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1.2k · Jul 2020
Masindi KEJ Jul 2020


857 · Mar 2022
Masindi KEJ Mar 2022
you really wanna know how you make feel right?
okay babe you make me feel like am forcing things
you make me to be tossing around my bed
you got me  like am desperate for your love
but  i just need to be loved in-return by you
cause i think its a good thing to do
you got me overthinking
made me to mind my words
cause if i say something that might get into your nerves
you might leave me without a doubt
you made me to be a yes man
you really changing me to be a guy
which i never thought i will ever be
you made me to kneel down before the lord
just to express my emotions
cause you never there when i need you on my worst
you made me to be filled with amass words
which i can use to bleed on paper
and now am no-longer bleeding on paper
but bleeding in the inside
and that is eating me so bad
i have an option to leave you but i can not
cause i know i will bump into you
and all those good memories will flashback
and turns into nightmares
beside leaving you i have hope
that things will be normal again
but without trust that wont happen
cause i think you doing all those things just because trust to you is no-longer a word with meaning
and that is all my fault
i know i made you feel like you ain't alone in my life
but to me your are the only flower i gotta protect
even they say that there are many fishes in the ocean for the fisher man
but am the certified fisherman with only you
babe you know that many are called
but chosen is you
babe you are the most beautiful lady i know
and that for me is a treat cause i know it will be so easy for to get a guy whenever you want
babe I just want us to be normal again

babe sometimes you got thinking that it was not a good thing you here at turf
cause if you were never here we wouldn't be talking or feeling like this
but I just realize that maybe  its god plan to test our strength and love we got towards each other
babe you got me finding joy on our previous memories
babe I tend to listen to our previous conversations before we broke up
cause those conversations really reminds me on how happy and lovely we were
sometimes i just wish  if i had super powers just to turn back time to last year 30th July
that is the day we started sharing love
but that is just a wish which will never happen
babe you got me writing a letter full of sorrows
instead of the one full of love
babe lets fix things and cover all those scars we caused each other with some love
377 · Mar 2022
since she left me
Masindi KEJ Mar 2022
since she left me
i just feel betrayed by those romantic movies
where there is always a happy ending
regardless on what the circumstances might be
is either the partner cheated ,lied , or their enculturation is acting as an asymptote, those two tend to find happiness at the end

then there is me waiting as a standby
thinking that she might come back to me one day
with a smile to her face , but that isn't a case
cause when ever we bump to each other
my face will be filled with sorrows and pain
but the best part is the love that runs through my veins
which always grows every time i see her face

eight months she has been a part of me
i know it might sound less but memories created
with those are countless
and maybe is the reason is so hard to move on
my friends say i should move on  and that the street is waiting for me
moving on might be the right thing to do
but i cant just pretend that i don't want her anymore
cause now my path seems so blur without her by my side
i know that might sound crazy, but that how deep she mean to me

on a screen they tend to come back
maybe is because words and action are those rudiments i lack
or maybe is just that my love was to much for her
or those movies are just a big joke
and they just
trying to display how love should be
282 · Apr 2024
Masindi KEJ Apr 2024
she found herself contradicted between being loved
or fancy  
mixed emotions is what she has
281 · Sep 2021
Dear Lord
Masindi KEJ Sep 2021
Dear lord
It's me your son
I know things have been lil sour
Between us
The distance between us is unhealthy
And it's all my fault
It seems like Ii have been in a wrong path lately
Thinking  that you have forgotten about me
Buh it was me blocking your hand
While u were just trying to help
Lord I was deceived by things of this wolrd
Thinking that am doing everything according to ur book
And i was buh  with the wrong interpretation of ur word lord

Dear lord
I miss our late night talk
Where I was confessing to you
About the wrongs I did
Lord I used to walk with pride
Knowing that you here with me
Buh I now am walking with people
Who are lost and confused
Who are not gonna be there on my worst
Lord I did that thinking that they had my back
Not knowing it's you that I lack
Cuz u used to **** all the bubbles
So that I can reach my destination
Which you set for me

