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Sep 2021 · 72
Daniel Niemi Sep 2021
Three Simple Words
When expressed
Mean everything

I Love You

One more word
I hope you never doubt it

Jul 2021 · 95
Daniel Niemi Jul 2021
When you meet that someone
That touches your heart
So deep inside
That you realize
That true love exsists
I will always beĀ  by your side
Every step of the way
I am so glad you chosed me
To be your husband
Life is not always easy
And definitely not fare
But I know that with you
By my side
Life will always be worth living
Jun 2021 · 101
Daniel Niemi Jun 2021
Sometimes I feel like I'm an annoyance to you
Even though I give it my all
I have stayed patient.
I've showed frustration
I try and try to tell you and show you how much I love you
I spend nights wishing this is the night
Only to wake to an empty bed
I think about you all day, waiting to spend time with you when I get home
Only to spend it alone
I wait
I dream
I crave to feel like I matter to you
Apr 2021 · 78
Daniel Niemi Apr 2021
Hope is an amazing thing
Lifts spirts
Turns a frown into a smile

Love gives you hope
Brings warmth into your body
Turns a bad day onto a good day

Your Love makes me smile
Causes Butterflies
Lifts my spirits
Warms my soul
Puts a hop in my step
Makes me feel amazing

I hope you know
Your beautiful
The best thing that ever happened to me
I hope you deep down inside know this
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
Daniel Niemi Apr 2021

I tell you every day
That I Love You
Not out of habit
Or because I should
I say it because
With every fiber of my being
I Love You
When one of us leave this earth forever first
Whether it's you or I
I want you to know that
You were Loved unconditionally
With every beat of my heart
Deep down in my soul
Feb 2021 · 197
My Love
Daniel Niemi Feb 2021
I Love you so much
On this Valentine's day
Just like every other day
I want you to know my Love is true and forever.
Your Love plays a song in my heart
Always has and always will
You are my sun shine that I rise too
My sunset that allows me to rest at night
I Love you
Your my only women ,to be with forever My Love
Jan 2021 · 94
Daniel Niemi Jan 2021
Being here but not really able to help
Only if I could hold you
Comfort you
Hold your hand
Rub your feet
Pet your arm
Wish I didn't feel helpless
Tring not to feel frusturatred
Knowing that if I could help more
You would let me know for sure
My Love for you is stronger today then ever
Jan 2021 · 91
Daniel Niemi Jan 2021
Every husband needs his wife
He needs a kiss out of the blue
A hug
Being told he's needed
Just being touched
He needs to be shown affection
When he has a bad day he needs his wife that much more
Just like a game of Chess
The Queen protects the King
Jan 2021 · 86
Daniel Niemi Jan 2021
Your discomfort
The totally not feeling well I see
Giving you space to get thru it
Even though I just want to hold you
Your aches and pains are on your face
Your getting thru this
I'm here, dont ever forget
Doing what I can to help
I want to hold you, take away the pain and discomfort
But thats not possible
My Love
Love you
Jan 2021 · 81
Daniel Niemi Jan 2021
She is right next to me
But she seems thousand miles away
I know she's right there
I can touching her
But she feels gone
When I sit next to her
The amount of space between us
Is very small
But it feels like there is a wall
Distance how do you measure
Cant measure it because its a feeling
Im fighting my way through it that feels like driving in fog
Dec 2020 · 68
Daniel Niemi Dec 2020
Come home she usually says nothing
Or sleeping
No Hi *** or how was your day
Try to cuddle, no cuddling back
I kiss her, she very seldom kisses me
She there but not
I long for her attention
A touch of her hand
A passionate kiss out of the blue
She says Im a priority along with my wants and needs
She loves me
I know that for sure
Her importance to me there are no true words to truly describe
Lonely is what im feeling
What can I do
Sep 2020 · 70
Daniel Niemi Sep 2020
Tonight as the sun sets
The rain continues to fall
I think about the past, present and future
The past taught me to persevere, have faith and keep moving forward .
The present you realize the gifts you have.
The future all you want is to love, protect and keep safe the most beautiful women in the world.
I love you more today then yesterday.
Tomorrow I will wake and you will be the first thought I have.
A smile will come to my face knowing that the love of a women is all a man needs to feel complete.
Aug 2020 · 52
Daniel Niemi Aug 2020
Flowers in a field
Baby fawn taking its first steps
First snow fall
Your eyes

A sunset in the fall
Mother Robin feeding is young
A clear night with the ski full of stars
Your lips kissing mine

The sunrise on a crisp autumn morning

A swan swimming in a pound
Butterflies in the air
Your smile smiling at me

Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder
I see Beauty from your head to your toes
All the way into your heart and soul
Aug 2020 · 71
I Swear
Daniel Niemi Aug 2020
I want to let you know
The day I said I do
I want to say it all over again

My love for you
Will not ever die
I could not handle to ever see you cry

Your the queen of my heart
When I found my way back to you
I knew it was meant for eternity

I swear to you
With every heart beat
Through the worst
Through the best
I will cherish you more then you will ever know

For better or worse
Till death tears us apart
I swear I'll always be here
And will never break your heart
Aug 2020 · 65
Daniel Niemi Aug 2020
Its a feeling
Of anxious excitement
Warm and fuzzy

I cuddle up
You leaning against me
I rest my head against your shoulder

You ask for a soft sensual kiss
Our noses rub together
My excitement grows

Can't stop it
Friskiness takes over me
You have set off a burning fire
Aug 2020 · 74
Our Souls
Daniel Niemi Aug 2020
Like water is to a flower
Stars are to the night sky
The rapids to a river
Night is to day

Deep in my soul burns a fire
That continues to grow
Its your love and commitment
That makes me feel whole

You complete me
Like the last chapter in a book
Our novel is just starting to be written
What a story it will tell
Of love and devotion
That of two souls intertwined
Aug 2020 · 69
Because Of You
Daniel Niemi Aug 2020
Life may never be smooth
There are times that seem so hard
But because of you
There is sunshine that always shines through

Because of you my ship always has its port
The flowers will always bloom
The light of the moon lights up my darkest skies

I found perfection in you
Your rainbow has brought me a treasure
That I will always cherish
Jul 2020 · 58
Daniel Niemi Jul 2020
You gave light into my soul
The meaning of true love lights up my life
Like the sunshine lights up the ski
Your sweat voice makes my heart beat out of control
The sound of you saying "I Love You", is the sweetest sound in the world to me
When I sit and ponder life, I know we were meant to be together
Jul 2020 · 73
Daniel Niemi Jul 2020
When her eyes melt your heart with a glance
Kissing her lips are as sweet as candy
Slow, soft and passionate
Her neck is like fine wine
Hair so soft like silk
I long to slowly undress her
Touching her energizes me within
To softly kiss her cleavage I wish
So turned on, no turning if off
Her scent sweeps me away
To feel and kiss her inner thighs
The smell of her sweet nectar drives me wild
Slowly caress her soft hips and lower back
Proceeding slowly heart is racing
Her hands slowly rub my hair
As I endulge in pleasure
Jul 2020 · 68
Daniel Niemi Jul 2020
As i sit at night
One thing only has my thoughts
Her struggles
Her strength
I can see in her eyes
Pain and extreme discomfort
Do I know what she is feeling
Can't, not possible
At times it looks like she's drowning
At times it looks like she is in extreme darkness trying to find the light
But I know it's has too be bad
Have seen tears in her eyes
Her inner streghth is strong
I am so proud of her
Her willing to go thru this for HER for US for ME
Thats devotion
Thats Love
I sit in amazement
My wife, my love, my soul mate

— The End —