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238 · Jun 2021
The Lovers
Mel Jun 2021
With you,
It feels like I can fly
Giving each other high after high,
reaching far beyond our sky.

Past distant galaxies,
That's where we'll go.

With you, my mind is soaring, speeding, spiralling,
Glowing vertigo.
121 · May 2022
Mens Rea
Mel May 2022
For most of my adult life thus far, I have pictured myself as someone strong, independent and devoid of fear. I never wanted, and still don’t want anyone to do me any favours, to treat me like I am someone in need of help and I certainly never wanted anybody to do so something for me. In short, I never wanted to owe anybody.

I imagine the construction that I have been hiding the truth behind to look like a rollercoaster structure. Elaborate, winding and twisting, thick metal. Those tracks of lies, the illusions I have been building and building into an elaborate structure that obstructs the view to the deeply hidden truth, they are slowly starting to show wear and tear. In reality, I am not the strongest person. I am not weak, don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t have made it this far without being strong. But I have been lying to myself.

Ever since, I can remember, my sister and my mother have called me sensitive. Sometimes, it was a mean spirited accusation, thrown at me in a vulnerable moment. But most of the time, they where simple observations.
I used to not take those words lightly. I internalised all of the things the people around me used to say about my mental strength and I would carry them in my heart, believe them, and eventually contort them in a way that made them out to be an abomination, a shameful weakness to be rectified. I let my twisted perception of what the word 'sensitive' symbolises lead me into believing that it was a flaw that needed to be hidden like an ugly wound, covered by layers and layers of lies.

Strength, however is not so easily gained. It takes time, openness, honesty and at the end of the day, acceptance, to be truly strong and independent. I might think myself to have mastered all of these things, and truth be told, I am very good at pretending like I have, but I know deep down that I haven’t. I just tell myself that I have.  

Instead, I decided to ignore the dark pictures behind my elaborate construction. It isn’t incredibly difficult or exhausting to ignore, to feign innocence. In fact, it’s way too easy.
I won’t lie to you,  I have lied a little there, it is exhausting to pretend. Especially, when you get disappointed so badly that the sadness swallows you whole. The sadness is drowning, because I know that I can’t show it, I can’t seem affected. I would be calling my own bluff that way, which is a humiliation I would rather not bear.

So what is the problem?
Loneliness. Every day, on my way out of the house I walk by my old neighbour. He sits in that living room, day in and day out. Staring either at his wall or out the window. In the 8 months that I have lived there, I have not seen anybody visiting him. Nobody checks up on him. None of the neighbours stop by to chat. And he is bitter for it. He may not realise it himself, having delusioned himself into thinking that everybody around him is the problem, but he is filled with the deepest sadness that I could imagine anybody to be filled with. Grief is nothing compared to it. Grief shows us that we can love so deeply that we will never forget that love. It is a beautiful thing. But loneliness is the single most darkest feeling that I can think of.

I see myself in that old, wrinkled man who always seems to be scowling. I see my present, but even more horrifyingly, I see my future. What if I will never learn to tear down my web of iron? What if I will never find a way to confront the dark images that hide behind it? There are times where I don't want to do that anyways. After all, I seem to be a functioning human being, capable of living in society.
Other times, times that occur rarer and rarer, I ask myself for how long I will keep up with this. I ask myself if I have reached a breaking point where I want the images to take over my speech and reveal themselves to the world.
I guess, what I am saying is that I am waiting. I am waiting for the moment where I will either have to speak up, or stay silent forever.
114 · Sep 2021
Attention, Attention please
Mel Sep 2021
I don't want to receive
I just want to give

Don't want to entertain
Just want to misgive

I will never reminisce,
I will just keep searching
For the next best moment to shine
For when it's my time to draw elaborateness into a mundane line

I don't want to receive
I just want to give

Don't want to lose your attention
Just want you to be a fixative

Want you to hang on to my lips
Want to strain my vocal cord until it rips

Want you to listen to my ring
For you to not get out a thing

Listen to what I have to say
Don't let your notice go astray

Don't leave me alone with just my echo to listen to me
Left with an emptiness as vast as the sea

So hush and listen to my ring
Let me puff, splutter and jabber
Give me someone to whom I can cling
99 · Jun 2021
The Fool
Mel Jun 2021
If you'll lift your chin, shift your focus, lift up your gaze a few fractions...
What will you think of me?
If you'll look into my eyes
What will you be able to see?

Will you believe my unspoken denies?
Rather stay a lover in disguise
Would rather live with this hypothetical sacrifice
Mel Jun 2021
Not a facade,
More like a wall

Up until this border!
That's how far you may go

Better take one step back,
Beyond these perimeters
My thoughts are deepest black.
91 · Apr 2022
Mel Apr 2022
I am an outsider
Are you too?
We are not made for this world, me and you

Always within
Yet, somehow without
A part of the many
But apart from the crowd.

