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aldo kraas Jan 4
Walk on by
The park
Walk on by
The house of God
Walk on by
The bookstore
Walk on by
The road to success
Walk on by
The road to freedom
Because it is available
To anyone that wants it
aldo kraas Dec 2024
Life has begun
For a woman
Who lost her virginity
After she gave
Birth to a healthy baby
The baby was indeed
A gift from God to them
Now they became the
Parent of a beautiful baby
Yes the baby had cried
His mother had breastfed him
Then he fell sleep
In his mother's arms
She was holding him
And she didn't wake him up
She let him sleep
She didn't made any sound
She kept quiet
Not to wake up
Her baby
Yes they are very proud of there
They had a baby boy
That is what they wanted badly
aldo kraas Dec 2024
What an
Awesome God
You are
Also God I have known you
For a long time
You are the one who gave me
My life
That I am living
Every single day
God I must tell you that
I just love my life
That you gave me
After you made me
With your holy hands
Now we are at the end of summer
Yes I must tell you that the summer ended so fast
Also the clocks went back already one hour
And we start to have the fall
Today is already the first day of fall
That you brought to us
Now hot weather is over
And you ended the hot weather
Now we started to wear our winter clothes
The birds have migrated south for the
I will only see the birds in the spring
I must tell you that I already miss the birds
AIso now the days are shorter
It gets dark every single day at 5:00 pm
aldo kraas Dec 2024
I can't believe it is you
That finally ended the winter
And brought me
The first day
Of spring today
Yes you made me
Very happy
Now the trees
Are blooming again
AIso the flowers on people's garden
Are blooming again
I just love to see
The trees in full bloom
Also I love to see the flowers
in people's garden
In full bloom
Also the flowers on people's gardens
Are blooming all year
once you plant it
AIso the people's garden
Are a show of colors
You don't have to plant again
It will come out every
aldo kraas Dec 2024
I miss you
more and more
Each day
I also need you in my life
Every single day
Also father
I want to belong
To your life
Because you are the one
Who made me
In your image
A long time ago
Also you are the one
Who gave me life
And I am living my life
Every single day
Here on earth
After you placed me here
On earth to live
After you made me
Also you gave me feelings
Also I am not a
I finally got used to live
On earth
Every single day
A long time ago
Also many years ago
I became your poet
And I never take a break from
I work my 8 hours a day
That is the normal shift
My Father gave to me
aldo kraas Dec 2024
Get over it
That is what people
Tell me to do
They tell me
I have a good
Life that I don't have to do
Anything for it
Everything is given to me
Get over it
You cried too much already
People say
I am a cry baby
I don't like when the
People tell me that
Makes me angry
I have my happy and sad days
Also I have days that I feel
Like crying
I stay all day in my room
With the door shut
Because I don't want people
Seeing me crying
Because that will make them
Some people will tell me how
I should live my life
Day to day
aldo kraas Dec 2024
Have mercy on me
Because I lost my mind
And I went insane
Tell me Father
Why is it happening all the time?
Father I don't think you can trust me
I am doing crazy things again
That drives people away
Yes that is insane
Do you agree with me?
Yes I should live in peace
And also let people live in peace
That is something I am not letting people do
I am constantly fighting with people
That is very sad that is happening
Without control
Also I don't know how to control
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