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Another Day Here All Alone
Nobody To Talk To
No Hand To Hold
No One To Hold Me And Tell Me
It's Going To Be Okay
A Heart Full Of Anger
A Heart Full Of Pain
A Heart That Is Longing
To Be Free From This Pain And Misery.

Another Day Here All Alone
Defenceless And Weak
Weary And Worn Out
Worthless And Unwanted
It's How I Feel Since The Day
My Heart Was Torn Into Pieces.

I Was Diagnosed With Depression
Sixteen Year's Of Age.

Depression Is Not A Joke
It Is Real And It Is A Silent Killer
Depression Is A Stalker, It Stalks People
In The Light Of Day Or Even
In The Dead Of Night.

No Matter What Time Of
The Day Of Night It Is
It Is A Constant Looking Over Your Shoulder
By Trying Hard Not To
Fall Back On The Sticks And Stones
They Throw At You.

It Is A Constant Streams Of Tears
Running Down Your Face
It Is Endless Sleepless Nights
Tossing And Turning
Trying To Fight It
Trying To Make It Through Another Day.

Depression Is Living In A Body
That Fights To Survive
While The Mind Wants To Die
Depression Is
Living In A Bubble, It Is
Almost Suffocating To Death
But Breathing Again
Just Before The Fall.

Depression Is
Living But Not Really Living
Because Your Constantly
Believing That Your A Burden
To Everyone Around You
Depression Is Those Long Nights
Crying Yourself To Sleep
Hoping The Storms
will Come To Pass.

Depression Is
Trying And I Mean Really Trying
To Do Things Right But
Being Pulled Right Back Under
When You're Trying To Take Flight.

Depression Is
Trying To Spread Your Wings To Fly
But Been Pulled Back Under
Only To Be Trodden Upon
And Cut With Words
Sharper Than Any Two Edged Swords
Depression Is
Razor Blade Like Words
That Cut Deep Right Into The Soul.

That Is What It's Like For Me
To Live In A World Gone Far Too Cold
That Is What It's Like For Me
To Live In A World That
Just Doesn't Care Yeah.

It's The Stigma, The Fear
Of Reaching Out
Only To Be Rejected And Shut Out
It's The Fear Of Never Been Heard
It's The Fear Of Never Been Known.

It's Like Your Surrounded By
Strangers That Don't Even Know Your Name
That Don't Even Understand
Your Pain Or Fears
It's Like Your Trapped In A Prison
That You Just Can't Escape.

Depression Is Wanting
So Bad For The Pain To End
But Wanting So Desperately To Live
Depression Is The Hunger
For More Than Just A Sip
Of Love And All It's Glory.

It's The Wanting To Really Live
A Life Full Of Joy And Laughter
But Being Heavily Weighed Down
By Years And Years Of Hurt And Anger
And Not Knowing Who To Turn To
In Fear Of Never Been Heard.

It's The Desperate Cries
In The Middle Of The Night
It's Being So Down That
You Feel So Alone
Like You've Got No-One
It's Isolating Yourself Away
To Escape The Chaos And The Noise
That Surrounds You
Everywhere You Go.
I Win, You Lose, You're Wicked Games
And Evil Charns
Selfishness And Cold Dead Stares
This State Of Momentary
Darkened Night
But In The Morning Light I Will See The Sun.

You Lose, I Win, Game Over For You
Now I've Got All The Power
It's In My Hands
I Win, You Lose, You're Wicked Games.

I Win, You Lose, You're Wicked Games
And Evil Charms
Lies, Deciet And Munipulated Stories
This State Of Momentary Feelings.

But Come The Waves Washing Over Me
I Will Be Made A New Creation
Behold All Of The Old Is Now Dead Weeds
Plucked From The Deepest Part Of Me.

Gone Are The Days Of Being Bound
These Prison Chains Are Broken
Free At Last To Breathe The Air, At Last
I Know That I Am Finally Free.

