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aldo kraas Aug 2023
I am having bigger dreams during the nights
That I sleep in my bed
And I feel great about them
Because all my big dreams are different from one another
And by the next day I am still able to share them with people
But at the same time I feel that my mission was accomplished
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I am having bigger dreams during the nights
That I sleep in my bed
And I feel great about them
Because all my big dreams are different from one another
And by the next day i am still able to share them with people
But at the same time I feel that my mission was accomplished
aldo kraas Oct 2023
I am having bigger dreams during the nights
That I sleep in my bed
And I feel great about them
Because all my big dreams
Are different from one another
And by the next day I am still able to
share them with people
But at the same time
I feel that my mission was accomplished
aldo kraas Aug 2023
I am having bigger dreams during the nights
That I sleep in my bed
And I feel great about them
Because all my big dreams are different from one another
And by the next day I am still able to share them with people
But at the same time I feel that my mission was accomplishedI am having bigger dreams during the nights
That I sleep in my bed
And I feel great about them
Because all my big dreams are different from one another
And by the next day I am still able to share them with people
But at the same time I feel that my mission was accomplished
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I am having bigger dreams during the nights
That I sleep in my bed
And I feel great about them
Because all my big dreams are different from one another
And by the next day I am still able to share them with people
But at the same time I feel that my mission was accomplished
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I am having bigger dreams during the nights
That I sleep in my bed
And I feel great about them
Because all my big dreams are different from one another
And by the next day I am still able to share them with people
But at the same time I feel that my mission was accomplished
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I saw that
Big sky today
And I wanted to embrace it
Because that was the way that I was feeling today
But in reality I can't embrace
The sky
Because it is out of reach
Far from the earth and heaven
I can only embrace the
Sky in my dreams
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I saw that
Big sky today
And I wanted to embrace it
Because that was the way that I was feeling today
I can't embrace the sky in
Real life
Because it is too far to reach
From earth to the sky
I can only embrace the
Sky in my dreams
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I saw that
Big sky today
And I wanted to embrace it
Because that was the way that I was feeling today
Only in a dream
Because in reality
The big sky
Is too far too rich
aldo kraas Jun 2024
Where are you
Bird of prey?
Because I wonder where you are flying
I am afraid that you might not be safe in the sky
Bird of prey
I an concerned about your safety and well being in the sky
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Birds come to my window everyday
So that I can give you old bread to eat
Because I know that you need to eat also
God come to my window everyday so that I can see you
And we can talk to each other
But we will pray together when you leave
aldo kraas Aug 2023
We have a song about
The last day of the winter
And we sing that song
For our God
Every Sunday
At the Church
During the Sunday service
Our song live the people
And we feel that
The message in our song
That we are sending to the
People are very good
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The birds
Sing to you
A beautiful
Spring, summer, and fall
And I know that
You appreciate that
Yes the birds
Are beautiful
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The birds
Sing to you
A beautiful
Spring, summer, and fall
And I know that
You appreciate that
Yes the birds
Are beautiful
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The birds
Sing to you
A beautiful
Spring, summer, and fall
And I know that
You appreciate that
Yes the birds
Are beautiful
aldo kraas Oct 2023
The birds
Sing to you
A beautiful
Spring, summer, and fall
And I know that
You appreciate that
Yes the birds
Are beautiful
aldo kraas Oct 2021
Birds you make me so sad
Every time you go away
For the winter
Migrating south
Father hurry up and bring
Spring because
I had enough of winter
aldo kraas Sep 2021
Bitter man
Feels very angry inside
That he wants to scream
Bitter man
Feels hurt
Bitter man
Hates to be put down
Bitter man
Doesn't know how to stop
The jealousy that other people feel about him
Bitter man
Doesn't have a peace of mind
Because the other people doesn't have respect for him
And he does have respect for other people
aldo kraas May 2021
I am feeling
All the bitterness
Because I am feeling
It when the thought
Comes out of my head
About bitterness
I wish that I could live
My life without feeling
The bitterness
aldo kraas May 2021
Today the sky is blue
With no dark clouds
And it is a beautiful day also
The sun is shining also
Which I love very much
Also there is a blackbird flying in the sky
I had taken a good look in the sky and I saw
This blackbird flying high above the sky
It took my breath away
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The black dog is now going for a walk
With his owner around the block
