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191 · Dec 2022
Wind watching
Michael Dec 2022
As I watch the wind
leave,  during Fall
one after another
they would gather
their life now over
only left to lay and decay

Old tree now naked in the Sun!
Much lighter now,
it raises it's limbs up to the heavens
Soon the winds will send Winter
and then it too can rest.
55 · Jul 2023
My brother left me
Michael Jul 2023
Not to long ago it seems.
I think of him
is not the same
without him.
He will be on my mind
for the rest of my time
Someday we will meet again
and when we do,
as I should have before
I will hug him and say to him
I love you!
more than you will ever know.
Goodbye for now,
my brother.

— The End —