Living every single
Day here on earth
To the fullest
Everything I own
Some health that
I must take care of it
Everything I own
I own my pride
Everything I own
I own some feelings
That my father gave to me
I am not a vegetable friends
Friends don't call me
A vegetable
Because you are
Hurting my feelings
Also friends it was
My father that made me
In his image
He gave me some
Grey curly hair
That I hate very much
Also he gave me
Brown eyes
Also I  am not living
Alone here on earth
I am living
With friends
That you also
Made them
In your image
A long time ago
Also me and my friends
Are rich in spirit
Father you had given
As freedom in our lives
And we also are happy
To be free
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Everything must change
In our lives
We must let God
Enter in our hearts
And wash our hearts
And make it whiter than
Also we are God's child
aldo kraas Jul 2021
Every time I think of you
My father
I never forget that it was you
That had died in the cross
For my sin
And you also had cried
Every time I think of you
I will never forget that
Was you that made me
With you holy hands
Also you had placed me
Here on earth to live
My father
Also Father I must tell you
How much I love to
Live on earth
Also father please understand
That I don’t want to die young
Because I  still have a life ahead of me
To live
Every time I think of
My father
Many years ago I was only a baby
You had a hard job
Changing my diapers
And also changing my  clothes
Also father I remember that you had
Feed me some home made baby food
Also you had taken me for walks on
My stroller
To the park every single day
And there while you push the stroller
I go to sleep in my stroller
Also My father hears the beautiful sound
The birds
Also I never forget that it was my father
That made the birds with his holy hands
Yes my father made also the sky with no clouds
And the birds also fly very high in the sky
My father had also created the four season’s
For as to live
We are now in the Summer
aldo kraas May 2021
My dear father
I don’t know how come
I am feeling so exhausted
Please understand that
Tonight I will not be able to pray
To you
I have to go straight to bed
And hope that I get a good night
Please father I ask you not
To be punished tonight
I promise you that tomorrow night
I will pray to you
You can always count on me
I am not lying my father
I am telling you the truth
aldo kraas May 2021
My dear father
I don’t know how come
I am feeling so exhausted
Please understand that
Tonight I will not be able to pray
To you
I have to go straight to bed
And hope that I get a good night
Please father I ask you not
To be punished tonight
I promise you that tomorrow night
I will pray to you
You can always count on me
I am not lying my father
I am telling you the truth
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Eyes to eyes
They have eye contact
With each other
One can see their fear in their eyes
The other just look
And don't say anything
Eyes to eyes
It is almost like they are talking to each other
They are talking non verbal
Eyes to eyes
Sometimes you can see each other’s feelings
Eyes to eyes
The feelings are anger, sometimes sadness, Sometimes anxiety,
And sometimes happiness
Sometimes the eyes are tired
Sending a signal that needs its rest
Eyes to eyes
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Eyes to eyes
They have eye contact
With each other
One can see their fear in their eyes
The other just look
And don't say anything
Eyes to eyes
It is almost like they are talking to each other
They are talking non verbal
Eyes to eyes
Sometimes you can see each other’s feelings
Eyes to eyes
The feelings are anger, sometimes sadness, Sometimes anxiety,
And sometimes happiness
Sometimes the eyes are tired
Sending a signal that needs its rest
Eyes to eyes
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Eyes to eyes
They have eye contact
With each other
One can see their fear in their eyes
The other just look
And don't say anything
Eyes to eyes
It is almost like they are talking to each other
They are talking non verbal
Eyes to eyes
Sometimes you can see each other’s feelings
Eyes to eyes
The feelings are anger, sometimes sadness, Sometimes anxiety,
And sometimes happiness
Sometimes the eyes are tired
Sending a signal that needs its rest
Eyes to eyes
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Eyes to eyes
They have eye contact
With each other
One can see their fear in their eyes
The other just look
And don't say anything
Eyes to eyes
It is almost like they are talking to each other
They are talking non verbal
Eyes to eyes
Sometimes you can see each other’s feelings
Eyes to eyes
The feelings are anger, sometimes sadness, Sometimes anxiety,
And sometimes happiness
Sometimes the eyes are tired
Sending a signal that needs its rest
eyes to eyes
aldo kraas Jun 2024
I saw today
The peoples
Some have grumpy faces
Some have tired faces
Some have
Sad faces
And also they
Are crying
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I saw today
The peoples
Some have grumpy faces
Some have tired faces
Some have
Sad faces
And also they
Are crying
aldo kraas Oct 2021
My friend is praying for you Lord
He needs you in his heart
So please Lord
Enter my friends heart right now
Because tomorrow will be too late
And I want you to
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be courageous my friend
And have faith in the Lord my friend
Heaven is waiting for you right now my friend
And I wish you
Farewell my friend
And I hope that you
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be a good servant to the Lord my friend
My friend will you praise the Lord today?