But I hope that his owner understand that the black dog feels the cold also
And doesn't stay out too long with the black dog
Because the black dog might freeze
And the snow is no good for the dog's feet
Because they hurt the dog's feet
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Black girl
It was God that created this black girl
And placed her here on earth
She loves her God also
She is always praying to her God
Also she is always feeding the poor on the streets
This black girl
Also has lots of friends who love her
And she loves her friends
She also prays for her friends
This black girl
Goes to school every day
And she is always studying hard
This black girl
Is very intelligent and smart
And she will become somebody one day
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Black girl
It was God that created this black girl
And placed her here on earth
She loves her God also
She is always praying to her God
Also she is always feeding the poor on the streets
This black girl
Also have lots of friends who loves her
And she loves her friends
She also prays for her friends
This black girl
Goes to school every day
Because she needs to get her education
This black girl
Never gets bullied in school
aldo kraas May 2021
Black girl
It was God that created this black girl
And placed her here on earth
She loves her God also
She is always praying to her God
Also she is always feeding the poor on the streets
This black girl
Also have lots of friends who loves her
And she loves her friends
She also prays for her friends
This black girl
Goes to school every day
Because she needs to get her education
This black girl
Never gets bullied in school
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Black hole
I've been there too long
Sometimes anxious
Sometimes sad
Sometimes depressed
Sometimes angry
Sometimes out of control
Is time for me to come out of this black hole
Wearing all the time dark clothes
It is like being in grieve
Lighter clothes gives me a lift
enough is enough
Black hole
There is no light in a black hole
I was only seeing black for a long time
Enough of this black hole
Enough of depression
Enough of suffering
Enough of trying to please everybody else
Enough of being used by everybody else
Enough of being mistreated by other people
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Black hole
I've been there too long
Sometimes anxious
Sometimes sad
Sometimes depressed
Sometimes angry
Sometimes out of control
Is time for me to come out of this black hole
Wearing all the time dark clothes
It is like being in grieve
Lighter clothes gives me a lift
enough is enough
Black hole
There is no light in a black hole
I was only seeing black for a long time
Enough of this black hole
Enough of depression
Enough of suffering
Enough of trying to please everybody else
Enough of being used by everybody else
Enough of being mistreated by other people
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Black hole
I've been there too long
Sometimes anxious
Sometimes sad
Sometimes depressed
Sometimes angry
Sometimes out of control
Is time for me to come out of this black hole
Wearing all the time dark clothes
It is like being in grieve
Lighter clothes gives me a lift
Enough is enough
Black hole
There is no light in a black hole
I was only seeing black for a long time
Enough of this black hole
Enough of depression
Enough of suffering
Enough of trying to please everybody else
Enough of being used by everybody else
Enough of being mistreated by other people
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Black hole
I've been there too long
Sometimes anxious
Sometimes sad
Sometimes depressed
Sometimes angry
Sometimes out of control
Is time for me to come out of this black hole
Wearing all the time dark clothes
It is like being in grieve
Lighter clothes gives me a lift
enough is enough
Black hole
There is no light in a black hole
I was only seeing black for a long time
Enough of this black hole
Enough of depression
Enough of suffering
Enough of trying to please everybody else
Enough of being used by everybody else
Enough of being mistreated by other people
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Writing a card to send to my friend
In black ink
It took time for me to write the words
Because I had to think about it
But soon
When it came out of my mind
I started to write it on the card
The kind words you would say
To a friend
Friend you mean so much to me
aldo kraas Sep 2023
For me everybody appears to be tired from the weekend on Monday
And they look to me more like zombies
Black Mondays are not pleasant like other days
But we have to live sometimes in black Mondays
Even when it is not pleasant like other days
To learn to appreciate what you hate
But I believe that once you go through a black Monday
You will not recover right away because it will take some time
To some the black Momday can sink you like a ship
aldo kraas Sep 2023
hese old black shoes I wore it everywhere
They are old and out of style
To me these black shoes are the most comfortable shoes I have to Wear
It have gone many times to the shoemaker to put a new heal
I could never part with these old black shoes
To me they are as good as new
Just a little cleaning and the black shoes will shine
aldo kraas Sep 2023
These old black shoes I wore it everywhere
They are old and out of style
To me these black shoes are the most comfortable shoes I have to wear
It have gone many times to the shoemaker to put a new heal
I could never part with these old black shoes
To me they are as good as new