I Win, You Lose, Game Over For You
Now I've Got The Power
It's In My Hands
I Win, You Lose, You're Wicked Games.
To Love And To Be Loved
To Hold Onto And To Let Go
To Say I Love You Or To Walk Away
In This Empty Silence
The Room Is Filled With Faces
Of People I Don't Even Recognize And
Names That I Will Never Know.

In Time, I Will Have Moved On
And Time Will Have
Slipped Through My Hands
Just Like That, In The Blink Of An Eye
In A Flash When There's Nobody Else
I Will Only Have Me
Just Like It's Always Been.
No Matter What I Do
The Pain Remains
The Same.

No Matter What I say
Nothing Changes
It's Still The Same
As It Was Yesterday
The Day Before And The Day Before That.

No Matter What I Do
The Pain Never Fades
Same Old Words That I Keep Saying
Of How Much That I Can't Take It.

Yeah, No Matter What
No Matter What No, No Matter What
The Pain It Never Dies.

Yeah, No Matter What
No Matter What No, No Matter What
Everything Else Stays The Same...
Yeah, No Matter What I Do Or Say
Say Or Do, The Pain Remains.

No Matter What I Do
The Pain Remains
The Same.
I Can Totally Relate To This
Feeling Of Hopelessness And
Wanting So Badly For
Something That I Can Call My Own,
Some Place Where I Belong
Some Place That I Can Call My Home.

The Anxiety I Feel When I Feel So Lost
Without Any  Sense Of Any Real Direction.
The Anxiety You Feel
When You're So Scared
That It Becomes An
Overwhelming Sense of Feeling
Of Oh My!
Am I Ever Gonna Make It Through This?.

I Know That
These Trials That We All Go Through,
We Are Taught So Often To Toughen Up
And Be So Strong But
I Am A True Believer That
Sometimes We Have To
Let Ourselves Come Undone
We Have To Let Ourselves Fall Apart
We Have To Lose Sight Of The Shores Sometimes.

When We're In Deep Waters
When The Winds Are Howling And
Lightning Flashes And
Thunder Roars Across The Skies.

We Have To Remind Ourselves
That In Every Moment
We Have Here In This Life
Is Just A Momentary Phase And
Eventually This What Seems
Never Ending Storm's
Will Eventually Come To Pass
This Too Shall Pass.

And Behold The Sight Of sunlight
When Daylight Breaks
It Is Then That
We Are Able To Mend
From All This Brokenness Inside
And The Weight Of These Wings
And The Baggage We Tend To Carry
Will Slowly Begin To Fall.

These Giants Of Fear
Inside Your Heart And Your Mind
The One's Who Are Screaming Out
The One's Telling You
You're Never Gonna Make It Through.

Well...These Voices They Are All Liars
The Fear, The Doubt, The Confusions
Everything That Tries To Make Us Feel
Less Than Beautiful Or Less Than Worthy
They Will All Soon Fall Away
Crashing And Burning
Into Eternal Nothing.

And You Will One Day Soon
Rise Up Against All Odds
You Will finally find your voice
And What Has Been Hidden
Deep Inside Your Soul All this time.

A Reason And A Purpose To
This Madness That Surrounds You
You Will Find Balance In Everyday Places
You Will Find Hope, You Will Find Peace
You Will Find Strength
Like You Have Never Known You Had
But Have Had All Along.

You Will Find Joy, You Will Find Love
That Is So Unselfish And So Unbreakable
You Will Find The Real You
You Never Thought Existed
You Will Find That
Everything Will Fall Into Place
In The Right Time At The Right Time.

And Please Remember And
Never Ever Forget It
That This Life We Lead
We've Only Got One Shot At It
So Please, Cherish Every Moment
Let Go Of The Bad, Embrace The Good
And The Wonderful And
All Things Beautiful, Remember The
Lessons You Have Learned
Along The Way And Never Forget Them.

