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646 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
Morning twilight beams up high
with package of promises
Breaks through black bergs of the sky without fatigue or recesses

Fresh and young green nature's life
an energetic living
Stands ***** purple loosestrife
menthol hypnotic giving

Sparkling dews of diamonds dance
on buds and flower-petals
Emerald spread in lawn o' romance
continuing chronicles

Birds in their own charming voice
Rings in my ears a tune
They do sing in a chirping noise
A dream not to leave soon

I breathe in deep the soft cool air,
That cools me in, as it goes.
Feel like fulfilled The Lord's Prayer
And what and what, who knows?

The grass filled with morning dews
Sparkling diamonds on ground,
Touches my feet livens me anew,
happiness and joy unbound.

Oh dear nature! Lovely and nice!
For all you render, there's no price.
Full of patterns of joy and glory.
Keep dawning in our lives, with your new story.

S. A. Marshal
S A Marshal Feb 2021
সোনালী পাষাণী
এস এ মার্শাল ০৩/০৯/২০১৮

ভূমিতে চির স্তব্ধতার
ভয়ানক অনুভূতি,
চিকচিক করে বালি
রয়ে আছে নিরবধি।

মেঘ নেই, জীবন্ত নীলাকাশ,
বয়ে বেড়ায় অরোধ্য হাওয়া,
উজ্জীবিত সূর্যোদয়টি যেন
মোর অস্তের শেষ খেয়া।

যত খুঁজি কিনারা
তত মেলে গহিনা।
তত হয় ক্ষয়
তাকলামাকানের জয়।

“এক ফোটা ভিক্ষা-জল”
ছুটি মরীচিকার পানে,
সোনালি পাষাণীর
এই বিভীষিকাময় গোরস্থানে।

উপরে শকুনের উল্লাস,
তাদের অস্থির খোঁজ -
কখন হবে আমায় নিয়ে
তাদের সেই প্রিয় ভোজ?

বুকের সাহস?
সে তো অনেক অতীতে,
পরাজিত হয়েছে
অসংখ্য ভীতিতে।

সিংহ পুরুষ!
ভয়ে ছিলো সবাই,
হুকমে কেঁপেছে
উজির, নাজির, সেপাই।

নেই কোনো আশা
নেই কোনো শক্তি,
এ কি হয়েছে
মোর চরম পরিণতি?

শিওরে উঠার
বল নেই আর,
না পারি খুঁজিতে
এ ভুবনের প্রতিকার।

প্রতি নিশ্বাস,
বিশ্বাস ঘাতকতা,
প্রানের বদলে
এনেদেয় সুষ্কতা।

অবশিষ্ট যেটুকু স্পন্দন
তোমায় ডেকে হে,
হলো মোর সমাপন।
© S. A. Marshal
554 · Feb 2021
S A Marshal Feb 2021
এস এ মার্শাল ০৭/০৭/২০২০

জগৎ জুড়িয়া দুই চোখ মেলিয়া
দেখিতে পাইনা শান্তি;
নয়নের স্বপন রহিবে তিতিয়া
লয়ে দূর্দশা আর ক্লান্তি।

জগতে আজ নাই আবির্ভাব
নাই সেই পণ্ডিত গুরুজন;
জ্ঞানীদের মাঝে জ্ঞানের অভাব
মনুষ্যত্ব হয় নির্বাসন।

চারিপাশে সব অভাবের মেলা
অভাব পূরনের যতসব খেলা;
কেউ খোঁজে বেড়ায় পার্থিব লিলা
নানান কৌশলে কাটিয়া দেয় বেলা।

কোট টাই পরিয়া পণ্ডিত মশাই
অফিসে গিয়া বসে;
পাণ্ডিত্য তার শোনেনা কেহ,
প্রফিট কতো, কার কতো লসে।

গরিব হয় চোর দুই টাকার অভাবে
ধনিরা করে রাজনীতি;
কিছুলোকের আবার রক্তের স্বভাবে
নিশিতে তাহাদের কৃতি।

দুর্নীতি ও অশ্লীলতার মাঝে;
বিশুদ্ধতা ঢাকে অশুদ্ধতার লাজে।
এত যাতনা সহিতে পারিনা যে;
দূর করো যাহা চলিছে এ সমাজে।

জগতের সুখ আসিবেনা জগতে
ফরিয়াদ যদি নাহি পারি করিতে
তোমার মহিমা যদি না ছড়ায়
রহিবো মোরা হায় অসহায়।

