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Sep 2020 · 33
I don't
Emilia Sep 2020
I don’t know how to
Do what you do—
I don’t know how you do you— do
I know what I do— I don’t— I don’t know what I
Know— how do you do what I know?
Emilia Sep 2020
This mind has a rattling call crow scratch maybe rats in fact **** again sounds human help in the crawl
Of the attic above the wall that divides you & me
The bricks are glued together with anxious syrup and possession
In possession we don’t own this space
We named the place (with mere words)
And so how can I complain
That this creature remains
In the crawl space of my brain
I'll go back to sleep
Safe in the thought that if I die
You'll die with me
Sep 2020 · 24
Emilia Sep 2020
This false binary
Of the
White of the page and the
Black on the page
Has saved us

— The End —