Dear lord
You are who you says you are
You are the almighty God
The king of kings
You are the alpha and omega
Lord you are holy
And all I need is your glory
There is no life without you lord
Your love is genuine and pure
279 · Aug 2021
Masindi KEJ Aug 2021
What is love?
Love is rare
Love is a unique feeling
Love is the reason why we are all here
Love is a glue that unite us as a nation

What love should be!
Love is supposed to bring us happiness
Love was not supposed to be hard to find
Love was not supposed to be based on anything
Love was supposed to be spontaneous
Love was not supposed to be scary to get in
Love was not supposed to  have eyes

love in our generation!
Nowadays love is based on looks and
Love has low rate compared to hate
Love is now something to play with as they call it 'entanglements'
Intimacy determines love
Love is taking life's of our loved ones

264 · Sep 2022
turfies uprising
Masindi KEJ Sep 2022
14th of august
the day students raised against the system
the day students turned into soldiers
the day young boys unleashed the demons
of Steve Biko and Tsietsi Mashinene
the day young ladies marched and fourth
like our heroinic Helen Joseph and Winnie Madikizela Mandela
the day stones became weapons
to be throwed to our fathers and Mothers
who betrayed  their own children
the day corrugated metal were displayed as shields
the  day history repeated itself
and this time it was not against the white army
but with one of our own
the day unleaded students showed unity
the day vandalizing was the only communication
to be used to get a rapid realistic response
the day we lost one of our own like they lost Hector Petersen
with buckshot's
the day eggs mattered than windows
the day 14th of august 2022
brought back the history of 16 June 1976
the day that events of it will become a story
which will be told to the upcoming generations
259 · Nov 2024
Masindi KEJ Nov 2024
i need a girlfriend am tired of writting pieces which are full of sorrows and pain
252 · Aug 2022
dear lord part 2
Masindi KEJ Aug 2022
Dear Lord Part 2

Dear Lord, it's me , Your Son
I know it's been ages since we had a chat
I can only hope I am not disturbing
Cause we need to catch up
Remember the last time I wrote to you?
My heart was full of sorrow and Pain, shattered ,  with each piece scattered all over
But Lord, I met Lorrain
Damm, I always have butterflies
And No I'm not talking about " The Queen of Butterflies Vanessa"
Look, I know I said she would be my ride-or-die
The one that will finally bring peace to mine heart
But Boy was I wrong
She blurred my vision
But now My path is clearer than day
Back to my Lorrain
We did not meet on Tinder
We met at the mall
And she said I'm tall
And I said " Short girls and Tall boys are the best"
She laughed,  and at that moment
I Knew she captured my heart
I know this might sound crazy
But I was a little Tipsy
From the consumption of substance
And also from the warmth and comfort she had around her
Then right away I asked for a warm hug
Thinking that if she refuse, I'll blame everything on the liqour
I felt pretty lame but I knew I had to try
She agreed, And she came closer
She smelled incredible , It was a high
As she hugged me
I kept feeling like I'm seeing a nightingale
Listening to it singing a charismatic ,tranquil melody
I don't know if that was true love
But it felt good and new
I want to hold on to it
Forever . . So Help me Lord 🙏🏾
233 · Dec 2020
Why Did I Move On?
Masindi KEJ Dec 2020
I moved on because I was tired of your lies,
That our love was like ice—so cold, so unwise.
You never cared to compromise,
And kept saying my efforts were not the right size.

I was naïve, thinking I could break the ice,
Hoping you’d be the prize—only to find surprise,
In the shattered pieces of my heart sliced twice,
Leaving me alone as the world’s silent cries rise.

In that dark moment, I waited for the sunrise,
As I picked out bow ties and looked to the skies.
Now I’m left to fantasize,
Lost in the memory of your once-perfect eyes.
230 · Oct 2023
Goodluck turfies
Masindi KEJ Oct 2023
In the realm of knowledge, where dreams unfold,
Students embark on a journey bold.
With minds ready and spirits high,
They spread their wings and aim for the sky.

