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CarolKirby Dec 2020
In ny opinion I feel pain and suffering is pointless, and is not necessary for development and growth. I feel that it's not conducive to ones well being. Pain and suffering is only necessary for those who can't learn from love.
CarolKirby Dec 2020
What's real?
What is really real?
Love's Real !
Love is as real as it gets !
CarolKirby Dec 2020
Consciousness, the great survivor, witness of witnesses, watches within and without engulfed by great precision as the brain generates consciousness.

Consciousness is the greatest survivor, the most mysterious of creations, the subtle visitor. It has the power to come and go; to escape every danger.

Consciousness, the great survivor, has the power to travel into the expansion of the universe, gather information and return it to the tiny confinements of the body.

Consciousness, the great survivor leaves the brain as a curious observer and when the brain ceases to function, consciousness departs and travels gathering information, as it waits for permission to take what was gathered and makes it accessible to the brain.
CarolKirby Dec 2020
Where does the soul go when I'm under anesthesia?
Where does the soul go?

Where does the soul go when I'm put under? Where does the soul go?
Where does the soul go when I'm under anesthesia?

Where is this place where I become insensitive to pain,
Where dreams do not exist
Where time becomes a secret
And sleep escapes me
When I am absent,  when I am gone
When I am here and nowhere.

Where does the soul go when I'm under anesthesia?

Do I  just become quantum information embedded in the universe?

Where does the soul go when I'm under anesthesia? Where does it go?
CarolKirby Dec 2020
Life, can be an exciting journey
Where every  step is like skydiving
Learning the most lessons
Solving difficult problems

Life, the place where I play and learn with the same intent. Where I'm conscience of the entire manifold and everything around me at once

Life, everything around me is captivating, engaging, and different
And my brain lights up from something new

Life, like Einstein everyday I discover a new theory. And I myself become the example of the meaning of having a soul
CarolKirby Dec 2020
Altered States that exist in my own head. There are many states of existence in my head. Which are referred to as the mind.

There are many minds in one head. Which are considered personalities.

There are many personalities in my head. Which are considered behaviors. And even those are not mine.
CarolKirby Dec 2020
Love is a like a light that illuminates in all directions. And for that reason and that reason alone, you will always be loved.

Love is like a light that illuminates in all directions. And for that reason and that reason alone, you will always feel love.

Love is like a light that illuminates in all directions. And for that reason and that reason alone, you will always be near.
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