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Aug 2020 · 101
The eternal cog
Itzpoggers Aug 2020
The cog works,
We are all apart of the cog,
Constantly being smacked against cold metal hurts,
But to stop the cog,
Everyone must stop,
But people like the cog,
Love the cog,
So the cog works.
Aug 2020 · 70
The great mirage
Itzpoggers Aug 2020
All I fine and dandy,
All is swell and good,
That's what I tell my family and friends,
No one does,
Who would admit there feelings?
And break the fake wall,

The demon within cry to be released,
Ripping and smashing against are souls,
But we must not break the mirage,

If we break the wall a flood would happening causing terror and anarchy,
Buts that's what I tell me,

But that is the even bigger mirage hiding on top of that,
That when the beast is released it does get tamed and treated,

But to keep it bottled up that is the real danger, because the demon will break through the wall, killing what contained it.
Aug 2020 · 207
The snowy gate
Itzpoggers Aug 2020
Trudging through the snow,
To the snowy gate,

Where children played and rhymed,
And in the summer it gleamed and shined,

To the snowy gate

Where the travellers came and tried
And where lords, cooks and maids sighed

To the snowy gate,

Where they was many murders and crime,
And children no longer rhyme,

Towards the snowy gate

Where travellers feared and were terrified,
And the lords, cooks, maids died,

The snowy gate.

— The End —