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1.3k · Feb 2021
Melody April Feb 2021
The moon says, "Of all the things in the sky, I am the least interesting. I am small, and I do not shine bright consistently like the sun and the stars."

The ocean whispers "You stay close, and remain close whether you are bright or you are dark. And even when I can't see you, you make the tides."
302 · Jan 2021
Melody April Jan 2021
A reminder that
it doesn't take much for everything around you to look and feel vastly different.
264 · Feb 2021
Melody April Feb 2021
Take every piece of fruit from my vine,
my sole purpose your soul to feed
Take what you crave
Take what you need

Let me make you full and overflowing,
fire in your belly
Energy for the journey,
life-giving jelly

Take it all until I am just a fruitless garden,
yet the most joyful empty vine
For I have nothing left to offer,
but will bear fruit again come spring time
134 · Mar 2021
The Softest Garden
Melody April Mar 2021
Someday, the seeds won't have to break through the dirt to blossom. The most beautiful flowers open with ease. Without any bees begging them to open. The buds will open because they feel the sun shining and the rain pouring and they will know, they are safe to emerge as they are. And will be cared for, and will care for others. And when those petal begin to wilt and fall, they will turn into new soil, softer soil. And the seeds will feel love from the very beginning of life. Someday.
125 · Jan 2021
"It Is"
Melody April Jan 2021
It Is sits, unwavering, motionless

It Is, has weight, has pull, I move


I move around It Is in circles, taking every angle

Mind, Heart, Body, Soul

Grasping for definition

What is it?
Why is it?
How is it?
When is it?

Undefined, undefinable

It Is, has weight, has pull, I move


And I sit, unwavering, motionless
It is
118 · Feb 2021
Melody April Feb 2021
Hello?! Hi! Yes yes yes
I remember you
Yes, Us two
Us two from before

Right! That's right, yes yes
That home, that little reading nook
The sea spray fiasco
The way you did that thing with your hands
in the water

Those cups, yes yes, those two cups that were broken
I remember how we fit,
the broken pieces,
making something
beautiful than either of us could imagine

I remember it all. I remember.
I forget, has it happened yet? No. No?
I remember Us
Us two from before

Wait, we just met
It hasn't happened yet?
But I remember it all
You remember the cups too?

**** I forget everything
But remember it all

Cup of Coffee?
Meet in 30?
Ok, meet you then

— The End —