aldo kraas Sep 2023
My friend is praying for you Lord
He needs you in his heart
So please Lord
Enter my friends heart right now
Because tomorrow will be too late
And I want you to
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be courageous my friend
And have faith in the Lord my friend
Heaven is waiting for you right now my friend
And I wish you
Farewell my friend
And I hope that you
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be a good servant to the Lord my friend
My friend will you praise the Lord today?
aldo kraas Sep 2023
My friend is praying for you Lord
He needs you in his heart
So please Lord
Enter my friend's heart right now
Because tomorrow will be too late
And I want you to
Find your faith in the Lord, my friend
Be courageous my friend
And have faith in the Lord, my friend
Heaven is waiting for you right now my friend
And I wish you
Farewell my friend
And I hope that you
Find your faith in the Lord, my friend
Be a good servant to the Lord my friend
My friend will you praise the Lord today?
aldo kraas Jun 2024
My friend is praying for you Lord
He needs you in his heart
So please Lord
Enter my friends heart right now
Because tomorrow will be too late
And I want you to
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be courageous my friend
And have faith in the Lord my friend
Heaven is waiting for you right now my friend
And I wish you
Farewell my friend
And I hope that you
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be a good servant to the Lord my friend
My friend will you praise the Lord today?
aldo kraas Sep 2023
My friend is praying for you Lord
He needs you in his heart
So please Lord
Enter my friends heart right now
Because tomorrow will be too late
And I want you to
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be courageous my friend
And have faith in the Lord my friend
Heaven is waiting for you right now my friend
And I wish you
Farewell my friend
And I hope that you
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be a good servant to the Lord my friend
My friend will you praise the Lord today?
aldo kraas Aug 2023
My friend is praying for you Lord
He needs you in his heart
So please Lord
Enter my friends heart right now
Because tomorrow will be too late
And I want you to
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be courageous my friend
And have faith in the Lord my friend
Heaven is waiting for you right now my friend
And I wish you
Farewell my friend
And I hope that you
Find your faith in the Lord my friend
Be a good servant to the Lord my friend
My friend will you praise the Lord today?
aldo kraas May 2021
My father
I am always
Faithful to you
So you don’t
Have to worry
About that
Father I trust you
That you will
Do a better job
Looking after me
Because I just
Do a terrible job
Looking after me
Father I have
A hard time
And you
Just do it better
Than me
Also father
You do a good
Job when you
Give me a shower
Also you do
A good job
Feeding me
I never starve once
In my life
And I am grateful
For all the things
You do for me
aldo kraas May 2021
Faithfully yours
We are all you children
That you created with
You holy hands
A long time ago
And you also had
Placed as here on
Earth to live
Many years ago
We must say
That we are not
Crazy about living on
Because on earth
Is full of violence
That we hate
And we have seen
All of it
We are are waiting
For a long time
To go to heaven
And maybe in heaven
We will se only peace
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Fall will arrive soon
Now we are at the
End of Summer
I must say that
I hate when the Summer ends
Because the birds migrate
South for the winter
And I will not see then
Until next spring
Yes the leaves are also
Changing its color
From green to gold
Also when Fall arrives
The hot days will end
And I will have to
Put my Summer clothes away
And start to wear
My Winter clothes
Now it is also cold
Every single day
Now we had changed the clocks
One hour back
Also, the days are shorter now
And to be honest with you
I don’t like that at all
It gets dark every day
At 5:00 pm
I find that very depressing
At 8:00 pm I go to bed
Every single night
I never wake up in the
Middle of the night
I also sleep like a log
aldo kraas Jun 2024
Fall will arrive soon
Now we are at the
End of Summer
I must say that
I hate when the Summer ends
Because the birds migrate
South for the winter
And I will not see then
