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Jul 2021 · 90
A man
Gary R Davis Jul 2021
Can we see a seventy-something
Who strangely now has nothing
There's a difference one can see
Between the man and his decree

In the little time before his death
Before he takes that final breath
I'd like to see him find some peace
Before his chains to earth release

He so needs the great divide
Trails along a mountainside
Above the clouds and taking in
All the grandour that's therein

I wish he would partake
In the beauty of a mountain lake
And stay so long without a care
Between the pines and mountain air

I'd like to see him run through grass
Barefoot 'til his cares he'll pass
And in a sunset find real peace
As all his burdens finally cease
Mar 2021 · 89
Gary R Davis Mar 2021
Please save your applause until the end
The gun rights people have done it again
I heard 8 died yesterday
Please support your NRA

Why did the police have to go get him?
Why didn't the bystanders' guns open fire?
'Course then the number could be higher
Ain't that the NRA algorithm?

How could this make anyone sick?
So "the militia" didn't interdict?
If guns don't ****, but people do
Why do they want their guns then too?
Feb 2021 · 89
Unknown Joe
Gary R Davis Feb 2021
I sat beside him at Good Will
His face was nearly always red
He tried with every ounce but still
His service somehow anger bred

He didn't earn a rightful wage
His return was mostly rage
The very most that most could say
Was he was there most every day

He seemed to have a dismal plight
But I could see beyond his pain
How he fought an Apostle's fight
Each day to do it all again

I saw him on the bus one day
He was with friend who seemed a fan
I thought what some might never say
That he was one great Man
Jan 2021 · 124
My Everything
Gary R Davis Jan 2021
A cold wind in time's corridor
Blew throughout my life before
Then an Angel brought to me
A warmth I thought I'd never see

You've been more than just a friend
Angel of my best Amen
When I shouldered every care
Without you, I might not be here

The kindness of my Angel gleams
My hope of hopes; my dream of dreams
How I love you dearest friend
My love for you will never end
Jan 2021 · 109
Blood on the Capitol
Gary R Davis Jan 2021
There was a time before
And there was a time later on
That melted this nation's core
With now 5 people gone

You destroyed your stand
Now you have a ****** hand
Do you now need more
Innocent blood to pour?

You are murders today
How many more must die?
Why do innocents have to pay
And loved ones have to cry?

A young Luke Skywalker once was here
Now he takes his father's sword
He's gone to dark-side overlord
Now he deals in hate and fear
Dec 2020 · 89
While There is Still Time
Gary R Davis Dec 2020
"While There is Still Time"

There is a certain path in life
Which one should just ignore
For in the end is surely strife
And bears a false allure

The natural state is human sweat
The natural way is to procure
Of this there is no secret kept
Real people must endure

The slippery ***** draws us in
Bad ways in time the more
It gets much harder to break with sin
And a soul that's soft inure

This world's riches one could drain
And live forever in perfect health
But that treasure would less obtain
Than one who conquers just one's self
Dec 2020 · 65
The Grim Keeper
Gary R Davis Dec 2020
Didn't they tell you, my friend
A worse 9/11 just happened
From Wednesday into 1:30 AM
36 hundred lives at end

You knew a quarter million died
That was not so long ago
Add 50 thousand to that slide
Lost to COVID's undertow

Over 113 thousand too
Might need the call of "Doctor Blue!"
Hospitalized with more to come
Don't add to that gigantic sum

Friend we need to comprehend
We're in a war without much refuge
By next Christmas this may end
Don't add others to this deluge
Dec 2020 · 73
The Gift
Gary R Davis Dec 2020
This Christmas folks are in distress
Some have much and some have less
People who are blessed
And others overstressed

Many have no place to go
As the cold winds blow
Many are in so much need
With families to somehow feed

Nobody deserved what happened here
The loss of life and all the fear
There are people with everything
And those with barely anything

Before we give what some don't need
Might we our hungry neighbors feed?
Then enjoy the season bright
Knowing that we got it right
Dec 2020 · 71
Gary R Davis Dec 2020
Lord, thank you that the first vaccine
Went first to those who cared for us
The first ones there upon the scene
It was wise, and it was just

Thank you for their first response
We pray they know your love ensconced
They who took work to new heights
They who fought the best of fights

Lord, they did it out of love
They surrendered to your hand above
And then they made it part of them
Please bless these heroes
And Amen
Dec 2020 · 70
Apart Meant
Gary R Davis Dec 2020
"Apart Meant"

Remember me in words you cussed
In circular arguments left nonplussed
In your hatred all around
In every evil here you found

Remember me when boots once tread
Upon my face 'til yours was red
In every angry bitter thought
That amplified your hatred wrought

Remember me in lies untold
As shape-shifting explanations sold
Off the tongue of damage caused
Without recourse to crowd's applause

Remember me when you are old
And friends are hard to find
At end when all in blink unfolds
And truth in death is mine
Nov 2020 · 116
Border Crossing
Gary R Davis Nov 2020
After bedtime, full of sleep
An infant sat with pants still on
And though he felt a wetness seep
His sleep could not be woken from

He dreamed about his future day
And what his life was all about
What would come at end of stay
When his candle had burned out

A sleeping old man, incontinent
Died in a dream of youth extant
He met himself on middle rung
And awoke both wet and young
Nov 2020 · 74
Their is no justice
Gary R Davis Nov 2020
Wards of the government were we
Occupied by the white man's decree
The trail of tears was of our misery
Your Hotchkiss guns bled Wounded Knee

Whether to be the nations we were
Or to join those of taken back offer
We fought and died right by your side
Could an Indian somehow have pride?