Always around
Yet, resides in the clouds
The echo of a distant,
long forgotten sound
90 · Sep 2021
Monkey on your back
Mel Sep 2021
I am buried deep
kilometres beneath
yet too weak
one day I'll tie up your tongue
make you speak
hang you until you're hung

I am your disease
The devil you seek to please
I'm the pain you want to ease
a crawling sensation that won't cease

Who am I
Why, you still haven't guessed?
Haven't identified the slither behind your chest
It's too late for you to deny
Beware belie
sit still and wait
wait until you die
90 · Jun 2021
Mel Jun 2021
I look around us
all I see is you and me

This is not who I want to be.

I want to walk,
Want to run,
become undone.

But where do I go,
if all I can see
Is a reflection of you,
mirroring me.
90 · Oct 2021
Just me.
Mel Oct 2021
I've seen you smile like that before. Seen you ponder that little square of light with delight. Seen you turn away from me.
I used to call you mine. And you'd just smile and pull me closer. I won't do that anymore. You aren't mine.
It pains me to realize that you've never been. You were always hers too. She doesn't know that. You probably only know it deep down.
But I feel that knowledge course through every fibre of my being right now. And rightfully so. What did I expect? You are you. Wonderful, special. A charmer in your very own way. It was egotistical to expect that I'd have you for my own. Foolish to demand it. You are too special to be captured by me.
I can see now clearly how your colourful soul is deteriorating in front of my eyes like the feathers of a bird of paradise trapped in a cage. Can see you snatching and picking at me. Can see you pluck out your beautiful feathers. And after all, there is no one to blame but the person who trapped your beautiful soul in the cageUltimately, it's me.
Not you, not anybody else. Just me.
86 · Sep 2021
Mel Sep 2021
Chest on fire
A heart of thunder,
Emotional unrest
Awaiting desire

Pain beyond belief,
Shivers down my spine,
Can't find content
Life is a rhyme

Strung around the orbit of the conscience
Going round and round in an ellipse
An elastic, yet rigid circle
Relentless is what it predicts
Mel Mar 2021
I look into your eyes and all I see is desperation,
A need to cling on
To a picture of us in your head
That you have elaborately drawn,
That you can’t seem to forget
You, the puppeteer and
I, the marionette

You planned it to quickly,
Mapped it out too decidedly,
Committed too readily,
Took the wrong direction steadily

For there is an error in your plan
Something that isn’t property to any man
The pathway of my future
The road I will take
Decisions in which you can never partake

I am not that person, don’t make me her.

Not the girl next door,
Nor the hometown girl

Not the one who decided to stay,
Not the one that got away

I beg of you, wake up
This future of yours isn’t real
It isn’t even what you want,
Isn‘t what you truly feel

Deep down I know you know
That we have an understanding,
Something we realized ages ago,
a timed bomb that will eventually blow
An earthquake we’re not built for withstanding
An event that will ruin your careful planning

Don’t worry we have all been there
Have all been Holding on too tight,
Wanting this clockwork to keep on ticking,
Straining with all our might

But believe me my friend, you will later regret all the hours you have spent
Concuncting impossible scenarios in your head

Still, Your time has not been wasted
Yet, Your efforts unappreciated
For look how much you’ve grown
How much wiser you’ve become
Even after all the bad that has been said and done.

Would never wish you any evil
Only Wish you all the best
Hope you know not everything was wrong
Hope you know that you are strong
Hope your path will lead you where you belong
77 · Jun 2021
Reaching for Nevermore
Mel Jun 2021
This cliff you are walking
with that obsessive longing
That edge is too near
Approach it with fear.

You are wandering on a tightrope,
swaying this way and that in a dangerous lope
A meeting with disaster you are sure to provoke

The gorge below you is filled with black fire,
A searing nothingness awaiting your desire.

Don't lose your footing,
Ignore the pull!
Don't fall, keep holding on,
Don't be a fool!

Seem unaffected, stay undetected.
For you can solely find restraint in the knowing,
That if you are showing,
what your head and heart feel,
Swirling sensations which seem so real,
So palpable, they almost take shape
A beautiful vapour leaving burns in its wake

A beautiful fantasy carrying you right to that edge,
A breathtaking Chimera
and the hummingbird, an easy catch.

So beware of an event so unlikely, a fantastical affair,
For this is a castle floating in the air.
77 · Jun 2021
Immortalized Words
Mel Jun 2021
'You can count on me while counting those stairs'
'You can count on me when the fire inside you flares'

'Even if I'm burning, blazing, alight?'
'Keep counting and you won't lose your fight'
So higher up the tower she goes,
Skyward, above,
that's where she'll be exposed

Beware a rise she'll ill deserve,
For every step holds no good curve:
In the cracks,
just behind that wall,
the embers are glowing, starting to call.

And now she's there,
she looks around...
To find, there is no one to be found
The fire is now flailing, licking up her throat,
Where is it?
That voice telling her not to bolt?

It is long gone,
Carried away by smoke
While she is burning, counting for hope.

— The End —