Until next spring
Yes the leaves are also
Changing its color
From green to gold
Also when Fall arrives
The hot days will end
And I will have to
Put my Summer clothes away
And start to wear
My Winter clothes
Now it is also cold
Every single day
Now we had changed the clocks
One hour back
Also, the days are shorter now
And to be honest with you
I don’t like that at all
It gets dark every day
At 5:00 pm
I find that very depressing
At 8:00 pm I go to bed
Every single night
I never wake up in the
Middle of the night
I also sleep like a log
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Fall will arrive soon
Now we are at the
End of Summer
I must say that
I hate when the Summer ends
Because the birds migrate
South for the winter
And I will not see then
Until next spring
Yes the leaves are also
Changing its color
From green to gold
Also when Fall arrives
The hot days will end
And I will have to
Put my Summer clothes away
And start to wear
My Winter clothes
Now it is also cold
Every single day
Now we had changed the clocks
One hour back
Also, the days are shorter now
And to be honest with you
I don’t like that at all
It gets dark every day
At 5:00 pm
I find that very depressing
At 8:00 pm I go to bed
Every single night
I never wake up in the
Middle of the night
I also sleep like a log
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Fall will arrive soon
Now we are at the
End of Summer
I must say that
I hate when the Summer ends
Because the birds migrate
South for the winter
And I will not see then
Until next spring
Yes the leaves are also
Changing its color
From green to gold
Also when Fall arrives
The hot days will end
And I will have to
Put my Summer clothes away
And start to wear
My Winter clothes
Now it is also cold
Every single day
Now we had changed the clocks
One hour back
Also, the days are shorter now
And to be honest with you
I don’t like that at all
It gets dark every day
At 5:00 pm
I find that very depressing
At 8:00 pm I go to bed
Every single night
I never wake up in the
Middle of the night
I also sleep like a log
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Fall will arrive soon
Now we are at the
End of Summer
I must say that
I hate when the Summer ends
Because the birds migrate
South for the winter
And I will not see then
Until next spring
Yes the leaves are also
Changing its color
From green to gold
Also when Fall arrives
The hot days will end
And I will have to
Put my Summer clothes away
And start to wear
My Winter clothes
Now it is also cold
Every single day
Now we had changed the clocks
One hour back
Also, the days are shorter now
And to be honest with you
I don’t like that at all
It gets dark every day
At 5:00 pm
I find that very depressing
At 8:00 pm I go to bed
Every single night
I never wake up in the
Middle of the night
I also sleep like a log
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Fall will arrive soon
Now we are at the
End of Summer
I must say that
I hate when the Summer ends
Because the birds migrate
South for the winter
And I will not see then
Until next spring
Yes the leaves are also
Changing its color
From green to gold
Also when Fall arrives
The hot days will end
And I will have to
Put my Summer clothes away
And start to wear
My Winter clothes
Now it is also cold
Every single day
Now we had changed the clocks
One hour back
Also, the days are shorter now
And to be honest with you
I don’t like that at all
It gets dark every day
At 5:00 pm
I find that very depressing
At 8:00 pm I go to bed
Every single night
I never wake up in the
Middle of the night
I also sleep like a log
aldo kraas Sep 2021
There were so many fallen soldiers
That died in the war
They never made back home
They were very young
They sacrifice their life for us
So, that we could have peace
And every Remembrance Day
We honor our fallen soldiers
By paying one minute of silence
Around the world
aldo kraas May 2021
There were so many fallen soldiers
That died in the war
They never made back home
They were very young
They sacrifice their life for us
So, that we could have peace
And every Remembrance Day
We honor our fallen soldiers
By paying one minute of silence
Around the world
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Falling for you
My father that is
The third time now
And I must tell
I am happy
To fall in love
With you
Also I don’t see
Anything wrong about
Do you see wrong about
That my father?
