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Divya Midha Jan 2021
I look back n wonder!!
A year to forget!!
or the one to remember?

COVID 19 and the Pandemic blow!
The year has gone as the turbulent flow!!

We pushed our dear ones at a distance away!
and brought them closer in a different way!!

I am healthy and safe happily I say!
Feel sad for the ones who lost their way!!  

The year was bad, tearfull n rough!
With the highs n lows as crest n trough!!

The calender has changed,
the time will too!!
Let's forget the past!
n embrace the new!!

I wish Good health and hope!
Laughter n cheer!!
May the new one will vanish,
the burden of this year!!

Let's cross ur fingers n some of ur toes!
May the new one be better!
Unlike the old one goes!!

Lift ur spirit, It's the new year we enter!!
Hope it gives us
Less to forget!!
and more good to remember!!
Jul 2020 · 257
The Mask I Have
Divya Midha Jul 2020
The Mask I have,
it masks my face !
Protecting me from COVID
at every new place!!

I wear this Mask, Morning till Dine!
A bit suffocating,
but keeps me breathe fine!!

I‘ve chosen the one,
easy to knot!
It does look funny!
or probably may not!!

It keeps me safe from the pandemic blow!
But doesn’t hide My “SELF”,
from the world I know!!

It never hides my sorrows,
My grief or my pain !
It doesn’t stop my tears,
that roll down as rain!!

The Mask I have,
is visible to all!
Unlike the ones, keeping
another behind the wall!!

The second one they keep,
Isn't  visible on  face!
Hiding their emotions,
true self and grace!!

The mask they carry, is not for the care!!
It helps to pretend,
someone so rare!!

I wish the day comes, when fear goes away!
To never come back
never ever any day!!

“The secret”, I visualized,
I am writing to convey!  
To Live being REAL
as long as we stay!!
Let’s “PUT OFF” these masks ,
On One Fine Day!!
Divya Midha Jul 2020
I looked out of House, very less to be seen !!
Roads seem empty, so Neat & Clean !
Clouds so white, Trees so Green !!
Fresh breeze out, Yet, I can’t Breathe in !
A monster roams out, it’s Covid-19 !!

Its tinier than a cell, makes breathing so Hell !!
It travels so quick, from elderly to teen!
But all gets well, in home quarantine!!

Forced indoors, Seem one of the cures!!
No Handshakes to meet, Do “Namaste” to greet!
Standing at a distance of more than a  Feet !!
Sanitizers, Mask and Good hygiene,
is all going to protect us from Covid-19 !!

Much we can do in ample of time!!
not just Netflix & Amazon prime!!
Cooking & Cleaning is merely a task !
helping the need while giving them mask !!

Virtual classes & webinars on zoom!
Learning goes on while sitting in a room!!
Coming up live with a tap “On Screen”,
Catching up with Friends the long we had seen !
Life turns “Virtual“with Covid-19 !!

It’s time to ensure, to be wiser than before
until, we get its permanent Cure!!
Stay healthy and safe, for all I pray!
Today, tomorrow & everyday!!

I wish we get rid of Covid-19!
& soon our lives turn
Back “Off Screen”!!

— The End —