Just a little cleaning and the black shoes will shine
aldo kraas Sep 2023
These old black shoes I wore it everywhere
They are old and out of style
To me these black shoes are the most comfortable shoes I have to Wear
It have gone many times to the shoemaker to put a new heal
I could never part with these old black shoes
To me they are as good as new
Just a little cleaning and the black shoes will shine
aldo kraas Aug 2021
Blacks want to ruled the world
Should we let them
Will they mess up the world
We believe they will
Because the world is in a mess already
With the war that is going on for so long
We don't know when the war will end
So many people have died already
There is also people that are starving in this world
And we are wasting a lot of   food
That could be used to feed the poor
It is not every body that  likes the black people
I don't mind them
The blacks are the drug lords of the city
They are selling drugs to the people
It is illegal to sell drugs
But the blacks are selling it any way
The  police are cracking down on the drug dealers
Some drug dealers are being caught
They are being charged for selling illegal drugs
Others are still out there selling drugs
People are buying drugs from the drug dealers
Also the people smoke illegal drugs
And some are even dying
aldo kraas Sep 2023
When nature talks
I enjoy hearing her
When nature sleeps
At night everything is quiet
But during the day nature comes alive
With different sounds
And it feels like being in an opera house
The sounds sooth my mind and my soul
The sun also shines during the day
And it makes a big difference to me
At night the star shine so bright in the sky
Here at home
But at home is where my heart is
And I rest my mind and my soul at home
aldo kraas Aug 2023
When nature talks
I enjoy hearing her
When nature sleeps
At night everything is quiet
But during the day nature comes alive
With different sounds
And it feels like being in an opera house
The sounds sooth my mind and my soul
The sun also shines during the day
And it makes a big difference to me
At night the star shine so bright in the sky
Here at home
But at home is where my heart is
And I rest my mind and my soul at home
aldo kraas Sep 2023
When nature talks
I enjoy hearing her
When nature sleeps
At night everything is quiet
But during the day nature comes alive
With different sounds
And it feels like being in an opera house
The sounds sooth my mind and my soul
The sun also shines during the day
And it makes a big difference to me
At night the star shine so bright in the sky
Here at home
But at home is where my heart is
And I rest my mind and my soul at home
aldo kraas Oct 2023
When nature talks
I enjoy hearing her
When nature sleeps
At night everything is quiet
But during the day nature comes alive
With different sounds
And it feels like being in an opera house
The sounds sooth my mind and my soul
The sun also shines during the day
And it makes a big difference to me
At night the star shine so bright in the sky
Here at home
But at home is where my heart is
And I rest my mind and my soul at home
aldo kraas Aug 2023
When nature talks
I enjoy hearing her
When nature sleeps
At night everything is quiet
But during the day nature comes alive
With different sounds
And it feels like being in an opera house
The sounds sooth my mind and my soul
The sun also shines during the day
And it makes a big difference to me
At night the star shine so bright in the sky
Here at home
But at home is where my heart is
And I rest my mind and my soul at home
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The poverty is going out of control
Blame it on Rio
And the rich is getting richer everyday
Blame it on Rio
The drug dealers make money selling drugs to people
And that is a disgrace to Rio
Blame it on Rio
The corruption is what makes people rich in Rio
Blame it on Rio
The poor doesn't have any rights
Blame it on Rio
The poor can't afford to go to school
aldo kraas Sep 2023
The poverty is going out of control
Blame it on Rio
And the rich is getting richer everyday
Blame it on Rio
The drug dealers make money selling drugs to people
And that is a disgrace to Rio
Blame it on Rio
The corruption is what makes people rich in Rio
Blame it on Rio
The poor doesn't have any rights
Blame it on Rio
The poor can't afford to go to school
Blame it on Rio
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I can't understand
Why the day before
You were fine
Walking with me
In the park
You were so happy
You felt like somebody
Had lifted you up
I think it was God
And the next day
You had died
Early in the morning
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Blessed are the Christians
Who had joined us
In holy communion
Every Sunday
In church
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Blessed are the Christians
Who had joined us
In holy communion
Every Sunday
In church
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Blessed are the Christians
Who had joined us
In holy communion
Every Sunday
In church
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Blessed be your name
All my prayers are answered by you
Every song I hear makes me want you more
All this slepless nights
All that light wasted
If I could traded my anger for peace
If I can sort out all my troubles
I love you this much
I have no other words to discribe you
Your lights shine in me
Despite all my troubles
Every day I will put my faith in you
I will let my love grow for you
Lord I believe that you can take my anger away
And my word will change
I am waiting for this to happen
Can you give me a chance?
