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Austin-Vicker Jan 2021
Check in the clasped hands of time and
Find in melted drips, tips to mysteries
At the feet of time is the end of life
Yet, time breathes life eternal
Time is the tears that greet our smiles
In time is the smile that begot our tears
Time has the honour of the abased
In time is the fall of the proud
Let Rose give time to them that bring roses
And see if they be not solanum in rose guise
Give time to them that profess hate
And see interest make haters relate
For whether the earth be vacant or tenanted
Time will dismiss our gathering
Time is the doctor for all ailments
Time is the specialist of no specialty
Time, apothecary ever lives!

Austin-Vicker Jan 2021
Worded minds by words do blend
          Wielded words can break glues too
Often times we cage or pend
          The great wonders words would do
Read to self the thoughts inward
          Ere you spill those thoughts in words
Due, sure comes each word's reward
          Speak or stitch with muting threads
Spoken words can make or mar
         Can break barriers  or debar
Austin-Vicker Jan 2021
Travelling through the paths not trod
Groping through the dark at lights out
Searching for what faith alone gave
Though yet untouched
Has been seen by the eyes of the mind
Though not held
But is felt by the hands of the heart
It’s the secret behind the extra mile
It’s the reason we play along

The first half is gone, even the second
Though playing the added time
Hope can’t die if time still lives
Commentators commented on several misses
And spectators await the final whistle
Yet, we hope to end this game without a
Chance to the opponent
We’ll score & bow out in lasting hurray
That’s why we’ll still be glad
Though our goal is scored at the “die minute”
For it were better to score late
Than be late with draws & losses alone

Austin-Vicker Jan 2021
You've met the wordsmith for meet words
Yet, you hear your lips lisp
The neutrality of her expression
Got you bemused
For neither words from the scripture
Nor the thunders of your silent tears could
Move her move her ground

You've massaged her ego like a modern slave
And you feel the lonesomeness of the grave
Her fingers warm up your pocket
But they leave cold your freezing chest
Though whispers of her presence in your  house
Yet, echoes of her absence in your heart
You know you're falling deeper
How deep the pit wherein a lover falls
When he falls all by himself in love

To the thicks and deeps
To Dreamlands and outer space
You've sojourned in search of
The balm for the wounds
But your heart still  bleed from the fall
You know you're losing your peace
But you're a lover knight
Fighting for love

Your jokes turn jests
Arguments overtake agreements
And when you ask "what's the problem?"
The answer is usually "nothing"
When you see these happening
Know the end is near
They are signs of the end
She's sorely settled to leave
Live & let her leave

Austin-Vicker 🌺
Austin-Vicker Jan 2021
Did I hold too tight that it died?
Or, I held too loose that it flew?
For my mind mildly walks in taunting thoughts
Of how love's ocean went dry
For what I had in my palms have
Melted into memories
Envisioned future, now an unhistorical history
Alas, vapours of  memories!
All but a memory

Didn't I wish I were to her a brother
To shield her from societal snares and ills
For were the journey a hill
I'd climb even her mountains till
Her heels heads the aisle

I was readily her serf
To treat her in rosy loyalty
Coy her in her coyness and
Answer her blue prayers at bedtime sweetness
Cravings of being her knight and
Keeping her head till the death of starless nights
And to keep her 'heart-hold'
Like a man keeps his household
True, I prayed to be all these & one thing
Her husband!
So to be the band that holds her body and soul solely
Gosh! The times we timed
The days we dined
Are now but messy memories
Nought but a memory!

Austin-Vicker 🌺
Austin-Vicker Jan 2021
Shining teeth, glaring at attentive eyes
Clothed in widening layers, like a yielding elastic
Certain deeds, clocking the memories
Like an endless revision in aimless rehearsals
Days & times, strolling into our thought ways
Hear the music band that binds our hearts?
And the soothing sounds that keep boundless, our joy
As we unsparingly delete saved money
To save fresh memories and
To cause the meeting of plates and spoons

These and many more command embraces
As in each other's arms
And at the sharp hugs of each other's glasses
We cheer and chill and
Whisper or shout  at the happening of
Those happy things that
Keep us happening

*Austin-Vicker 🌺

— The End —