In halls of learning, they seek the light,
Guided by dedication, burning bright.
They embrace challenge, with each test,
Determined to overcome, do their best.

With strength of will and hearts aflame,
They face each module with no shame.
Math and science, language and art,
They conquer each hurdle, playing their part.

Through sleepless nights and restless days,
They strive to understand in countless ways.
Highlighters dance across pages of text,
As they absorb knowledge, with minds flexed.

Oh, students, hear this heartfelt cheer,
May success and triumph soon draw near.
Have faith, persevere, never dismay,
For your efforts will pave the way.

Exams may bring nerves, stress, and strain,
But know that your hard work won't be in vain.
For in each question lies an opportunity,
To showcase your brilliance and creativity.

Remember, exams are but stepping stones,
Leading to futures that are yet unknown.
So, go forth, with courage and drive,
Excel, inspire, and make memories thrive.

Believe in the power that lies within,
Embrace the journey, let your spirits win.
With every challenge, you grow and learn,
Each lesson a flame that continues to burn.

In the end, it's not just a grade or score,
It's the knowledge gained, forevermore.
So, face your exams with heads held high,
You're capable of reaching the sky.

You've prepared, you've studied, you're ready,
Now walk into that exam room steady.
Embrace the moment, let your wisdom shine,
And watch as your dreams align.

May luck be on your side, as you take each test,
May brilliance guide you, always, at your best.
Believe in yourself, and all you can do,
The world is yours, students, let it be true.
229 · Aug 2020
"Words Unmeant to Hurt"
Masindi KEJ Aug 2020
It wasn't my intention,
I was just trying to show you my appreciation,
Expressing emotions without realization—
That my words could bring you some kind of depression.

Maybe you need some relaxation,
To take time and process that first impression.
I didn’t mean it as some kind of complication;
I only hoped for your notification,

And maybe your selection—
To let me be your sensation,
Because you are my fascination,
The truest form of perfection.

Luckily, it’s all within my imagination,
Not some fleeting illusion or delusion.
Ever found yourself giving a compliment,
Only to find it lands as an insult, in the end?
have you ever found yourself giving someone some sort of a compliment and only to find out that it tend to be an insult the person???
222 · Nov 2021
Masindi KEJ Nov 2021
dear lord they say am gonna rip what I saw
just because I hit it raw
I know it was little bit *******
but she left me no choice
she just spread her legs and said in me she see trust
so they is no need for me to use trust
and I was starving so I had to eat
so I took my tool and stroke it in
lord it was too hot for me to pull out like a bottle of a gin
lord my tool spitted its venom inside
219 · Mar 2021
love at first sight
Masindi KEJ Mar 2021
The first time I laid my eyes on you
I couldn’t help but wonder if you were heaven sent
Because you made my heart rate to rise above normal
And it told me to not waste anytime
To see your grin
And to hear your voice
And those two rudiments
messed up with my mental
Made me to hallucinate
When I see my imminent
By just beholding through your glittering eyes
In simple terms I mean
I loved you at first sight
208 · Nov 2021
who is she ?
Masindi KEJ Nov 2021
who is she?
her name is Vanessa
the queen of butterflies
she has that caramel skin color
she defines beauty
I can say she invented smile
she is a rare breed
she is my pillar of strength
she is my pain killer
she is my ride or die

what are her qualities in my life?
she has that body that everything is like a proper fraction
when my heart was scattered
she meandered it with her angelic voice
when love was nolonger meaningful for me
she showed me love and I tend to regain faith in love again
trust was just a word for me till she held my hand
when all I saw was darkness
she became my light
in her eyes all i saw was the reflection of the men i will become while she is by my side
when am down she become a clown just to cheer me up
i can say we are each other missing puzzle
because when we are together nothing comes to mind
than bringing paradise in our life