There is no other place I would rather be
watching the world spinning around in circles
If I lay here would you fly with me over the sky in a space shuttle
Lets not waste time
If this doesn't happen
This means that this wasn't the right thing for us to do or the right place for us to be
Blessed be your name
I just want you closser to me
I am looking in the mirror
That mirror image
That I see
I don't like
I will give Lord a chance
I will give Lord a change
One more time
If I take my time
I will have the chance to start over
And have a chance to make it perfect again
One thing that I need to learn to have is patience
Because patience is a virtue
I am not gone from this place
To tell you the truth Lord this is the place I love
Lord I am addicted to your love and kind words
Blessed be your name
Where is my heart?
Is it in the right place?
Because my mind is not clear
It is full of worries
I am thankful for your blessings
Because many times
I just feel like walk away
And let every thing fall a part
But you give me courage, hope, and understanding
That I can't just walk away and let things fall a part
Why it is so hard for others to see me the way you see me Lord?
Lord blessed be your name
Why is it so hard for me to make right the first time?
Yesterday the clock moved fast during the day
But at night it slowed down like an old man
When you tell me that you loved me
It brings me a little comfort and joy to my life
Against all my odds
I played all the cards
Not much luck in card games, and in life
Every now and then I dream about something
Blessed be your name
I am amazed by you Lord
By your touch
By the love you have shown me
Blessed be your name
I walk down this road
were there is the train truck
When that train goes through
I can hear the sound of the engines
And the sound of the brakes
Blessed be your name
Can I gain peace
Is that too folish of me to ask you that?
Obviously I am waiting for that
What more can I hope for Lord?
I have no blue eyes
No blond hair that I love so much
I guess I created that hate for myself
Do I have love for you Lord?
I have plenty
Is there any thing I can give you in return?
My sorrows, my guilt, and my pain
It still have that bag full of old coins loclked in a ziplock bag
It is all my savings
Some day I will sell than when I will be broke
This will come nice and handy
Bring me alive to all my favorite colors
Because the hardest thing is not having you near me Lord
I know Lord that I will get through this
I just need some time
I must have a different out look in life
Blessed be your name
I sometimes thing about things
And sometimes thoughts come to me
And it makes me wonder
Where that thought came from
I could see a new beginning coming to me
I know that I will florish some day
And I will be feeling like I am on top of the word again
What is life with out the sun, the Lord, and the moon shining above the lake shore
Lord for now on I will live for you
Blessed be your name
I have to be strong and face my pain, my sorrow, my guilt, and my pain
I have to show respect for others and myself
I have my mind set on you
How many more years of struggle do I have?
How many more years of suffering must I go through?
Don't you think I had so much already
Some times when I just think about it it makes me want to scream loud as I can
Yes Lord I need your help every day and I am not ashamed to ask for it
because I am asking for it right now
And I know you are going to give me
I will be aware of darkness
And walk on the right side of the street at night when there is dark
Because the right side of the street there is always bright
Lord I am not living in the material world
I want to share my wishes with you Lord
Blessed be your name
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Blessed is he
Who came
This morning and woke me up
With that sun shining so bright
Inside my room
Very early in the morning
I was not looking
Forward to waking up
Early today
That is the truth
I am not a morning person
It takes time
For me to wake up
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Blessed is me
That worship my beloved God every single day
Blessed is me
That loves God from the bottom of my heart
Blessed is me
For being alive everyday
Because God keeps me alive everyday
Blessed is me
Because God keeps my heart pumping
Blood al over my body
That is necessary for survival
Blessed is me
That God also created me in his image 47 years ago
Blessed is me
To have the home that I have
Blessed is me
To be able to put my feelings down on my computer every single Day
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Blessed is me
That worship my beloved God every single day
Blessed is me
That loves God from the bottom of my heart
Blessed is me
For being alive everyday
Because God keeps me alive everyday
Blessed is me
Because God keeps my heart pumping
Blood al over my body
That is necessary for survival
Blessed is me
That God also created me in his image 47 years ago
Blessed is me
To have the home that I have
Blessed is me
To be able to put my feelings down on my computer every single day
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Blessed is me
That worship my beloved God every single day
Blessed is me
That loves God from the bottom of my heart
Blessed is me
For being alive everyday
Because God keeps me alive everyday
Blessed is me
Because God keeps my heart pumping
Blood al over my body
That is necessary for survival
Blessed is me
That God also created me in his image 47 years ago
Blessed is me
To have the home that I have
Blessed is me
To be able to put my feelings down on my computer every single day
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