Please tell me no
I know that you have made
Me many years ago
And I am you son
Until the day I die
For now i have a life
To live with you my father
Here on earth
Until the day I die
Please father don’t you
Let me die now
Because I am still
Too young for that
Keep it in your mind
aldo kraas May 2021
Tonight, we meet each other for the first time
And I finally fell in love with you
Also, I can’t believe that this is happening
But it is happening
I think we were meant for each other
Girl I want to tell you that I love you
I think It was God that send you to me
And I want you in my life
I would be lonely without you in my life
Let kiss each other
Girl I will never hurt you
Girl I will be your men forever
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Fall will arrive soon
Now we are at the
End of Summer
I must say that
I hate when the Summer ends
Because the birds migrate
South for the winter
And I will not see then
Until next spring
Yes the leaves are also
Changing its color
From green to gold
Also when Fall arrives
The hot days will end
And I will have to
Put my Summer clothes away
And start to wear
My Winter clothes
Now it is also cold
Every single day
Now we had changed the clocks
One hour back
Also, the days are shorter now
And to be honest with you
I don’t like that at all
It gets dark every day
At 5:00 pm
I find that very depressing
At 8:00 pm I go to bed
Every single night
I never wake up in the
Middle of the night
I also sleep like a log
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Falo a verdade
To my father
Every single day
To my father
I never lied
To my father once
And I know that
My father hate lies
And If I tell my father
He is going to punish me
To be honest with you
Father I rather tell the truth
Also I hate punish by you
And I also think
That I am too old
To be punish
Father I am an adult now
And also very mature
Also father thanks for
The freedom you had
Given to me
I just love to have
The freedom i Have
In my life
I also plan my life
Every single day
I know what I am
Doing every day
With my life
Yes my father owns my life
And my life is in my father hands
We have a good relationship
Like father and son
And I don’t want to end the
Relationship I have with my father
I want to keep working hard
On our relationship until the day
I die and go to heaven
Also I must tell you that
I am so proud of you my father
Also I know that you love me without limits
And I am very happy to know that
Also today you finally brought the Summer for me
And I must tell you that I was having enough
Of the Winter my father
Now I will finally spend more
Time during the day
Walking in the park
And I will also listen again
To the birds singing their beautiful
Song to me
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Falo a verdade
To my father
Every single day
To my father
I never lied
To my father once
And I know that
My father hate lies
And If I tell my father
He is going to punish me
To be honest with you
Father I rather tell the truth
Also I hate punish by you
And I also think
That I am too old
To be punish
Father I am an adult now
And also very mature
Also father thanks for
The freedom you had
Given to me
I just love to have
The freedom i Have
In my life
I also plan my life
Every single day
I know what I am
Doing every day
With my life
Yes my father owns my life
And my life is in my father hands
We have a good relationship
Like father and son
And I don’t want to end the
Relationship I have with my father
I want to keep working hard
On our relationship until the day
I die and go to heaven
Also I must tell you that
I am so proud of you my father
Also I know that you love me without limits
And I am very happy to know that
Also today you finally brought the Summer for me
And I must tell you that I was having enough
Of the Winter my father
Now I will finally  spend more
Time during the day
Walking in the park
And I will also listen again
To the birds singing there beautiful
Song  to me
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Falo a verdade
To my father
Every single day
To my father
I never lied
To my father once
And I know that
My father hate lies
And If I tell my father
He is going to punish me
To be honest with you
Father I rather tell the truth
Also I hate punish by you
And I also think
That I am too old
To be punish
Father I am an adult now
And also very mature
Also father thanks for
The freedom you had
Given to me
I just love to have
The freedom i Have
In my life
I also plan my life
Every single day
I know what I am
Doing every day
With my life
Yes my father owns my life
And my life is in my father hands
We have a good relationship
Like father and son
And I don’t want to end the
Relationship I have with my father
I want to keep working hard
On our relationship until the day
I die and go to heaven
Also I must tell you that
I am so proud of you my father
Also I know that you love me without limits
And I am very happy to know that
Also today you finally brought the Summer for me
And I must tell you that I was having enough
Of the Winter my father
Now I will finally spend more
Time during the day
Walking in the park
And I will also listen again
To the birds singing there beautiful
