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aldo kraas Oct 2023
Spend most of the days with me
Because I want him to be a kid
Just like the rest in his community
You need to play everyday with the
Kids in you community
And also to learn to socialize
With other kids
It was my father that created
You in his image
And placed you here on earth to live
You life every single day
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Spend most of the days with me
Because I want him to be a kid
Just like the rest in his community
You need to play everyday with the
Kids in you community
And also to learn to socialize
With other kids
It was my father that created
You in his image
And placed you here on earth to live
You life every single day
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Every day
After lunch
I have my ciesta
and I wake
up at 4:00 pm
Every single day
Because I am
Always tired my father
aldo kraas Jun 2024
Every day
After lunch
I have my ciesta
and I wake
up at 4:00 pm
Every single day
Because I am
Always tired my father
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The sky is always blue in the city of beggars
There is not much green in the city of beggars
There are buildings being built so fast in the city of beggars
In every corner that you encounter
The city of beggars are growing so fast
And in the city of beggars lives 30 million people
The air is not that good in the city of beggars
Because of the factories and the cars
The city of beggars never sleep
The noise goes on 24 hours a day
It is not safe to walk in the street of beggars
Because you can get robbed and killed at any time of the night or day
The traffic is chaotic in the city of beggars
Thanks God there is no snow in the city of beggars
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The sky is always blue in the city of beggars
There is not much green in the city of beggars
There are buildings being built so fast in the city of beggars
In every corner that you encounter
The city of beggars are growing so fast
And in the city of beggars lives 30 million people
The air is not that good in the city of beggars
Because of the factories and the cars
The city of beggars never sleep
The noise goes on 24 hours a day
It is not safe to walk in the street of beggars
Because you can get robbed and killed at any time of the night or day
The traffic is chaotic in the city of beggars
Thanks God there is no snow in the city of beggars
aldo kraas Oct 2023
So expensive
Full of luxury
For those that can afford
Only if they have money
Full of parks
For the kids to play hockey for free
aldo kraas Sep 2023
So expensive
Full of luxury
For those that can afford
Only if they have money
Full of parks
For the kids to play hockey for free
aldo kraas Oct 2023
So expensive
Full of luxury
For those that can afford
Only if they have money
Full of parks
For the kids to play hockey for free
aldo kraas Aug 2023
So expensive
Full of luxury
For those that can afford
Only if they have money
Full of parks
For the kids to play hockey for free
aldo kraas Sep 2023
So expensive
Full of luxury
For those that can afford
Only if they have money
Full of parks
For the kids to play hockey for free
aldo kraas Oct 2023
We don't see eye to eye
We have different opinion
About my will
I already done my will
And it is my money that
I work so hard for it
I will live to a charity
Yes they need it more
Than you and me
You are already rich
And also very greedy
When it comes to money
Money is your God
I am very poor compared to
I am mining my own business
And I
wish that you would mind
Your own business
I won't leave a penny for
You when I die
I will leave it all to charity
I already made my mind
Mom  always told me that
You are worst than dad
Poor mother she must be
Spinning in her grave
I am very hurt when you
Talk to me about the will
You seem to have lost your
I am sorry to say that
Yes it is true Claudio
And I only speak the truth
Claudio I am a Christian
Claudio you are not a Christian
Also I always pray to my God
And It is  God that made us
With his holy hands
We are brothers
And we are made the
Same flesh
Today is mother's birthday
I can't get her out of my mind
But the good thing is that
I finally have freedom
I am happy to be living free
Here on earth
My friends are my family
And Canada is my home
For the last 43 years
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Clean conscience
I never
Drove my friends crazy
I treat my friends with
And they want to be
Respected by me
I have no problem with that
Also my friends have
Respect for me
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I need to have
Some clever conversation
With you friends
Also I don't want
To have silly conversation
With you friends
Because it doesn't make
Any sense to me
And the clever conversation
Makes a lot of sense to me
We discus everything that
I need help with
Now you found out
That I need help with
My anger issue
That I have
Please friends teach me
To control my anger
Because I am desperate
To work in solving
My anger issue
Today with you
Before it gets bad
Than it is already is
Yes friends
The days are ending right now
Because now it is 9:00 PM
And the sun went down
We also saw
The sunset
Now the night arrived
I will take my meds
With some water
And some food
Then I am going
Finally to sleep
Also friends thanks for
Helping me to solve
My anger issue
aldo kraas May 2021
Today the clocks changed forward
End the winter finally ended
We all sad good bye to the
I was glad that long winter