And One Last Thing
Before I Leave You To Ponder Upon
This Letter I Wrote To And For You Today
My Message Is Clear
Cherish The Life You Have Today Because.

Yesterday Is Gone Forever
And Today Is The Day That
You Have Been Blessed

With Every Breath You Take Cause.

Tomorrow Well,
Tomorrow Is
Never Really Ever A Guarantee
So Make The Most Of
What You Have Right Now
Savor In Everything You Will See
Capture It And Let It Inspire You
Though Your Everyday Endeavours.

This Journey Of Life You Are On

Is Only Temporary
Nothing's Ever Really Permanent
You And Only You
Can Get You To
The Place You Need To Be
There Is Nobody Else
Who Can Fight Your Battles For You
But Rest Assured That
The Battle Is Already Over
The Battle Is Already Won
When You Learn To
Fight The Good Fight Of Faith.

Unmoved And Unshaken
Unafraid And Unashamed
For The Past And
Mistakes That Were Made
They Do Not Define You
In Any Way Shape Or Form
Only You And You Alone
Have The Power To Define You.

Embrace Who You Are Today Because
Every Single One Of Us
Fought Through Hell And Fire
To Get To This Very Moment
We Share Right Here, Right Now.

Get up!, Shake Off The Dirt And Doubt
Close Your Eyes Take A Deep Breath
Feel The Cool Wind Breeze And
The Illuminating Sunshine's Rays
Gently Kiss Your Face.

Know That You Are Not Alone And
You Are Forever Loved And Cherished
And Wanted And Adored
You Are You And
Nobody Else Can Ever Replace
You Are Not A Carbon Copy
No One Else Can Take Your Place
There Is Only One Of You
Believe It's True.

Again I Must Say
Embrace Who You Are Today
Because Who You Are Today
You Are Enough
Because Every Single One Of Us
Fought Through Hell And Fire
To Get To Where We Are Today.

This Is Our Temporary Home.
To Know You
Is To Love You
And To See You
Is To Breathe You
To Crave You
Is To Need You.

Beside Me
Hold Me Close To You
I Want To Hear Your Heart Beating
Beating To The Rhythm Of The Drums.

To Know You
Is To Love You
And To See You
Is To Breathe You
To Crave You
Is To Need You.

But Tell Me Darling,
Is It Me
That Your Really Looking For?
Is It Me
You've Been Praying For?
Am I The One To Whom
Your Heart Beats For?.
Voices In My Head Screaming So Loud
I Can't Seem To Silence
Doctor Says It's Serious
I Don't Wanna Believe It's True
Wish There Was Someway To Pause It
To Go Back To When It Didn't
Hurt So Bad, Voices In My Mind
Driving Me Crazy As I Talk To Myself.

Medication Can't Fix Me Now
Stablize But Never Cure
We I'm Not Looking For A Fix
Or Doctors To Find No Cure
Coz No Band Aid's Can Ever Fix
These Holes
Their Too Big For Anybody To Fill.

Wish Their Was A Way To Switch Them Off
But I Can't Find A Way Out Of This Darkness
Darkness Lingers And Walls Are Closing In.

These Voices Run My Life
I Got Nowhere To Go
I Can't Hide From The Pain
The Trauma From All Of The Demons
Haunt Me In My Dreams
I Can't Seem To Get Away
Oh I Wish So Hard For There To Come A Day
When I Will Finally Hurt No More.

Cause My Mother She Don't Know
Yeah My Mother She Don't Understand
And These Doctor's They Scare Me To Death.

Feels Like I'm Going Crazy
Living Inside My Own Head
It's Eating Me Up Inside Everyday
Living Inside My Own Mind
It Kills Me That I Might Never Really Know
That I Might Never Really Be Free
Cause There's Nothing Here For Me.