Song to me
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Fantasy Island
Is now a part
Of our dreams
Because we all
Had dreams
Fantasy Island
Last night
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Fantasy Island
Is now a part
Of our dreams
Because we all
Had dreams
Fantasy Island
Last night
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Fantasy Island
Is now a part
Of our dreams
Because we all
Had dreams
Fantasy Island
Last night
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Fantasy Island
Is now a part
Of our dreams
Because we all
Had dreams
Fantasy Island
Last night
aldo kraas Jun 2024
Even though I didn’t know you
I wish you happiness in heaven
Rest my little Farah
No one will bother you anymore
There is no violence to see anymore
My heart is with you my little Farah
Let the peace of the good Lord be with you
Your face will shine everyday in the sun
Your spirit is here with us
You are in our hearts, mind, and soul
The light of the Lord will shine upon you
You will be missed by the people in your community
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Farewell for now
I am just saying
Farewell for now
To those that hates
My guts
I have no Idea why
Some people
Don't like me at all
Because I am very religious
And some people think
That I am a religious fanatic
To tell you the truth
I should not worry about
What people thinks about
Me but I am also thinking about that
All the time
Also people don't think that I am
Normal when I am thinking
About me
They say that I am a sick person
And that is not true at all
Because they are laying
About me
Of course my friends care for me
And also they are happy for me
Also they tell me that it is a good
Thing that I am a religious person
I also know that it is impossible
To live without God in my life
Of course I should be happy
That God belongs in my life
Also he keeps me alive every day
Here on the planet earth
It was God that made me
With his holy hands
And placed me here on earth
To live for a long time
God told to me forgive
Those that hate my guts
But they don't know what they
Are doing
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Eu tenho bastante
I will never insult you
My father
Because you will be
Upset with me father
End I don’t want to make you
Upset father
I know that I am you son
And I should have lots of respect
For you
That is what You need from me
Father you don’t need to worry
Because I will treat you with respect
Also father you made me
In you image
58 years ago
And I am happy that I am you son
Also you are keeping me alive
Every single day here on earth
And I must thank you
For giving me
A beautiful life here on earth
And I must tell you that
I just love living on earth
I also have good friends
That you also made my friends
In you image
aldo kraas Sep 2021
I been missing you
During Winter
What are you up too?
Are you hiding from me?
Please come back to me
Father because I been missing you
All through the winter
Father I am still praying for you
Every single night
I never forget to pray
Father you are keeping  me alive
Every single day
I am missing the hot weather
Please tell me when are you going
To bring back to me the spring
That I just love very much
Yes father the winter
I must tell you  that I just
Because there is no sun
Only gray sky
I find it very depressing
Now all the birds migrated south
aldo kraas Sep 2021
You are mine forever
And I am so happy
That you belong in my life
I could never lived without in
In my life
I must tell you father
I appreciate all the things
That you gave me
That I also have in my life
I have some health
And I look after my health
Every single day
Because that is very
I also look after my hygiene
I take a shower
Every morning
To be clean
I rub the soap  into my skin
And the soap removes the dirt
From my skin
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Eu tenho bastante
I will never insult you
My father
Because you will be
Upset with me father
End I don’t want to make you
Upset father
I know that I am you son
And I should have lots of respect
For you
That is what You need from me
Father you don’t need to worry
Because I will treat you with respect
Also father you made me
In you image
58 years ago
And I am happy that I am you son
Also you are keeping me alive
Every single day here on earth
And I must thank you
For giving me
A beautiful life here on earth
And I must tell you that
I just love living on earth
I also have good friends
That you also made my friends
In you image
aldo kraas Sep 2021
Your love alone is not enough
You need to give us a lot
More love than
What we are receiving
Father don't think that
We are lying to you
Because we are telling you the truth
We know that lies won't get us
Father we don't want to be punished
By you
Because that would be terrible
So we are always being honest to you
We know that we also
Have to live by you rules
And you are very restricted with you
Father you also had put us to live
Here on earth to live
After you made us with you holy hands
Also we are all brother's
We are very happy that
We also live on earth
We must say that we are used now to the earth
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