End I sad welcome to the spring
I finally put my winter clothes away
And I start to wear my Summer Clothes
T-shirt shorts and running shoes
Also I was glad to hear the songs of the birds
That came back home
End I must say that the songs
Of the birds takes my breath away
End now we have longer days
It gets dark at night
At 8:00 pm
And when the night comes
I go straight to bed
And I never get up in the middle
Of the night
I sleep all through the night
Every single night
aldo kraas Feb 2024
Close to me
My friends are very
Close to me
We also have a good
Relationship with each other
Also we treat each other
With respect
We also respect each other's race
And religion
We also pray together
Every morning for God
aldo kraas Jun 2024
Close to me
My friends are very
Close to me
We also have a good
Relationship with each other
Also we treat each other
With respect
We also respect each other's race
And religion
We also pray together
Every morning for God
aldo kraas May 2021
I am so happy that
I am close to you
And also father
We have a good
Father and son
Father you made me
Many years ago
With you holy hands
And you also
Placed me on earth
To live
I am also very happy
That I am living
On earth every single day
aldo kraas Sep 2023
When will the cold war that is going on in the world end?
I think it is so sad that the children have to live inthe coiuntries that they Have cold wars
But the children are the victim of this cold war because sometimes they End up killed by bombs that they fired in the air
And the children becomes the innocent victim of the cold war
I also wished that I could bring some children out of the countries that Are in war to save them and give them a life here in Canada that they Don't have at home
aldo kraas Sep 2023
When will the cold war that
Is going on in the world end?
I think it is so sad
That the children have to live in the countries that they have cold Wars
But the children are the victim of this cold war because sometimes they End up
killed by bombs that they fired in the air
And the children becomes the innocent victims  of the cold war
I also wished that I could bring some children out of the countries That are in war to save them and give
Them a life here in Canada
That they don't have at home
aldo kraas Aug 2021
Come away with us
To another world
That God will be
With the fishermen and me
Sailing with me
Many days
To get away to
A  peaceful world
Where we won’t
See violence
That land is where
God was born in
Many years ago
The land is called
There we will meet
Some of God’s friends
That he haven’t seen
Then in years
We can’t forget that God’s
Friends are also Jewish like him
I have no problem with the
Jewish people
When we got there with the fishermen
The first thing we did was to fish
The fish
And also bless the food before we ate
Today the weather was good in
Also God and the fishermen
Had finished fishing at 12:00 pm
And also they had cleaned the fish
And they sold the fish
To the local people
And God’s people love him
Very much
At 5;00 pm we had sailed
To Dusseldorf  
At 9:00 pm we had docked
The ship
And also it was a beautiful Summer night
We had taken a look in the sky
And there had been lots of stars and the moon
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come back always my God
Because right now
I need you
And I am having some trouble with my illness
I am being brave God
Because it is very hard for me right now
But I hope that you can help me
God please support me with my illness
And make sure I get better soon
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come back always my God
Because right now
I need you
And I am having some trouble with my illness
I am being brave God
Because it is very hard for me right now
But I hope that you can help me
God please support me with my illness
And make sure I get better soon
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come back always my God
Because right now
I need you
And I am having some trouble with my illness
I am being brave God
Because it is very hard for me right now
But I hope that you can help me
God please support me with my illness
And make sure I get better soon
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Come back always my God
Because right now
I need you
And I am having some trouble with my illness
I am being brave God
Because it is very hard for me right now
But I hope that you can help me
God please support me with my illness
And make sure I get better soon
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Come back always my God
Because right now
I need you
And I am having some trouble with my illness
I am being brave God
Because it is very hard for me right now
But I hope that you can help me
God please support me with my illness
And make sure I get better soon
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come back home
Dear father
Please hurry up
And come home
Because there are lots
Of people
That needs you here
At home
Some are very sick
With different illness
That are no more cure
Doctors have done
All they could for them
Now there sickness
Lays in your hands God
Because you are there
And the people
That are sick
Is waiting for there last straw
Of course the sick people
Are afraid to die
They don’t want to die
They want a miracle in there lives
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come back to me
My father
Because I want
Also to be heal
From my depression
Because I want to be
Healed right away
From my depression
Why are you taking so long
Father to heal me?