what am I to her?
206 · Nov 2021
our love!!!!
Masindi KEJ Nov 2021
its funny how we started out
we didn't know each other whereabouts
but that didn't stop us from sharing love
and for us love is just a behoove
we tend to become each others weakness
and we promise each that  sickness
we  make it easy to love one another
just because we always find a way to concur
even thou we fights
we know that we are aiming for greats heights
and tend to calm the situation
by using communication
fun became our motor
our love became the conqueror
we tend to become each other lie detector
our thing is like a metaphor
to others it is a fairytale story
but to us is just a story full of glory
we are like each other missing piece
because  when we are together we find peace
we can say we live for the moment
and that trust to us is dominant
191 · Mar 2021
The magic pen
Masindi KEJ Mar 2021
The first day we met,
You asked for a pen—
One that wrote your name on my heart.
Since that day, my heart rate soared,
And as months passed,
You’re here, but not with me,
Only a piece of my soul remains.

Liking you would be an understatement,
For what I feel is richer than gold.
The reason? Your smile,
It makes birds sing a beautiful melody,
And your sparkling eyes
Reflect the man I aspire to be.

A magic pen,
Mending two broken hearts,
Helping me regain faith in love.
You are my fascination,
The reality of my imagination. 🥺
183 · Sep 2023
Caught in a Contradiction
Masindi KEJ Sep 2023
I find myself caught in a contradiction,
Between liking her and feeling love’s affliction.
We met just days ago, and it’s true,
But there’s something deeper that I sense in you.

Is it the unfamiliarity that pulls me near?
The thrill of exploring what isn’t clear?
Or could it be that I’ve yet to see
Her anger, tears, and dance so free?

Last night, I heard her singing from afar,
Her voice like no other, a shining star.
Though it may be unconventional, I must confess,
Her unique melody brings my heart to rest.

So in this whirlwind of emotions, I reside,
Between liking and loving, I cannot decide.
But as we journey together, side by side,
I’ll cherish each moment and let fate be my guide.

With time, the truth will surely unfold,
As our connection deepens, uncontrolled.
But for now, let us embrace what we share,
And let love’s path lead us, if we dare.
176 · Aug 2020
love at first sight
Masindi KEJ Aug 2020
The first time I laid my eyes on you
I couldn’t help but wonder if you were heaven sent
Because you made my heart rate to rise above normal
And it told me to not waste anytime
To see your grin
And to hear your voice
And those two rudiments
Made me to hallucinate
When I see my imminent
By just beholding through your glittering eyes
In simple terms I mean
I loved you at first sight
173 · Mar 2021
why do you love me?
Masindi KEJ Mar 2021
why do i love you?
this question keeps on popping on my mind
and i think i have several reason to explain why do i love you

maybe is because of your walk
because you walk as if you are stepping on ice
but what will happen when you get crippled?
that means my love for will fade away

maybe is because of your voice
because i think your voice was made to cheer me up
but what will happen when you become voiceless
my love for you will fade away also

maybe is because of your sparkly  eyes
which in them i can see the man i should be
but what if you lose your eyesight due cataracts
my will love  for you will evanescence

maybe is because of curvaceous body
because i think god spent all those seven days creating you
but what will happen if you become shapeless
so my love fade away

so then it came to my realization
i should not have reasons to you
because reasons do fade away
so i love you because i love you
169 · Nov 2021
who is she
Masindi KEJ Nov 2021
who is she?
her name is Vanessa
the queen of butterflies
she has that caramel skin color
she defines beauty
I can say she invented smile
she is a rare breed
she is my pillar of strength
she is my pain killer
she is my ride or die

what are her qualities in my life?
she has that body that everything is like a proper fraction
when my heart was scattered
she meandered it with her angelic voice
when love was nolonger meaningful for me
she showed me love and I tend to regain faith in love again
trust was just a word for me till she held my hand
when all I saw was darkness
she became my light
in her eyes all i saw was the reflection of the men i will become while she is by my side
when am down she become a clown just to cheer me up
i can say we are each other missing puzzle
because when we are together nothing comes to mind
than bringing paradise in our life

what am I to her?
165 · Sep 2020
Love Without Conditions
Masindi KEJ Sep 2020
Why do you love me?
Why do I love you?
This question keeps echoing in my mind—
And I think I have some reasons, but do they hold true?

