God love me now
Because I am your son
And all that I need is your love
I feel that I don't receive enough love from you God
God, I don't hate you God
I love you very much
I never committed any crimes anymore
I did committed crimes in the past
But the past I can't change
The past is over and done with
In the past, I had spent 48 hours in a cold cell
Without any sleep
It was horrible
There was no pillow in the bed
I had worn my jail uniform
I had a shower in the morning
For breakfast, I had coffee, cereal, and toast
I stayed quiet for 48 hours
The inmates made too much noise
It drove me crazy
They woke me up in jail
Gave me breakfast
And them they took me to court
When it was over I went back to jail
God, you see that was the worst thing that happened in my life
But after that I had changed
I never went back to jail again
I had learned my lesson
But today I am a different man
I still have depression
And in the winter, I have the winter blues
God please understand that I am not perfect
I get mad easily
I am trying to control my temper
God, I don't have much patience
I sometimes lose my patience
I sometimes get mad with myself