Father am I asking too
Much of you
Please tell me, father
When you speak
To me
Also, father don’t make
Any excuses when you
Speak to me
Also father I am very tired
Of waiting for you to heal me
I am not lying to you
I am telling you the truth
Also, don’t forget that
I am one of your sons
That you made
Many years ago
With your holy hands
And you had placed me
Here on earth to live
Also with my siblings
Father me and my siblings
Loves to live
Here on earth
Every single day
And father you are also
Keeping us alive
Here on earth
Also, we want to thank you
By doing that for us
Also father we are happy
That you also brought
The Spring for us
Also, we are happy
That the long Winter that
We had is now over
And also you brought
Back the birds with you
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Come back to me
My father
Because I want
Also to be heal
From my depression
Because I want to be
Heal right away
From my depression
Why are you taking so long
Father to heal me?
Father am I asking too
Much of you
Please tell me, father
When you speak
To me
Also, father don’t make
Any excuses when you
Speak to me
Also father I am very tired
Of waiting for you to heal me
I am not lying to you
I am telling you the truth
Also, don’t forget that
I am one of your sons
That you made
Many years ago
With your holy hands
And you had placed me
Here on earth to live
Also with my siblings
Father me and my siblings
Loves to live
Here on earth
Every single day
And father you are also
Keeping us alive
Here on earth
Also, we want to thank you
By doing that for us
Also father we are happy
That you also brought
The Spring for us
Also, we are happy
That the long Winter that
We had is now over
And also you brought
Back the birds with you
aldo kraas Aug 2021
Começando de novo
A new life here on
Earth with new friends
That I had chosen
To be a part of my life
Also they want my friendship
And I also need there friendship
Also they accept me for being
A disable men
Also they agree to teach me
How to control my temper
Because that is something
That I must deal with it
And it is so ashamed that
I have bed anger
aldo kraas May 2021
Começando de novo
A new life here on
Earth with new friends
That I had chosen
To be a part of my life
Also they want my friendship
And I also need there friendship
Also they accept me for being
A disable men
Also they agree to teach me
How to control my temper
Because that is something
That I must deal with it
And it is so ashamed that
I have bed anger
aldo kraas Jul 2021
Come closer to me
God’s children
Please remember that
I am you oldest brother
That also was made by
God with his holy hands
I might die any day  now
Because I lived all that
I supposed to live here
On earth
And it is God that owns
Our lives
I am telling you the truth brothers
And also our lives is in God’s hands
Yes I know that the day I die
End leave the earth
Will be a sad day for you brothers
But God didn’t made us to live
We all are going do die some day
We also get older every year
We can’t stop getting old
It was also God that made life
That way
We also going to age gracefully
And we can’t stop that also
When I be in heaven brothers
I will be resting in heaven
And I won’t have my depression anymore
I will be cured from my depression
Also the good thing will be that
I will my loved ones that died before me
Also brothers I was missing my loved ones
For a long time
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Come now
And let  my father
In to you heart
So that he can
Wash you  heart
And make it
Whiter than
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Come on lets go
And enjoy another
Beautiful day
That our God
Deliver to as
During the summer
No we are not going
To waste a beautiful
Summer day
Sleeping in
If we sleep during the day
We won't sleep at night
And enjoy another
Beautiful day
That our God
Deliver to as
During the summer
No we are not going
To waste a beautiful
Summer day
Sleeping in
If we sleep during the day
We won't sleep at night
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Come on lets go
And enjoy another
Beautiful day
That our God
Deliver to as
During the summer
No we are not going
To waste a beautiful
Summer day
Sleeping in
If we sleep during the day
We won't sleep at night
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Come on lets go
And enjoy another
Beautiful day
That our God
Deliver to as
During the summer
