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156 · Jul 2020
Harsh Words
N U Jul 2020
Harsh words said.
Feelings hurt.
Yet I do not know,
How it all began.

Why did I burst.
Now I feel like dirt.
Hateful Words like released arrows
Can never be taken back.

Emotions came flooding;
Like river from a broken dam.
Destroying everything;
Nothing stood a chance.

Grief followed anger,
Guilt replaced arrogance.
A moment's silence
Could have averted it all.

Even after mindless devastation;
My pride is not giving in.
To defeat my ego,
I muster courage and apologize.
152 · Jul 2020
My Poetry
N U Jul 2020
I take my pen
To write what I feel.
To make the reader
Feel what I write.

Poetry does not come to me,
When I wish.
But it comes to me,
When I least expect it.

Swimming frantically for air,
From the deepest parts of my mind.
It comes out to be free;
Sending me running for my pen.

After writing it down,
Urge to rhyme engulfs me.
But changing means losing the raw feel.
So I let my poems be.
137 · Jul 2020
N U Jul 2020
Lost, they are,
Into the oblivion.
My first words of poetry
That I poured from my heart to paper.

Lost, they are,
Into the oblivion.
As I search frantically
For the pieces of my soul in the abyss.

As our body ages,
So does our minds
And with it our perspectives.
I search in vain pieces of my bygone era

Will I ever find what I lost?
An inner voice murmurs,
An irrational mind giving me hope
For something that I may never see.
131 · Sep 2020
N U Sep 2020
Long road lay vacant;
thick foliage either side.
Dark clouds filled skyline.
117 · Aug 2020
Familiar face
N U Aug 2020
The yellow sun above
With no shadows below.
I walked gathering all my might;
With no end in sight.

Miles and miles of tracts clear.
No clue as to why memory was vague.
I opened the bottle to find it empty.
Each step forward hefty

Then on to the scorched sand I fell
With each breath, specks of sand rose.
A Collage of my life shot past me;
Before I drifted to eternity.

I awoke to a yellow light;
Shone to wake me from the dark.
Was this the paradise created by deity?
Alas! the disinfectant's smell restored reality.

Dulled mind slowly caught up;
Various questions weighed it down.
As doctors got me up to pace,
I yearned to see a familiar face.
113 · Jul 2020
The Charming Stray
N U Jul 2020
From where she came i do not know,
But became a part of us before i knew.
Every morning she comes and mews
Outside the kitchen door and sometimes paw.

She always knows when we wake up.
Patiently waiting and hungry to eat.
My wife gives her some fish or meat.
She remains a lady and never gobbles up.

She eats her fill and never sticks around.
We offered her our home to stay,
But the charming cat remained a stray.
To live a life of freedom and never be bound.
85 · Jul 2020
N U Jul 2020
Days filled with boredom,
I eagerly wait for my nights.
For sailing to faraway worlds
And live on my terms.

An escape is what I seek
From the Mundane to the extraordinary.
To soar the skies free,
Where I am not weighed down.

Every morning reality
Drags me up from my dreams.
From the colourful to the drab
And live to a set of rules.

We chase all day;
What others achieved.
Nothing is ever enough and
Expectations are never satisfied.

The never ending cycle continues
And I seek peace at night.
Until life finally ends,
I shall savour my dreams.

— The End —