তোমার সৃষ্টিতে কদর রহিবেনা
বিস্তৃত চারিপাশে কষ্ট ও বেদনা।
তুলিয়া দুই হাত তাই করি প্রার্থনা
রাব্বানা আতিনা ফিদ্দুনিয়া হাসানা।

© S. A. Marshal
S A Marshal Jan 2021
তুমি তো  ছিলে  নিরক্ষর এক এতিম মরুচারী
তোমাকে ঘিরে ছিলো দুর্মুখ বর্বর জাতি  
হাজার বছর ধরে জাহেলি অহংকারে নিপতিত বসতি
সেখানেই তুমি এলে এক জ্ঞানময় আলোক মশালধারী।

তুমি তো ছিলে না নাবিক কোনো, না চৌকস ডুবুরি
না ছিলো তখন টাইটানিক, সাবমেরিন বা টর্পেডো
তবুও কী অবলীলায় বলে দিলে সাগরের ঠিকানা
অদৃশ্য ব্যারিকেডে নোনা-মিঠা না মেশানো জল স্রোত ধারা
গহীন সাগর তলে আলো-আঁধারির খেলা
বলো, কী করে তোমার তা সম্ভব হলো?
অথচ এই তো সেদিন বিজ্ঞানের আবিষ্কারের সত্য বলে তা স্বীকৃত হলো।

তখন তো ছিল না মহাটেলিস্কোপ মহাযান, স্যাটেলাইট
তবুও কি করে দেখে নিলে চোখের পলকে
আলোর গতি ডিঙিয়ে গ্রহ-নক্ষত্রের অভয়াচরণ
মহাবিস্ফোরণ, ব্ল্যাকহোল, গ্যালাক্সির রহস্য ভার
বলে দিলে জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞানের অজানা সম্ভার
বলো, কি করে তোমার তা সম্ভব হল?
অথচ এই তো সেদিন বিজ্ঞানের আবিষ্কারের সত্য বলে তা স্বীকৃত হলো।

তুমি তো ছিলে না কোনো নৃবিজ্ঞানী না ইতিহাসবেত্তা
কী করে মাটি না খুঁড়েই বলে দিলে অতীত কথা
আদ, সামুদ, লুতের সুরম্য শহর হয়েছে লীন
অভিশাপে হয়েছে তা ধ্বংস ভূগর্ভে বিলীন!  
বলো,  কী করে তোমার তা সম্ভব হল?
অথচ এই তো সেদিন বিজ্ঞানের আবিষ্কারের সত্য বলে তা স্বীকৃত হল।

তুমি তো ছিলে না কোনো চিকিৎসক, মহা শৈলকারিগর
না ছিল এক্সরে, আল্ট্রাসোনো ইত্যাকার আবিষ্কার
তবুও কোন অণুবীক্ষণ চোখে দেখে নিলে সব
মানব সৃষ্টির মহাপরিকল্পনার তথ্য ভ্রুন
মাতৃগর্ভ নীড়ে প্রথম প্রাণের সঞ্চারণ, কুন-ফায়াকুন!
বলো, কী করে তোমার তা সম্ভব হলো?
অথচ এই তো সেদিন বিজ্ঞানের আবিষ্কারের সত্য বলে তা স্বীকৃত হলো।

হাজার বছর আগে নিরক্ষর মুখে
আধুনিক বিজ্ঞানের সত্যরে শুনে
অবিশ্বাসী নিরুপায় কৃতিত্ব দিয়েছে তোমায়
বিজ্ঞানের অলৌকিক আল-কুরআন এ গ্রন্থ রচনায়
অথচ তুমি নির্বিকার নিজেকে তুচ্ছ করে,  
ঘোষিলে-'এই মহাজ্ঞান  ভান্ডার নয় তো তোমার

প্রেরিত মোর তরে মহান বিধাতার
একক প্রাপ্য স্তুতি, প্রশংসা অপার
যত হোক তবুও তাঁর প্রতি অপ্রতুল
আমি তো ঘোষণাকারী শুধু, বাহক তারবার্তার
-আবদুহু ওয়া রাসুল।'
নিজ হতে বলার নেই যে ক্ষমতা
তার দেয়া জ্ঞান ঝলকে হয়েছি-' সিরাজুম মুনিরা'।
393 · Feb 2021
S A Marshal Feb 2021
The Verge
S. A. Marshal
15 Jan, 2021

Hey! Look, it's me!
Not at verge
nor for your mercy,
and certainly not at urge.
I too dream
a presidential hope.
To ideate a creation
from deep kaleidoscope.
From within my ingenuity,
I colour the skies of Aurora.
I know how far I can go
to challange the Zeus'  Pandora.

