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140 · Sep 2020
Pensively promended I, as impetuous as a poet
To accumulate few jocund inkling about belladonna

For sure, not as a bard
But,as a novice to nature

Stalked I, bare-footed anigh lake
Jabbed some spines beneath my foot

Yon reconnoitred I, do any luminuous light clandestined in water?
Else, any celestial gem floats  in lake?

Nay! it's the waxing moon in the sky
That seemed to tread on water

Paddled I into the lake
To grab some pallied lillies

Hardly perceived I any bloomed one!
Had the lillies been sailed under false colour by moon?

I knew not their intrigue
Nor had I, prescient criteria

Chillness of water benumbed me
Retrieved I, as cool as a cucumber to the bank

Is this terra God's palette?
Obviously! nature is the art of God.

Dark grey was lake's scenario
Stood reeds augustly amidst the lake

Casuarina broke into tumult
When the west wind passed adriftting it

Glow worms scattered round the bushes
Heard I, croaking of frogs

I felt languished by chillness
That pierced my breast and nostrils

Homeward bound,strolled I
For I had been there behind my father's back.

As being benumbed by drastic cold
I was at the end of my tether

Soon felt I, in the arms of Morpheus
On the grass, supine anigh lake

By morning, I began to fly off at a tangents
When an highland lass harped on my shoulder

I began to know the ropes of that wintry night
For it cajoled me to sleep resembling lullaby

No human hardly be preponderate
Than a mother and nature.
This poem was written based on reminiscent of my childhood.

— The End —