No we are not going
To waste a beautiful
Summer day
Sleeping in
If we sleep during the day
We won't sleep at night
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come on’ lets go
And enjoy another
Beautiful day
That our God
Deliver to as
During the summer
No we are not going
To waste a beautiful
Summer day
Sleeping in
If we sleep during the day
We won't sleep at night
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come on over
And let us meet
Our father face to face
At the beach
Where he will
Have a feast
For his people
This early morning
He had fished the fish
Then he had to lean
The fish that is a *****
Job but it has to be done
Our father people
Arrived at noon
For the feast
My father had given than
A piece of fish with a
Dinner roll
And to drink they got
A bottle of red wine
I was the only one
That decided to take a
Peek in the sky
There was no sign of rain
We had a magnificent day
When we finished eating
It was 2:00 pm
We all went home
Because everybody was
Already tired
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come on over
And let us meet
Our father face to face
At the beach
Where he will
Have a feast
For his people
This early morning
He had fished the fish
Then he had to lean
The fish that is a *****
Job but it has to be done
Our father people
Arrived at noon
For the feast
My father had given than
A piece of fish with a
Dinner roll
And to drink they got
A bottle of red wine
I was the only one
That decided to take a
Peek in the sky
There was no sign of rain
We had a magnificent day
When we finished eating
It was 2:00 pm
We all went home
Because everybody was
Already tired
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Come on over
And let us meet
Our father face to face
At the beach
Where he will
Have a feast
For his people
This early morning
He had fished the fish
Then he had to clean
The fish that is a *****
Job but it has to be done
Our father people
Arrived at noon
For the feast
My father had given than
A piece of fish with a
Dinner roll
And to drink they got
A bottle of red wine
I was the only one
That decided to take a
Peek in the sky
There was no sign of rain
We had a magnificent day
When we finished eating
It was 2:00 pm
We all went home
Because everybody was
Already tired
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Come on over
And let us meet
Our father face to face
At the beach
Where he will
Have a feast
For his people
This early morning
He had fished the fish
Then he had to lean
The fish that is a *****
Job but it has to be done
Our father people
Arrived at noon
For the feast
My father had given than
A piece of fish with a
Dinner roll
And to drink they got
A bottle of red wine
I was the only one
That decided to take a
Peek in the sky
There was no sign of rain
We had a magnificent day
When we finished eating
It was 2:00 pm
We all went home
Because everybody was
Already tired
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Come on over
And let us meet
Our father face to face
At the beach
Where he will
Have a feast
For his people
This early morning
He had fished the fish
Then he had to lean
The fish that is a *****
Job but it has to be done
Our father people
Arrived at noon
For the feast
My father had given than
A piece of fish with a
Dinner roll
And to drink they got
A bottle of red wine
I was the only one
That decided to take a
Peek in the sky
There was no sign of rain
We had a magnificent day
When we finished eating
It was 2:00 pm
We all went home
Because everybody was
Already tired
aldo kraas Jan 2024
Come think with us
About our future
Father we want to know
Everything you can tell
Us about our future
Come think with us
About how we can
Love our friends more
Come think with us
That we need to
Put our trust in our friends
Come think with us
That we must get a life
And also start living it
Come think with with us
That also we need to have
Respect for our friends
Come think with us
That we must pray to our
Father every single night
Before we go to bed
Come think with us
That we are also happy
That we are also having
And we enjoy
The birds singing to us
When we go for walks
We also see the birds
Flying in the sky
Come think with us
That we are also glad to live here
In America where there is  peace
aldo kraas Sep 2021
I don't know if
I will be abble to
Control my anger
Because I exploded very
And some people get afraid
Of that
In the past