Maybe it’s the way you walk,
Each step like you're gliding on ice.
But if someday you couldn’t walk,
Would my love for you fade like melted frost?

Maybe it’s the sound of your voice,
A tone that seems crafted to lift me up.
But if you ever lost that voice,
Would my love go quiet, too, and just stop?

Maybe it’s the sparkle in your eyes,
Where I see the man I hope to be.
But what if cataracts stole that shine?
Would my love vanish, as sight turned to memory?

Or maybe it’s the curve of your form—
Like God spent those seven days sculpting you.
But if age or time changed that shape,
Would my love drift, forgetting its view?

Then, it dawned on me like a sunrise clear—
I shouldn’t love you for reasons bound to disappear.
Because reasons will fade like passing seasons,
So I love you simply because… I love you.
139 · Aug 2024
Street melody
Masindi KEJ Aug 2024
On a quiet street, where whispers dance,
I saw her there, by chance,
A tall, bright light in the evening glow,
Her voice a breeze, soft and low.

Her skin, a canvas of the dawn,
In every note, a dream reborn,
The melody she wove in air,
A tender grace beyond compare.

Each song she sang, a story spun,
A serenade to the setting sun,
With every lyric, hearts would sway,
As twilight turned to gentle gray.

In that moment, time stood still,
Captive to her vocal thrill,
A fleeting glimpse of beauty’s art,
She sang her way into my heart.
130 · Aug 2024
Fragile Heart
Masindi KEJ Aug 2024
In the quiet corners where our hearts entwine,
I see the light of love, but shadows climb.
Your eyes hold a depth, a story untold,
Yet doubts cast their veil, and warmth turns cold.

We danced through laughter, dreams we shared,
In your gaze, a spark, a soul laid bare.
Yet whispers of insecurity drift through the night,
Turning our love’s glow into a flickering light.

I wish to mend the cracks, soothe each fear,
To show you the love that’s true and near.
But as walls of doubt slowly rise,
They veil the truth from your trusting eyes.

In the stillness of my heart, a plea does stay,
To see beyond the doubts and fears that sway.
For though the path is shadowed and hard to trace,
I long to find the light in your embrace.

So let us bridge the chasm with faith anew,
And turn the whispers into skies of blue.
For in the heart of love, through trials and strife,
I yearn to be the steady pulse in your life.
130 · Jan 2021
' No Lies, No Ties
Masindi KEJ Jan 2021
I’m trying to live a life with no lies,
Cutting loose from fake ties,
Leaving behind those friends
Who only held me back from trends.

I know this isn’t the end,
But the start of my life anew,
No knife in hand, no fights to pursue—
Just reaching for dreams and skies of blue.

I won’t rest until I’m the best,
With strength like The Rock’s chest,
Ready to face each test,
Seeking blessings, not betrayal or distress.

So I’ll lay low,
And remain unknown. 😞
121 · Sep 2023
Dear lord part 3
Masindi KEJ Sep 2023
Dear Lord, it's me again, your beloved son,
It's been so long since my words reached you, the One.
But this time, I won't spill tears about my love life,
Instead, I seek understanding of Your ways, rife.

Lord, Your path seems blurry to my weary eyes,
I struggle to discern the course that lies.
I can't see the man You wish for me to be,
In the mirror, lost in darkness is all I see.

You've spoken, Lord, but I need to understand,
Illuminate my heart with Your gentle hand.
Guide me along the path You've set for me,
So that Your purpose and will I may clearly see.

I know You have a plan, though it's not clear,
Help me trust and have faith, banish my fear.
For You are the light that will guide my way,
In Your presence, Lord, I will always stay.

