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35 · Jul 2020
What's this about corona virus that I hear,
Creating widespread panic and fear.
Social distancing. Really? What's the big deal?
Been doing that for years now I'm for real.
A room full of people looking at their screens,
Socially distant for a while now it would seem.
Everyone out for themselves now and it's a shame.
But have you seen the sky lately it's insane?
Even the trees seem more vibrant and clear,
Our air pollution is beginning to disappear.
This covid 19 is really a blessing in disguise,
And one day we will all come to realise.
It took a virus to stop the fighting of our wars,
Maybe this is nature's way of saying no more.
The universe is reminding us how human we are,
To open our minds and open our hearts.
You gotta ask yourself who you want to be,
In the face of this covid calamity.
We really need to come together as a race,
So many demons to stand and face.

— The End —