Look! It’s me,
not a roadside verge.
You may think to
not to merge.
For I too think
no life in you.
To create a stanza,
for rhythmic tempo
needs to beat a super-hit,
but it cannot be the you,
so off you go, shoo shoo.

And hey, it’s me!
Not at verge
but about to center
a time of surge.
Where you'll see
chants of my people.
My pride-vibrant in glory of ripples.
Lights and flashes,
stages that sounds
to see of my last
at Turin another shroud.
367 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
Sometimes in life when things aren’t right;
When you are alone and no one at sight; 
When simplicity knows not who you are;
When silence is filled with rage and thunder;
When truth is all of lies and blunder;
You are left for a fight or surrender! 

When friends turn away and now a foe;
When he faces you, nowhere to go;
When chastity vows with a sword of revange.
Prudent sense ***** her before the bench. 
When love is selfish and life is a joke. 
Change to a warrior as kindness provoked.

Hilarious, delirious, overwhelmingly casted; 
In zeal for confusion, an evil-house nested.
Gods turn demons and demons are the gods; 
In the characters all evens are odds. 
Rolls of hatred engulfs the care.
Time for a war, create your fire!

Stab devil right between the eyes;
Regain your rights, be the wise;
Man to man, throne to throne;
Spend last blood don't leave'em alone;
Cease the victory that ahead awaits;
You're then a warrior with no more deaths.

S. A. Marshal
A brief description of this writing:
The so called dignified sector looting the society today and your position you aught to cease.
The world has majority of humble,  yet negligibly literate soceity. Most of the rulers are less educated people with foolish iron hands. These rule the vast majority to cause armageddon...
297 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
In life's war of shoot to ****;
Winner has all, that's the deal.
Mercy not for all hard work;
They just rob in day and dark.
Luck with me as always thought;
End of day there's nothing bought.
Wise are evil, not to say;
Mystery's life but what the hey?!
Found myself in melancholy,
Why should I die so harshfully?

I've lost all and can't expect;
My big ship is in a great wreak!
Is war over, I'm so weak?
At life's brink, I gave a shriek!
Always lived in dignity,
Was to reach my sovereignty.
Man within says NO! NO! NO!
I too am man to play my show.
Got to collect whatever in me.
Got to show, I'm meant to be.

Pulling slowly, gripping rope,
Dreaming again from broken hope.
Blur is destined and vague vision,
Mind, still with power to move on.
For the new day sun high rises,
Wiped all past, and improvises.
So must rise from torment of fire,
Must win to great from a mere.
Come what may, mazes or viles,
I shall walk through all these miles.

I moved on to for I have to,
Went afar to brighter new.
Saw a golden gate ajar,
Few more steps in pain and scar.
No one seen yet seemed crowded,
In new realm I seemed beaded.
Could this be? Mind in frenzy.
Hope not so it's, it's too early.
Fragrances rejuvinates,
My whole self regenerates.

Then came a breeze to soothe me up
Nothing is to matter in this new lap
All seemed nice and all seemed glee
Alpha is mine and omega is me
No time here is seen to move
Days and nights all removed
Nothing in memory, no one to know
People all around in their own flow
My last breath, heard sounds of cry
Heavens sung as I'm raised high.
A brief description of this writing:
Struggling for survival and planning to endeavour the approaching new war, unknowingly you transit into a unknown dimension.
In your first feeling, not at all realising where you are you proceed on to accomplish your planned tasks.
Then at a certain instant a chill begins to put you in a dilemma of thoughts.
How do you get to accept the new life, leaving behind all the plannings and day night handwork for a cause?