So, dear Lord, I humbly seek Your divine grace,
To navigate this journey, Your love embrace.
Grant me wisdom to see through the darkest night,
And walk with me, Lord, filling my soul with light.

In Your mercy and love, my hope resides,
I surrender my doubts as the darkness subsides.
Thank You, dear Lord, for hearing my plea,
In Your presence, forever I long to be.

120 · Dec 2023
My love story
Masindi KEJ Dec 2023
My love is like a play on a screen,
Because everything seems scripted,
My love life, a Cinderella story—
One shoe fitted, but no foot ever fits.

My tale differs; there’s no perfect match,
A love story like an unsolved millennium problem.
I’m a king, full of passion,
Serving my purpose for a queen,
But she’s only ever there in my mind.

I’ve had many soulmates since I started out,
Yet they all seem to sell their souls.
It’s like I’m good at knowing a person,
But struggle to handle their traits.

I’m not a quitter, but this game is no longer funny; it’s painful.
Maybe it’s because I chase after beauty,
They say I love hard,
And that’s why they play me like a card.
115 · Oct 2024
Sowing Seeds of Regret
Masindi KEJ Oct 2024
Dear Lord, they say I’m gonna reap what I sow,
Just because I hit it raw.
I know it was a bit *******,
But she left me no choice,
Spreading her legs and saying she saw trust in me,
So there was no need for protection, just a blind leap.

I was starving, craving more than just skin,
So I took my tool and strode right in—
Lord, it was too hot to pull out,
Like a bottle of gin, too intoxicating to doubt.
In that moment, I lost all control,
As my heart raced faster than the toll.

But now I sit with shadows of regret,
Wondering if this is a debt I’ll never forget.
Did I rush into a fire, burning bright?
Or was it passion, wrapped in the night?

Lord, my tool unleashed its venom inside,
And now I face the consequences of pride.
With each beat of my heart, the weight starts to grow,
I just hope to find peace in the seeds that I sow
111 · Sep 2024
Serendipity’s Embrace
Masindi KEJ Sep 2024
On campus where the light began to wane,
I saw her walking, a vision of grace,
With my friend by my side, I was lost in the scene,
Her beauty so radiant, like a dream I’d seen.

I gathered my courage, approached with a smile,
Her laughter, a melody, made the moments worthwhile.
Yet as we conversed, I sensed a subtle change,
My friend’s glances betrayed a quiet, hidden range.

So with a heavy heart, I stepped into the shade,
To give him the chance, though my own heart swayed.
I watched from the distance, where dreams softly sigh,
Hoping for a miracle beneath the campus sky.

Days drifted by, and fate spun its thread,
My friend’s pursuit faded, as silence spread.
Then one day, alone, beneath the golden light,
I crossed her path again, my heart taking flight.

“I’ve liked you for ages,” I whispered, so sincere,
Her eyes sparkled warmly, and she drew me near.
“I noticed, too,” she said with a tender smile,
In that serendipitous moment, our hearts reconciled.

In the dance of chance and fate’s gentle sway,
We found each other on that fateful day.
From the quiet shadows to a love’s sweet embrace,
Our serendipitous meeting left a lasting trace.
110 · Sep 2024
Shattered Echoes
Masindi KEJ Sep 2024
I left a life, a love so pure,
For promises you made, I was sure.
But now I stand here, empty inside,
Chasing shadows where you used to hide.

I gave you my heart, and watched it fall,
As you walked away without a call.
I’m haunted by the words you said,
And now those dreams are cold and dead.

You whispered love, but it turned to dust,
Broke my spirit, shattered my trust.
I thought you’d stay, that you’d be true,
But you disappeared like morning dew.

How could you ask, then let me go?
You stole the sun, left me in snow.
Now I’m picking pieces of what’s left of me,
From the ruins of what we’ll never be
108 · Sep 2024
The Silence Between
Masindi KEJ Sep 2024
I tore my life apart for you, thread by fragile thread,
Chose your heartbeat over everything I knew,
But now your silence hums where love once bled,
And I wonder if you ever felt it too.

