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MimiR Jul 2020
On a sinking ship
Those who fight
Those working to plug
the holes
A brisk push
MimiR Jul 2020
A shock of red
Amid a patch of
wide green leaves
I reached down in
To pluck the fruit
I’d seen
Felt the clammy mound
On my fingertip
My hand recoiled
But I gritted my teeth
And flicked the ginger-brown
Down on the rocks
Where it oozed
a mustard trail
As it slithered
And disappeared beneath
The gravel.
MimiR Jun 2020
Two tiger cats
On a windowsill
Watching leaves tumble
Across a crisp lawn
As the wind whispers
And a raven caws
Jun 2020 · 109
MimiR Jun 2020
For that high pitched
Clannish call.
British colonies,
150 chained Souls.

For that tune
Of white-washed memories.
Tobacco fields,
Slave labor,
A blight on a Nation’s legacy.

That tune,
That tune,
Ode to bullwhips
And slave patrols.
Ode to white fear,
Bankrupt plantations,
And rage over emancipation.

That tune,
That flag,
Fractured a Nation,
Assassinated its better angels,
Pressed a blunt knee
on the neck of
Its Black history.

That flag,
Those statues,
Over 1,700 symbols
Of inhumanity,
Of treason,
Of a fight for
A Nation’s identity.

That flag,
Those symbols,
Whistles for the
Still brutal,
Still exclusionary,
Still chillingly influential.

On the beat,
In the parks,
In the City Halls,
They whistle
They whistle,
That high-pitched
Clannish call,

Through those road signs
Through those army bases
Through those high-horsed
Men in gray statues,
And, through a loud-mouthed
President, guilty
Of having no clue.

For its what those whistlers do.
Warning some,
Inspiring others,
Hissing their on-the-sly tune,
To say: “We’re still here for you.”

By Mimi Rosen

— The End —