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Feb 2021 · 87
Tragically Timid
Sarah Feb 2021
She goes to speak;
     no-one around to hear.
Cries out in the dark;
     except nobody knows.
It's a simple start;
     one filled with fear.
Just one step forward;
     feet stumbling there.
Asking what happened;
     memories become clear.
She was brave and bold;
     then he was here.
I wrote a chapter today about the traumas of my past. Figured I'd also share a word here. <3
Feb 2021 · 249
Starry Nights
Sarah Feb 2021
They asked her
Why she never sleeps.
She returned,
Have you ever seen me weep?
Dec 2020 · 56
Fight or Flight
Sarah Dec 2020
Stuck like glue,
my heart is blue.
Moving right on,
if staying is a con.
Is it me or you,
might to be time to choose.
Can't bear the thought,
how hard we've fought.
Must live true,
though sometimes blue.
Can we soar,
what are we waiting for?
Don't hold me down,
if you don't wish to drown.
You must grow,
so that we may flow.
Through the air,
we could thrive right there.
Is it me, is it you, that's not being true.
Are we meant to be,
oh I can't see.
So I'll start right here,
and hope that you draw near.
Still I must see,
the missing pieces in me.
Oct 2020 · 49
Just 'cause
Sarah Oct 2020
The chill in the air,
Breeze through my hair
You feel it too
Don't you?

A new dawn rises;
With its surprises
Let go of your fear
Change is here
Oct 2020 · 72
Sarah Oct 2020
I'm hurt, but I'm healing.
I'm happy and I'm sad.
The wind calls me, dear.
These roots plant dreams here.
I can't say I'll stay forever.
I'll run if you'll go there.
Home is where the heart is.
Mine, is his.
Oct 2020 · 69
Sarah Oct 2020
Finding myself wanting to drive for hours
Moving along, lost on old windy roads
Nowhere in mind, that I need to be
Just searching for something, maybe in me
As I travel along, my mind spinning wheels
Why is it, love, that I wonder where you are
I turn the key, move forward in motion
Gotta get somewhere, anywhere and fast
I know that I'm running, from myself I believe
Trying to outrun the simplest of memories
Oh, but they follow so very faithfully
So I take a break, marvel up at the stars
Losing myself in the music, the cool night air
I fall gracefully, a beautiful masterpiece
I'll never lose all that you inspired in me
I get back in, let my heart steer the car
And wonder of all wonders, I'm at your door
Would you let me in, just for a moment or two
Hear my dreams and beliefs, I would listen to you
I could heal the hurt you see relfected in my eyes
Breathe life into you as you do so for me
Let this passion catch fire, grow with the wind
Could you hold me like this, connect with my soul
Maybe it won't last forever, nothing is guaranteed
If I raise my hand and knock, though
Would you drive with me...endlessly
Oct 2020 · 75
Sarah Oct 2020
I'm stumbling through the dark
Trying to outrun my misery
Breathing in, screaming out
There's no one listening
Wanting to break away
Knowing the end is nowhere near
Yelling into the dark abyss
A place consumed by fear
They scratch and tear, but I won't bleed
I fall and stumble, but I won't break
Waking up, gasping for air
I realize I'm living my worst nightmare
Oct 2020 · 79
An old favorite
Sarah Oct 2020
All at once
It's all going to waste
You look in the mirror
And see a strangers face
As the world comes crashing down
You realize she's not new
It's your worst enemy
Staring straight back at you...
Oh what have we done today
Tried to push you away from here
What have we done today
Watching the end come crawling near
Look into that strangers eyes
As the world crumbles, oh my dear
Oh what have we done today
Tried to push you away from here
Looking back at all the years
The tears fall gracefully
Memories of you and I
It was planned so carefully
And even in the brightest hour
You stood there by my side
Waiting for the perfect time
I never knew how well you could hide
Oh what have we done today
Tried to push you away from here
What have we done today
Watching the end come crawling near
Look into that strangers eyes
As the world crumbles, oh my dear
Oh what have we done today
Tried to push you away from here
I never knew that this could be
Thought it was all said and done
But you waited patiently
For me to draw you near
Thought I had left you in the past
Washed all our sins away
But you flipped the hour glass
Now you're haunting me again...
Oh what have we done today
Tried to push you away from here
What have we done today
Watching the end come crawling near
Look into that strangers eyes
As the world crumbles, oh my dear
Oh what have we done today
Tried to push you away from here
Why can't I push you away from here...
Oh this silent misery...
Oct 2020 · 51
Sarah Oct 2020
It all seems so sudden
like we just happened to be here
in this moment of time
they say don't search for love
and it'll find you on it's own
but what if i'm not ready
and this is my calling day
i want to run free
always have, always will
yet somehow it seems like i'm stuck
in a never ending circle
love this one, forget that one
i don't wanna be this anymore
gonna take my time
decide what's right for me
bc that's what i'm living for now
just looking out for myself
so maybe you've got me hooked
but in the end i'll always run
that's why they call me a heartbreaker
and it's not that i intend to
it just sorta happens that way
i can't fall in love
it terrifies me to no end
so you scare the hell out of me
because you have the potential
to be something special............
Oct 2020 · 60
Sarah Oct 2020
can't do this anymore
won't deal with this ****
i'm past the point of return
all the feelings locked up inside
and i had the only key
but see what happens
when i unleash the hell within
you can't do this
can't take my pain, anger, HATE
try as you may, you can't break me
i've kept in too long
let you add to it time and again
but now i'm full to the brim
and i'm ready to let go...
no more tears and anguish
late night fears
every last drop of emotion drained
see what i become
now that you've gone too far...
I wrote this about my mom...
Oct 2020 · 40
Sarah Oct 2020
at the breaking point
beyond all recognition
but now you realize
that i know the lies
and i can't stand the pain
but i won't take defeat
i'll win you over
and throw you out
does that sound familiar
was that your plan
all through our story
how i hoped and dreamed
i threw my pennies
down the wishing well
oh, what a mistake
i was a fool to listen
as my heart skipped a beat
then i tripped on my feet
fell head over heels for you
with my feet way in the air
and my head in the clouds
i was a dreamin' fool
now what's there to do
there's no use crying anymore
no way, not over you
i'll make it to the top
i'll conquer the world
and no thing in my path will stop me
i will prevail.
A poem from way back when! I'll be uploading more of these before creating any new content.
Oct 2020 · 41
Stormy Weather
Sarah Oct 2020
Laying here almost asleep
I feel the shift in the energy
Thunder cracks, lightning strikes
What a beauty in the dark of night.

Crack a window, feel the breeze
Smell of the rain sets my heart free
Booming enough to shake my soul
Illuminating a tale you’ll never know.

Norah Jones is on the radio
Soothing to a heart set on coals
Chills along the back of my neck
Oh, how did I ever forget?

— The End —