S. A. Marshal
12. 03. 2007
S A Marshal Feb 2021
অনন্ত আশায় আঁখি

প্রশান্ত এক জলাশয়ের
আশায় তাকাই আকাশ পানে।
আমার হয়ে সেই নিয়োতি
আসবে সেজে আমার নামে।
মেঘের পাশে হঠাৎ করে
কি যেন কি নাড়া দিলো।
এবারের টা ঠিক ই যেনো,
স্পষ্ট বলে মনে হলো।
তখনো এটিরো আগে
এমন দেখা দিয়েছিলো।

কিছু হবার, কিছু পাবার
চিমটি খাওয়ার জীবন আমার
তবুও কেনো, কিশের আশা?
দৃঢ়তার মন বলে — এবারেরটা হবে।
মেঘের বিজলি হঠাৎ করে
অন্য রকম দেখা দিলো
এবারেটায় মনে হলো
আমার বেলার সময় হলো।
তখনো তো আগের বিজলি
এমনিই মনে হয়েছিলো।

এস এ মার্শাল
288 · Feb 2021
S A Marshal Feb 2021

The call came last night,
It came once before.
I kept on with playing the taunt
With those up there above.

They know my childplay,
They went through this before.
No one wants to leave the earth
Though critics of life from all.

All well to accept it
As natural as can be.
All have to take the flight
To settle eternally.

Life in another life
Is living like a bee.
Perpetual, no appraisal
Are what it seems to be.

You calling me, wait, let me bow.
I'm just leaving this world, I'm coming now.
It looked as though it seemed to me
I need to think if I left something.
No one answers to who I call
Yet, I'm not letting go off this wall.

S. A. Marshal
28 December 2020
253 · Feb 2021
S A Marshal Feb 2021
S. A. Marshal
15 Jan, 2021

Forgetting it all
in recalling it.
A demential way
to see what's in it.
In ways to not let the
pain running through.

It wasn’t that hard
artistical too!
Having had had it,
getting to woo.
Ah! what a joy,
believe it's true!

Keeping the trouble
of not letting way.
Out from the jumble
to answer whole day.
"Was that on it?  
Or was it at that?
Couldn’t recall, hey!"
You’ve kept 'em at bay!
190 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
Living on this earth of faces
how will the living be?
Strands and tangles surrounds us
are the names freedom and liberty.

Life on a borrowed smile
is breathing so contently.
The joy of life on my face
is killing me silently.

Why seek the knowledge? Why clean the dirt?
A mere soul you came as, and was it a body part?
A fragile slip is all it takes and you're all done!
Your flight, without your wealth, you're going all alone.

Clothes and apparels, shiny gold,
Brand is the difference in them all
With antics they make them sold
Always young, and never growing old.

Rooms styled, in every bit
Lamps with lights brightly lit
Walls with paint coloured, for its fit
All furnishments too, to go along with it.

Why seek the knowledge? Why clean the dirt?
A mere soul you came as, and was it a body part?
A fragile slip is all it takes and you're all done!
Your flight, without your wealth, you're going all alone.
This is about all our labours for the type of material gains but for what?
What you were before is what you are now. A single soul.

S. A. Marshal
153 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
My search for you
in wilderness.
In arid, deepwood,
Searching for your look
onto me,
To touch and cure me

Never was the
Till those embraced
Guidance of you
on chosen one.
His love on people
from all clans.

'His' fortitude
reached him to heights
And made him lightened,
shone the sights.
How lovely is Your
name to call.
for Nawi, his all.

Knowing not what
I seeked advise;
an all wise, said
"Listen precise.
Know your heart
and know your soul.
Who made them all
and where's your goal?

Look up in the sky
and down abode
See all the wonders
stroll on road.
Think why the birds soar
so, so high?
The ones we live on,
can not fly"

And he rised up
aloud vocally,
"Sufficient for me
oh Almighty.
None in heart,
but You alone.
In my survival
whole life long".

Loving the Nawi,
I need to do.
With his knowledge
all wise grew.
Be humble,
know your Creator
Merciful is He,
the Forgiver.

I need His guidance,
To see me through;
For I'm so lost
and gone astray
To Him I need to
change my day.

He attained to his exaltation
"Wills and power from His perfection.
He dispelled all darkness and commotion
Beauties and fragrances are his attraction.

Searching for You,
where can you be?
The world's tough,
I'm made tenderly.
My world is sinking,
I am getting lost.
Rescue, oh Lord!
And take me to coast

My world is sinking,
I am getting lost.
Rescue, oh Lord!
And take me to coast
My world is sinking,
I am getting lost.
Rescue me, Lord!
And find my coast!

Searching for You,
where can you be?
The world's tough,
I'm made tenderly.
My world is sinking,
I am getting lost.
Rescue, oh Lord!
And find my coast.
In material world man got so much involved in greed for more money and power that he suddenly finds his position way far away from his root. He forgets his Creator.
He begins to forget where he came from and tries to even change his face to look like others.
Finding himself in limelight he never looks back at those of his well-wishers who loves him. But alas, this fortunes is never meant to last, when he falls and loses everything.
If you are lucky to still have time on earth, search for the faded way back to redemption...