I burned bridges, turned my back on what was safe,
Thinking your arms would catch me as I fell.
But you watched me collapse, slipping away,
Leaving only the echoes of promises to dwell.

You took my devotion, held it close, then coldly let it slip,
Like a secret you were never meant to keep.
Now I scream in rooms where your name once lived,
But all I hear is the quiet, so vast, so deep.

I gave you everything—the parts of me I’d never shown,
Ripped my heart from the roots to lay at your feet.
But you vanished, left me wandering alone,
In a love that never took form, incomplete.

I wonder if I was just a passing breeze,
A fleeting distraction for a moment’s thrill.
While I drowned in you, you watched me freeze,
And now I’m left with a void nothing can fill.

I was real, and you were a dream,
But dreams fade, and hearts, they scream.
And in this hollow where love once bloomed,
I bury the pieces of us in the quiet gloom.
104 · Aug 2024
Torn Between Love and Doubt
Masindi KEJ Aug 2024
In the delicate silence where love should thrive,
I find my heart aching, struggling to survive.
You, a vision of grace, with a heart so true,
Yet your doubts weave shadows, and love feels askew.

We dreamed of forever, of moments so sweet,
But now those dreams falter, face a defeat.
Each whispered worry, each fear that you hold,
Turns the warmth of our love into something cold.

I’ve seen the beauty in your gentle eyes,
Yet they’re clouded with fears and endless goodbyes.
The love that we share, so deep and so real,
Is tangled in doubt, and it’s pain that I feel.

I reach out to you, but you pull away,
Fearing the love that should light up your day.
I wish I could mend every broken part,
And erase the shadows from your tender heart.

But as each day passes, my heart breaks anew,
Watching you struggle with a love so true.
I’m caught in the storm of your fears and your plight,
Yearning for solace in the dark of the night.

So here I stand, with an open plea,
Hoping that someday you’ll truly see—
That through all the doubts and the pain that we face,
My love is unwavering, a constant embrace.
103 · Apr 2024
Masindi KEJ Apr 2024
its funny how we started out
we did not know each others whereabouts
99 · Sep 2024
Torn Between
Masindi KEJ Sep 2024
I hate you for the silence, the cold void you left,
Yet part of me still waits for the warmth of your breath.
I’m shattered by the games, the lies in your smile,
But there’s a piece of me that longs for you all the while.

I walked away from a life, my heart in your hands,
Believing in the fire, in things we had planned.
Now I’m drowning in questions, both bitter and sweet,
Wishing I could forget you, yet craving your heat.

I’m angry, I’m broken, but still I can’t flee,
The part of my soul that’s chained to what we could be.
I want to scream at the ghost you’ve become,
Yet I miss you in moments I thought I’d be numb.

Did you ever love me, or was it a game?
I burn with the anger, but still whisper your name.
I hate how I love you, how I can’t let you go,
Even though you left me in your silent shadow.

I’m torn between healing and holding on tight,
Caught in the crossfire of wrong and what feels right.
I don’t know if I’ll ever untangle this mess,
But somehow, through it all, I still feel your caress.
72 · Oct 2024
I Greet You, Love
Masindi KEJ Oct 2024
I greet you, Love
You, the force that binds unknown hearts,
You, the spark that brings happiness to those who’ve forgotten its warmth,
You, the light that draws a smile from the shadows,
You, the healer of broken souls,
The one who gently wipes away our old pains.
You are the wonder we stumble upon,
In moments we never thought we'd find you.

But now I say goodbye to you, Love.
For now, they call you entanglements.
Once the bearer of joy, now sowing sorrow and strife,
You scatter hearts, leaving them fragile in your wake.
Trust is a word hollowed out because of you,
And our hearts are relics of what we once felt in your name.

Love, these days you come with conditions—
You've grown eyes, gazing only at the beautiful,
You linger only where riches shine.
You cling to material, to gold and glamour,
And fade when those things slip away.