I was always losing friends
Because of my anger
I also lost all my friends
They told me that they can't cope
With it
So they broke up the friendships
And I stay alone with friends
Which I just hate
And now I am start slowly to make
New friends
It  is not easy for me to do
I am also entitle to choose my friends
I don't want any rich friends because
They are very snob
And also very stingy
I just love to have friends that are poor
aldo kraas Sep 2021
I don't know if
I will be able to
Control my anger
Because I exploded very
And some people get afraid
Of that
In the past
I was always losing friends
Because of my anger
I also lost all my friends
They told me that they can't cope
With it
So they broke up the friendships
And I stay alone with friends
Which I just hate
And now I am start slowly to make
New friends
It  is not easy for me to do
I am also entitle to choose my friends
I don't want any rich friends because
They are very snob
And also very stingy
I just love to have friends that are poor
aldo kraas May 2021
Come to my rescue
I am feeling warn out
I woke up one hour ago
And I am feeling warn out
I can’t go back to sleep
Because if I return back to bed
And go for a sleep
I want sleep at night
And that is a big problem to me
So I don’t there to do that
I will stay up all day
Even when I am feeling warn out
And I  will go out to get some fresh air
Because I know that the fresh air
Will do me good
I can’t stay inside all day
Looking at those four walls
Because I would go bananas
And that is something that I hate
When it happens to me
Yes I have a good life to live
Here on earth
And I will live that life
Every single day
Yes it was my father that made me
A long time ago with his holy hands
And also had placed me here
On earth to live
And I must say that
I must say that I just love
To live on earth
Also I have friends
Here on earth
My friends supports me
In my daily life
And I am happy about that
Also I must tell you father
That me and my friends
Are also very religious
We are also always praying to you
My father
Every single night
aldo kraas May 2021
Come to my rescue
I am feeling warn out
I woke up one hour ago
And I am feeling warn out
I can’t go back to sleep
Because if I return back to bed
And go for a sleep
I want sleep at night
And that is a big problem to me
So I don’t there to do that
I will stay up all day
Even when I am feeling warn out
And I  will go out to get some fresh air
Because I know that the fresh air
Will do me good
I can’t stay inside all day
Looking at those four walls
Because I would go bananas
And that is something that I hate
When it happens to me
Yes I have a good life to live
Here on earth
And I will live that life
Every single day
Yes it was my father that made me
A long time ago with his holy hands
And also had placed me here
On earth to live
And I must say that
I must say that I just love
To live on earth
Also I have friends
Here on earth
My friends supports me
In my daily life
And I am happy about that
Also I must tell you father
That me and my friends
Are also very religious
We are also always praying to you
My father
Every single night
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Birds come to my window everyday
So that I can give you old bread to eat
Because I know that you need to eat also
God come to my window everyday so that I can see you
And we can talk to each other
But we will pray together when you leave
aldo kraas May 2021
Come with me to God's house
Because God's house is always open
And you are always welcome back
Come with me and let's pray to God
Remember that God loves everybody
Remember that God died in the cross
For our sins
Remember that God is the ruler of
Heaven and earth
Remember that God came to judge everybody
Remember that God will always forgive you
When you commit a sin
Remember that God created heaven and hell
aldo kraas Sep 2021
Coming back to life
Because there are things
That it is left to be done
Before I live the earth some day
First I will have to do my will
And decide who gets what from
My material things
I still lucky to have the friends I have
Because they support me every day
In my life
And I feel so grateful for that
Also we have known each other
For 25 years
Coming back to life
To pray to my father
Every single day
It was my father
That made me with his holy hand
And I am so beautiful to my father
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