Nothing To Give, All Of Me Is Gone
Broken And Worn Out
These Voices They're All Winning
And This Endless War Between
My Head And My Heart
It's Winning And I'm Losing
This War Between My Head And My Heart
It's Winning And I'm The One
With The Losing Hands.

It's A Losing Game, It's A Sad Sad Thing
This Feeling Inside Of Me, It's Taking Over Me
These Voices Well, They Finally Win.
What About Me?
Do I Not Matter Too?
What About Me?
Do My Feelings Not Matter Too?
What About My Heart?
Coz It's Been Broken
So Many Times Before.

I Don't Know If I Could
Go Through Another Heartache
I Don't Know
If I'm Enough To Stand.

What About Me?
Is What I Say
Not Important Too?
What About Me?
Is My Voice
Not Important Too?
What About My Heart?
I Cry A Hundred
But Still
It's Like Nobody Even Knows.

Am I Invisible To You?
Am I Invisible To You?
I Don't Know But
I'd Really Like To Know
What's Real Today.

What About Me?
What About Me?.
What Do You Do
When Everybody Else Has Left?.

What Do You Say
When You Cannot Find The Words To Speak?.

What's On Your Mind
When You Lay Your Head Down To Sleep
At Night?.

Does The Cool Breeze Whisper Softly
In Your Ears Sweet Songs And Lullabies
All The Words You've Been Longing To Hear?
Does The Sound Of The Ocean And The Shores
Carry You Away To Peaceful Dreams?.

I Am Not One To Remember My Dreams
Only The Bad Ones I'd Like To Forget
I Am Not One To Remember My Dreams
Only The Bad Ones I'd Like To Erase.

But There Is No End In Sight
To These Long And Winding Roads I Walk
Only Stepping Stones I Tread With Caution
Be Careful Not To Let Yourself Fall Or
Maybe Falling Apart Sometimes
Is All A Part Of Letting Yourself Come Undone
In Order To Be Full And Never Really Empty.

What Do You Do In Moment's Like These?
Where These Roads Lead
Nobody Really Knows For sure
Only Heads Full Of Questions
And Hearts That Are Willing To Be Open
So We Let Ourselves Slowly Undone
Unravelling What's Been Inside Of Us
All This Time.


What Do You Do?, What Do You Say?
When There Are No Words You Can Say
And Your Heart Begins To Break
Where Do You Run To Hide?
Who Do You Turn To When Dark Grey Clouds
Begin To Linger And The Rain Starts To Pour?.

Do You Lay Your Head Back Down
And Gently On Your Pillow? And
Do You Lay Your Head Back Down
And Silently Let Out A Cry?.

What Is It That You're Heart Is Feeling Now?
What Is That You're Thinking About Right Now?.

Is It Love, Is It Pain, Is It Mixed Emotions
That You've Bottled Up Inside Of You
For All This Time?.

And Just Like Rolling Thunder
Are You Finally Letting Out A Loud Roar?
And Just Like The Mighty Oceans
Are You Letting It Wash Over You?.

What Do You Do
When Everybody Else Has Left?.

What Do You Say
When You Cannot Find The Words To Speak?.

What's On Your Mind
When You Lay Your Head Down To Sleep
At Night?.
Who Is It That Asks For My Hand?
Who Is It That Seeks My Face?
Who Is It That Pleads For My
Ever Beating Heart?
Who Is It That Dreams Of Me?

Is It True?, Is It Real, Is It Me Or
Is Fate That Has Brought Us Close?

Who Is It That Longs For Me?
Who Is It The One That I'm Thinking Of?
Who Is It That I'm Dreaming Of?
Who Is It That's Right For Me?.

Who Will Be The One That
Kisses My Lips?
To Hold Me Tight
Even In The Darkest Days
Even In The Coldest Night.

Who'll Be There?, Who Is It?
I Wonder, Nobody Knows
Nope, Not Even Me,
Strange I Know
But I'm Okay With That.

— The End —