S. A. Marshal
132 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
No more colouring flowers
that gardens one time gave.
No more sea caressing breeze
with their tempting waves.
No more smell of sweet autumn  
On meadows seen so green.
Birds now no more sing their tunes
in sweeter love meetings.

Ours was the merrymaking,
Adorable tunes gone.
They can be seen once in bluemoons
And that too with no fun.
Our kisses had all passions
but now they are all dead.
For once love was dancing in air
They are now all tearshed.

No humanity in humans
as they are ought to be.
Call all to help the street commons,
they will say, "Why should we?"
Peace and harmony are jokes,
not shown as before.
We need in plenty trees of love
In every place to grow.

They trade women and **** their kids,
for mere worthless material needs.
Every step has a shame of deeds,
no pride in it for sure,
Where is the love, I ask you bro?
It can be seen no more.

Good outfits, courteous man
Killing in daylights - a foolproof plan.
Preachers **** virgins Bible at hand.
Are you sure there lives a love?
Brother, don't really know!

Masked so greatly,
nice hearted beings.
Molesting love
at tender teens.
Brotherhood is
never seen
There's nothing
to adore.
Love in this
horrible place?
Oh! Who may think it so?

Why search for love
when hearts are broken?
Why need the love,
in world where evils woken?
Why go to die
in a cheap war
Search and and all you’ll get
 Deep sea without a shore
You'll never find a hope
coz love don't live no more.
Love in this world doesn't shine anymore and long gone for good.

S.A. Marshal
11.07. 2017
108 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
Brew a potion 
in cauldron of sanity, 
A mixture of caring love 
churned with honesty, 
Add a pound of brotherhood 
and dollops of unity 
to garnish with loyalty 
worthy life in community 

This potion is needed 
at this gully time 
When men do deeds 
with hearts of grime. 
No love, not beloved
in life of women.
Deceitful, hateful
Humanity driven.

Destroys life 
in a gleeful race 
Buys harm 
in exchange of grace 
a lust to **** 
Literal furnace 
in collateral mill 

In an era 
of pleasure for pain 
Too much loss 
and nothing to gain 
All what’s left 
is a world of vengeance 
To start another 
turmoil in dungeons 

Brew a potion 
in a cauldron of sanity 
And add to the potion 
pardon in amnesty 
A caravan of true love 
for the torment of despise 
A call for togetherness 
For mankind to highly rise 

An ounce of blessing 
stir for certainty 
A word of wisdom 
from saint for serenity 
As the potion is made 
a light will be seen 
Floating on its surface 
glow of satiny sheen.
How do we get to bring about a peaceful soceity?

S. A. Marshal
107 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
At fifteen in her dream-filled eyes
It was long ago young love was on rise
She never thought she'd be caught by his eyes

At The Witness

I have lost too much from memory 
But the living words still ring in ear tenderly.
The echo of pain and tragic misery 

Of The Witness

Will you come back to fulfill the dream?
Will you come, take me to that stream?
Where two of us ran and played all around 
Love was in the air and seen so profound
We hopped on every stone that we found

At The Witness

Two tender love looking their eyes
People of both home, without compromise
"It's so foolish and not so wise"

They said as witness

Eyes filled with floods of tears
Hits my heart pierced with spears
Echoes keep ringing in my ears 

Of The Witness:

Will you come back to fulfill the dream?
Will you come, take me to that stream?
Where two of us ran and played all around 
Love was in the air and seen so profound
We hopped on every stone that we found

At The Witness

In the car at night they're holding each other
Starry night the sky made world so better
They named a child for dreams to shatter 

At they witness

Still I cry with floods of tears
Tore my heart with pain of spears
Still hear her say ringing my ears 

At The Witness

Will you come back to fulfill the dream?
Will you come, take me to that stream?
Where two of us ran and played all around 
Love was in the air and seen so profound
We hopped on every stone that we found

At The Witness

Master twister why didn’t you let me back?
Why I am put at the one way tract?
If put me there then why the love act?

At The Witness

Blessings be to you my unfulfilled love
Be ever shining from everyone's above
Forgive me, love for I failed to be your dove

In The Witness

I couldn’t come back to fulfill the dream.
Couldn’t be back to take you to that stream.
Where two of us ran and played all around 
And love was in air and seen so profound
We hopped on every stone that we found

At The Witness
Written based on a true story.

