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Sep 2022 · 87
Liv Erika Oslund Sep 2022
Life had not been kind to her; it had taken her shortcomings and used them against her like a blunt object to the face
It had not been subtle
Now she was waiting for the other foot to drop
She was watching the water drops clinging to the ceiling and wondering which one would fall first: they trembled like piano keys under a prodigy's palms; they shimmered
Like her tears, which fell too often, her only answer to the mute rage which rose up at the uncertainty and pain of this... Confusion
The snow had fallen and she was beautiful again
But she didn't love him
She looked at the big pomegranates on the bushy trees
And knew, that, ripening, they would come to be like her
Rich with both summer's heat and fall's dissatisfaction
Sep 2022 · 149
Liv Erika Oslund Sep 2022
I want to exult in the potent light forever
Exploding on to me
I want to reach
But I am happy to fall
Each fall gives me another chance to love
And my mistakes are miracles
And the bright red dusk
Is a rapid scar
And this big ball is turning
Over and over
Mixing us into a mess
Pounding us to infinity
I'm neither in nor out
Apr 2021 · 85
What goes up
Liv Erika Oslund Apr 2021
Fluffy white miracle sun
Mirage of my love
You keep me warm
In the meantime, lawful citizens
walk around
All suited up for suicide
Looking like burned idols
The cobras ****** inside my flesh
Filling me with lead (you might have thought)
I had a happy dream of cobras, beautiful and green
Another night, I dreamed of girls filled with coloured cream
Which oozed out when you cut them open with a fork
But dreams aside...
Maybe I don't want you anymore
Or maybe I do
The choice is yours
At times I feel
I'm an automaton left upon the shelf
When before, I was your first prize
Do as you please
But don't expect
Anything from me
You give your honey sweet love
To everyone
So good
I'm nothing special
You have pointed out so often
Or do you only compliment me
When you want a flavoured favor?
When I'm alone, instead
I see the sky at sunset
The spirit of my emotions unsoiled with your embrace
A blue so pure like white milk, one strip of deeper blue above
Pink is rising slightly, violet haze
A fuzzy blank page
So many neurons
One pink rose shining out
I want to drink that blue white madness up
Flat and perfect as a fine silver tray
I will ice skate with doctor Zhivago
And you will fade away
Into the dustbin
Of my lost tomorrows

Apr 2021 · 125
Liv Erika Oslund Apr 2021
An explosion of confusion
I had felt it
At work
On top of the bony hill
Just like the real explosion which took 3 lives
Dawning tragedy like the sun
Which warm us and kills us

"What's happened, mom? "
Your voice was potent with raw fear

You my darling boy
Who tugged on my apron strings
Talking to yourself about the wars to come in your mind
Bloodshot with anxiety and fear

In the end, you didn't recognize me at all
You said you wanted to live alone

I saw you closed in with the crazy people
I brought sweets for the nurses

Now you are better

I have cut the cords
And you are flying like a kite

Free in the world

Love you
Love you with my whole heart

Little boy grown man

I won't leave you for a second

In the secret cauldron of our shared butterfly heart

I won't waver

Push the button
Explode it all and clear me down to nothing

Tabula rasa

In the dark light of the moon
You come up
Splitting atoms
Blinding me
You know me
Like the tide knows the shore
Mar 2021 · 94
Hope is the killer
Liv Erika Oslund Mar 2021
Bursting bubbles of buds
Such mud!
Let’s play the grey days away

what creeps in your heart and steals your things
**** it with a firey slash

I can’t do much anymore
there’s nothing left to do
even though the sun in shining
and i made myself a big creamy latte

I want to paint a net of stars in a wide swath
(do you remember when you were falling but you would never touch the ground)
Now we have all come crumbling in
Outside, men move with heavy legs like zombies
We don’t speak much
but are cogs in a wheel
we move as we are told to
Herd immunity
the human sacrifice and killuminati certainly isn’t at
the forefront of my mind, but

this slow trickle of expectation
everyday being told things are getting better

only to realize that they are most terribly worse
we are unable to dream
because dreaming is outside the law
but this is a bad dream, we are living in a bubble
unable to touch those nearest and dearest
crying out internally for someone, anyone,
are you there dear?
can you hear me

cry out in the night and let them know
you’re still breathing
even if they can’t hear you
even if no one cares
you care.
Mar 2021 · 72
Over the Ocean
Liv Erika Oslund Mar 2021
We are a part of each other
I want to stare into the sun
until my eyes explode
I want to drink in this thick, rich, vibrant blue
Then, all of a bot,
I feel a whiff of the sadness
of this miserable and destroyed century
Let’s face it,
there is absolutely no hope
all the young people have been raised by us
callous, hardened blasè
the only thing they have is their youth, thank
god, that sweet smell of creativity and joy
that excitement in everything they do

it’s true, reason and love
are the two farthest things away you could ever imagine
and i wont waste my life trying to bring them together
let them blast each other into infinity

Oracle, the new divinity
is coming
he is purple
like a new Casper
all around him, he and Photona
blast into smithereens the fragments of your ridiculous phone
your stupid thoughts
everything is put back to the stone age
wiped clear
we have to go back
to the very beginning of time
when man didn’t walk the earth, but crawled
and the creatures sprung forth whole from the womb
like light

do you think i could be that again?
when I dressed for you as if I would never live again

even though now, a sickening wave of resignation pours over humanity
putting out our lights, dimming us into obscurity

the plain numbness of doubt firms us into a kind of jello
we are frozen
And I'm a lost child stumbling
When I learn of the depths of my desire, I fall down millions of flights
Into the Bonny Bonny night

— The End —