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134 · Nov 2020
Home is where the Art is
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Our house is
                     an artist's palette
Transformed daily
With a mix of different moods
Picked from a scale of emotions
And blended to just the right colour
Expressing happy moments
Shared contentment
Wild passions
Dark nights
Ever varied in subtle tones
Surrounding us with
                                    both familiar and new
Sometimes streaks of grey
Or muddied paws
Adding special brushstrokes
But always a canvas
To create a home
With happy thoughts
Lighting up and
                            keeping perfect harmony
111 · Nov 2020
The Shopping Trolley
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
The shopping trolley
Is left on it's side
Wheels akimbo
Just abandoned
Discarded and miles
From the store
Like many others of its kind

How it got there
Is quite a story
But now its sitting on the pavement
Waiting to be restored
To an upright function
And carry the load
Of another shopper
Fulfilling its destiny
103 · Nov 2020
High Rise
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
I'm a tough old bird
To land on your roof
I chose you with care
Because your house seemed solid
A high rise in the pecking order
So I have a good view
And can Squawk with high praise
Or issue stark warnings
From my lofty heights

Then with flapping wings
I can soar up to
                         a limitless sky
Full of magnificence and attitude
And from being all at sea
I'm now majestc in flight
Making my presence known
To all below!
I live by the sea so have the chance to observe the seagulls
101 · Nov 2020
Teddy Bear Laid Bare
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
I've lived my life
Watching you closely
From childhood dreams
To adult gains
Many victories and a few near misses
All experience noted
And me just being there
Watching and hoping
I'm not left behind
With my two black patches
And glassy eyes staring ahead
But seeing no future
Just acting on faith
That you'll remember me
And give me a cuddle
As I belong to you.
93 · Nov 2020
A Brainwave
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
From perfect order
Of a light fantastic
Information passes on
A super highway
Before you even know it

Heartfelt moments
Pulsing through the universe
Recording every thought
With old memories
Replaced by new ideas
Linking one and all
To make a world of difference
To live by

Moments coincide
Gateways of opportunity
Opening and transmitting
Love above all else
A coded message
Written in the pathways
Connecting each and every cell
From shining stars
To the smallest particle on earth
Bringing an innate power
To the heart of the matter
92 · Nov 2020
Grand Designs
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
In silence I come
And wrap myself around you
Bringing unspoken words of comfort
Making my presence felt
Through gentle breezes
And when storm clouds gather
I'll be there
To guide you forwards
And when you walk through mists
It's then you may see me
As a blazing sun
Or reflected moon
A perfect flower or patterned form
Gracing a landscape
Made beautiful
With a design
That you may otherwise
Have never noticed.
86 · Nov 2020
Step by Step
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Broken soles
All worn out
No tread left
To run or dance
Just down at heel
Poor comfort
On a hard path

But silver linings
Cushion sore hurts
Making light
The next step
Until I get a grip
And set a gentle pace
On the road to recovery
85 · Nov 2020
The Relationship
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
"This time it will be different"
                                                we say
Starting out with so much hope
For bright beginnings
Thinking the spark will never fade
And the pursuit of happiness
Will not go unrewarded
But on the path of love
New ups and downs
Can set aside good will
Making mother's warning
'Not to court disaster'
                                     all too real
Voicing those "if only's "
And "this is all enchantment"
As if true love
Were just beyond belief
So when the moment comes
And a miracle occurs
It's time to be together
Plan a future
Make a difference
Realizing love was there all along
Sustaining our connection
Being ourselves in the end.
83 · Nov 2020
Stitched Up
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Row upon row
knitted and unpicked
Not sure of how
To make it fit
It all unravelled
Over and over
Plain and purl
In various designs
With you in mind
To make it special

The wool a rich brown
Dyed and hung to dry
In thick strands
So now a complete piece
Lies in waiting
Not yet finished
Or in full concept

It was meant to be
Made to measure
A sure fit style
With chain mail pattern
To protect you
Through all weathers
And climates of the time
So what is needed
Is to make it up
Or cast on
And begin again!
This poem was inspired when I wanted to make a jumper for my boyfriend. He loved the wool, but I couldn't get it right despite my best efforts. It felt a metaphor for our way of seeing things and sadly I never completed the jumper and we parted.
83 · Nov 2020
Love Bug
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Now you say you love me
Can that still be true?
I kept my place beside you
And watched all you do

Your love has not been tender
Even from afar
You made me realistic
And raised me to the bar

Now I see you clearly
Dazzled by your light
I'm betrayed and open hearted
Even in my fight

We didn't know we had it all
Only when we saw the fall
No one else to blame
I love you all the same

The time is now - I'm present
Awake to so much more
With love all around us
It's you I still adore
82 · Nov 2020
Tree Standing
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Upright from root to tip
Sap rising
From earth to leaf
Strength and flow
To trunk and branch
All aspiring upwards
Yet held firm on solid ground
Supporting all
To reach a higher power

May we follow your lead
And have pride of place
Standing noble to the day
Bending to a humble need
Showering grace
With fragrant blossoms
Scattering seed for a new start
Giving shelter to the weary
Whispering with tender touch
Of future things to come
Rooting us in truth
Guardians of a sacred space
82 · Nov 2020
Angel Visit
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Words pop out
With angels in my head
A pitter patter pace
Spritely in their
Loving comfort grace
Then with messages of joy
A welcome for the
Special gift of sight
A harmony and chorus
Worlds without end
Brightly heralding tunes
That move softly in the breeze
Brushing you
                        with a light fantastic.
75 · Nov 2020
My Carriage Awaits
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Training it again
I'm staying on track
Clickerty clack
Back and forth down the line
Until I get there

Seasons alter, weather changes
Landscapes seen at different speeds
Some heads down to read a book
Others glancing at the view
Creative folk all a twitter
Whilst some at work and all keyed up
Voicing bits of conversation
Or deep in slumber
Lulled by sounds or rocked to sleep
But always know their destination

One by one we come and go
A 'hot' seat taken or adjusted
Making room for overflow
Left luggage lost or made way for
Then with stations too regular to miss
I'm back again to home or work
For yet another perfect service
No delays this time!
In memory of many journeys to work and back before lock down.
75 · Nov 2020
Woolly Thoughts
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Ideas in skeins
Mentally unravelled
Then cast on in even words
Forming a neat row
Sorted and knitted together
Growing bold
And picking up the pace
No loopholes left
One by one
Purls of wisdom hung together
Increasing and decreasing
A pattern hard to follow
But made clear to fit
Then cast off and put together
To make your peace
69 · Nov 2020
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
Perfection in a frozen dance
Falling to earth in crystal grace
All wondrous colour floated back as one
To give us proof of realms unseen
A sparkle of holies
Pristine wonders of the world
63 · Nov 2020
Spirit of The Land
Angela Kirk Nov 2020
As spirit of the land
Roaming paths well known
You see the current boundaries
And ever present to a mood within
Connect at last to nature

Here is peace and quiet
Mindful of your progress
Through ups and downs transcended
You choose your place
Sensing all around
To be at one

In the silence of your being
Seeing a bigger picture
At this focal point
All unfolds to show
The highest and the best
A perfect landscape
Perfumed and just right

Now your spirit's fed
With form and light in flow
You bring your gift's delight
On time
So heaven comes to earth.

— The End —