S. A. Marshal
105 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
I have that dream to live this day; 
a day at Guantanamo Bay. 
Here I am for what I know not 
and what the law people say. 

Living in here, an empty quarter,
can't see the days as they come. 
A distant scream and chaste no more 
for another ghost of Bagram. 

The no-dusk days seems so long, 
was never in life before. 
Coping up this day, it's a great prize, 
a luck for the family of four. 

Jason the Junior needs a little help; 
he dreams of a justice in him. 
Moyena the starlet has a new passion 
of being at a big silver screen. 

Molly, their mum, feeding them the dreams, 
dreams she never knows of. 
Yet they know she can redeem
in the never ending love. 

She's full of strength, for she has her man 
who'd never let her cry,
Till the heavens shrill and the earth stands still,
and his soul leaves him to die.
A brief description:
Perception of an inmate who still believes a miracle will set him free from a propaganda he is ******* with. He awaits in pain for that moment he would run to his awaiting family to fulfill the promises.
Surely they know he would come for the salvation.

S. A. Marshal
91 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
She won't come; she didn't love

Spring came and winter shoved
She won't come; she didn't love

Love was shot from sky above
And changed all hates to love, beloved,
But she won't come 'cause she didn't love

She told me this is it, and it's not a bluff
I know her lies - she let's out a cough
Before she said it she made a laugh
'Now she won't come  'cause she didn't love. 

I looked out the highway getting to resolve
I recall last year this road was involved
Said that the moment's curved in her heart as she drove
She said never will she forget this grove
Now she won't come 'cause she didn't love. 

Dew drops dried and garden looked mauve
Roses with their colour yet feels suave
Love, care in multitude all on her behove
Winter gone out of sight, yes it really have
Lying on floor my gifted worthless furry gloves
She will come no more 'cause she did not love. 

My world cries along with mourning dove
She left for good in the never ending love
Every wound can heal all the ones she thinks of
But no! Not me for she disposed me off
She'll feel and come? To go with me to cove?
A foolish thought and I'll get her rid off
'Cause she won't come and never could she love. 

But could she?......
When promises are broken and you painfully know it by heart that she has gone forever. You keep saying it loudly and over again, if you somehow are proven wrong.

S. A. Marshal
84 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
Air is filled with murmuring voice
A pretty girl was their matter of rejoice 
All felt the same from men to boys
All eyes are following their common choice 

She walked they looked for moments of glories 
She walked they dream a land of fairies
She walked their thoughts all lost in stories
And she walked in the world unaware of these

She wandered in spectrum, subtly 
A devoting hope forever, abruptly  
Creation for dancing stanza, aptly 
But she kept moving on so benightedly

Never talked lots always cheer-faced
Her attractions never failed to amaze
She's the reason for all to daze
A lady made from Creator's own grace

With her the life, ooptimistic  
With her the world, aromatic  
With her their feelings eclectic 
She's their desire, so romantic

Come to my life, make living worthwhile 
I promise no tears, no curse of vile
My little cottage we'll make living  smile
Rolls of choices in coast of enduring isle

S. A. Marshal
67 · Aug 2020
S A Marshal Aug 2020
Life looks like a bed of roses 
to the anointed souls
Thorns beneath to some exposes 
makes them laughing drolls

So many colours of this world 
many paint to match
Many see their success curled 
starting from their scratch

There are yet some others 
seeking for their brothers
risking to go all around

Facing storms of courage
spending great leverage 
on humanitarian ground

Dream to rise 
to touch the sky
is not a poor man's tea

With all the hardships 
then you know it
you weren't the one to be

Born are some 
funny lucky ones
Riding on other's horse 

Praising high of him, 
polishing him with cream 
taking his throne without loss

Mysterious, misty 
with mazes everywhere
Many become beasty 
and many do not care. 

I fall in group of hardship, seems
creating own golden lucks
Making ways to make my dreams
travelling on bumpy tracks

Digging hard earth, 
looking for gold 
Working with dwellers, 
in hot and in cold.

Ups and downs, 
plains and stoney 
are my life-roads 

Deserts and hills, 
for heard earned money 
I move with heavy loads

Romance under starry night 
Auroras fill my lovely sky
This dream I see only in sleep
Thunder, rain are real for my keep

All come and leave me and go, 
in my humble life 
To go beyond I wish to know
how I need to drive
S. A. Marshal

— The End —