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Aug 2020 · 213
Asare Yohannes Aug 2020
In a baby's cradle
Are the definitions of happiness
Mommy comes to cradle the baby out of the cradle
Sleeping comfortably with no restless thoughts
All spirits coming for a tour round it
Babies do see it that's what  mommies say
In a baby's cradle
Are supports of rockers
Resting calmly without knowing it's held up high
When they play with their toys,it sends breathtaking memories
Giggling aloud filled with bountiful smiles
When they cry aloud mommy cradles them out of their cradle
Feeding from the breast milk and going back to their abode
Talks about happiness of babies in their comfort zones
Asare Yohannes Aug 2020
If thou Slater for love,With brinks of the lustful eyebrow
In thy beauty is the dilemma of sleepless thoughts
Longing as before,thou sparking the intense fury of  thou lips
Love be a barrier,I'd freeze out than cross
My 'mistress' love is a vise
She makes thee slaughter her pregnant goose
Her eyes silent as the gentle stirs of the stunning breeze

Is life not a melody of love
I be kind to her divinity,hate thy skimpy self
Over the fences thy fluffy *** came leaping
With the drisiling and screeching voices of merry flowers
Her skipping high-heeled flames fanning my sight

Is life not a melody of love,thy heart singing and dancing
Whirled and tossed up,I dance to her lashes
Her smile rises the immaculate sorrow
Of thy low self esteemed hub
Fighting for love of a woman,who stretches and makes you do absurd things

— The End —