Yet, I hold a memory of what you were,
A light that didn’t demand, a bond that was pure.
Though goodbye feels heavy, I carry your essence,
Hoping one day you'll return, unburdened by need,
As the Love we believed in, steady and free.
54 · 6d
Forever in Tune
The first time I saw Abigail, she sang with grace,

Her voice seized my heart, a captivating embrace,

I joined in, entranced, my soul took flight,

From that moment on, I knew she shone so bright.

I wrote a poem to win her heart's delight,

She loved it, and my hopes took flight,

Though time passed slow, our campus paths did meet,

Tormenting nice, yet she wasn't mine to keep.

But still, I pursued her, heart beating fast,

Through verse and rhyme, my love did forever last,

She'd guide my words, with a gentle, loving hand,

In her eyes, my heart found a love so grand.

By the tennis field, we crossed paths once more,

Her radiant skin, a queen's majestic roar,

Her angelic voice, eyes sparkling with glee,

In joy, her heart sang, a love so carefree.

Our walk, our talk, a moment so pure and true,

I poured my heart out, my feelings shone through,

I knew in that instant, she was the one,

The missing piece, my heart had finally won.

Now, I proudly say, she's mine, my heart's desire,

Forever and always, my love will burn like fire,

Though forever's unknown, I'll hold on tight,

To Abigail, my love, my guiding light.

For in her melody, my heart found its home,

In Abigail, my love, I am never alone."
to abigail my lovely girlfriend
49 · Feb 17
Masindi KEJ Feb 17
In the shallow waters where I drift and sway,
Lost in the currents, I’m swept away.
Academics, a puzzle with pieces that don’t fit,
Each lecture a whisper, a fleeting bit.

Love feels scripted, a scene on repeat,
A play without passion, where heartbeats retreat.
I watch from the sidelines, a ghost in the frame,
Yearning for meaning, yet feeling the same.

My mind, a tempest, a storm without cease,
In the quiet of night, I long for some peace.
But demons come dancing, with shadows in tow,
Singing their lullabies, a haunting tableau.

Sleepless, I wander through thoughts that confound,
In the depths of my heart, I feel so unbound.
Searching for answers in the dark of the night,
Hoping for clarity, a flicker of light.

Yet in this confusion, I know I must tread,
For even the shallow can lead to the deep.
With each passing moment, I’ll gather my thread,
And weave through the chaos, my soul to keep.

So here I stand, in this fragile embrace,
Learning to navigate this uncertain space.
With courage as my compass, I’ll find my own way,
Through the shadows and doubts, to a brighter day.
Each day we claim to love each other,
Yet we end up hurting those we cherish most.
Why are we the cause of their tears that fall like rain?
Why are we the reason for their sleepless nights?  

We often wrong them in ways we can’t explain,
Mocking the ones we vowed to cherish.
We tend to be the cause of their downfall,
The reason their smiles fade away.  

We bring them shadows of despair,
Leading them to lose faith in love;
We make them forget how joy feels,
And strip away their sense of self-worth.  

We diminish their self-esteem,
So if this is love, I shall turn away from it.
Because all of this is worse than hatred,
For when someone hates you,
They don’t pretend; they are real with you.
In the heart’s wild garden where passion grows,
Love blooms like roses, yet thorns it shows.
A tapestry woven with joy and despair,
Caught in sweet whispers, yet aching with care.  

Can love truly flourish where pain also dwells?
Do we find our solace in enchanting spells?
In the arms of another, do we find our peace,
Or does longing’s grip tighten, never to cease?

Questions unfurl like petals in spring,
Each heartbeat a song, a promise to sing.
For love is a paradox, both bitter and sweet,
A journey of healing, where sorrow and joy meet.

As we dance through the shadows, hand in hand,
Together we navigate this intricate land.
With every soft whisper, with every embrace,
We find in each moment a beautiful place.

Through laughter and tears, we stand by each other,
Two souls intertwined, as sister and brother.
In love's tangled web, both gentle and grand,
We learn that together, we truly can stand.

— The End —