We loved this land before you came
And tried to turn "savages" tame
We know your treaties; we know your shame
We know we're proud of our name

You don't have all you could take from our toll
Even though this was your goal
You've killed our land by your heavy hand
Turning hallowed soil to sand

If we don't protest, the very Earth it will ring
That you took our everything
Your ways have the powers of but your sorrows
Our ways had endless tomorrows
Oct 2020 · 70
Psychosomatic Death
Gary R Davis Oct 2020
Once our illness meant possession
Sons and daughters of evil conception
In Bedlam's squalor we were a zoo
We shared the ovens of Auschwitz too

People don't know we are sick
Just because some think too quick
People know we've little recourse
Paranoids are wrong, of course

And try to tell it to the police
They'll ask you if you took your meds
It's a great way to lose your lease
Everything's all in our heads

We cannot carry guns you see
The Second Amendment doesn't apply
So our peers are left to die
In this great society

After there was Stellazine
They kicked so many to the curb
Community support was lean
With policy absurd

They had to use their deadly force
Without a Taser, a life was lost
They'll be cleared in court, of course
Yet, now we know what Tasers cost
Gary R Davis Oct 2020
Now to the dangerous Fall we wake
More COVID-19 that we can't shake
Way too few people are very keen
On the need again to quarantine

Who knew our hallowed freedom found
When world pandemic came around
In freedom's name, its people drowned
Brought by some and passed around

COVID says, "Come out and play."
"This will be your lucky day."
"You can't catch me, I am weak"
"Let's play another Hide and Seek"

What we can't see will never hurt us
Brothers/Sisters don't be nervous
Never become overwrought
Put it far away from thought

Pay no attention as time will tick
As it racks up dead and sick
Seven seconds of degree
Separate the you from me

Don't take away my right to spread
My liberty of not to dread
Unmasked in crowds is my way
So what if all your children pay?
Oct 2020 · 63
Gary R Davis Oct 2020
Another sunrise, another day
Another group of debts to pay
So much suffering going on
What is this life we've come upon?

Why are we here in this strange place
With so much trouble we must face?
What did we do to enter life
Were we the cause of terrible strife?

Are we being punished here?
Why do we suffer; it's unclear
Did we first then fall from grace
Into this pitiful human race?

Look to the sky; it's blue my friend
See the rainbow's gentle bend
Hear the peaceful babbling brook
There's beauty here, if we but look

The glass here never is half empty
In a world where water's plenty
Watch the sunset; see the dawn
This can be Heaven we've come upon

See the beauty in clouds that rain
A world of wonder where all can gain
This jewel of beauty is not a curse
Be not afraid of the universe!
Oct 2020 · 93
No good deed unpunished
Gary R Davis Oct 2020
Feinstein hugged Lindsey Graham
What is this world coming to? Nobody's supposed to give a ****
What's this "love" so overdue?

See Graham was on the other side
Liberals must keep their pride
Sour grapes must be our fruit
When it's over, and hugs are moot

The wisdom of 87 years
Reached out a hand not of her peers
We talk of need to cooperate
For our government to operate

How is bipartisanship supposed to go
If to the other party bares
The outstretched hand that mustn't show
The human side that cares?

She didn't quite fight hard enough
You mean she didn't sound that rough
In confirmation that had to be
Does anger cause someone to see?

Or does it go the other way
Of refuting point to
others say?
Doesn't anger yield the zeal
To toughen those of other deal?

If you then want her head
If on her you want to tread
Then spit into your unwise wind Just know it will come back again

When the sides of power slide
And you'd like foes on your side
And other side does not oblige Remember then your suicide I

Dianne, if they should push you out
Remember how this came about
You showed the world great love that day
In arms of the most righteous way!
Oct 2020 · 196
Gary R Davis Oct 2020
Amazing doesn't suffice
To describe the sacrifice
That freedom's fruits can bare
In givers who for lowly care

The ones who pay it forward Time will not forget
For ones who can't afford
To match their tangible gift

These people who are free
And could have their luxury
But give instead to others need
As greater greatness they achieve

This is the icing on freedom's cake
The ones who give when they could take
They are always in our debt
These givers will not forfeit

Yet, there are givers oft' unsung
Even higher on the rung
How did these heroes e'er exist?
By parents - the great philanthropists!

— The End —