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307 · Jun 2020
Sembawang Warship
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Grey coloured warship
rested on the dock.

With hoisting cranes
it's loneliness.

A cloudy sky
holding back its tears.

See the restless sea,
crashing across the docks.

Taste the salt deposits
on my cracked dry lips.

Remember the joy
of yesterday.

The cloudy sky
will open up again.

Rowdy noises from the beach
will start again soon.

The restlessness
will come to an end.

A beautiful warship
will sail this water
with pride soon.
157 · Jun 2020
My faithful shoes
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
On many journeys we have rushed.
Announced my presence in the forests,
and collected much road dust.

Thank you for your faithfulness ,
and your trustworthiness ,
for helping me all these few months.

Thank you for accompanying me
across all forests and reservoir reserves.
To the East like Ubin island, Changi, East coast; To North like the wet land and Sembawang beach;
To the West like Tuas, Jurong and West coast
To the Central like Bukit Timah, and Clementi
To the South like fort canning and Mount Faber

Your are worn and torn...
You have felt all the sensation
of these journey,
the sharp stones,
wet ground,
the dead snakes
the heat of the tar road .

You have accompanied me.
You have done what you can.

Time for you to rest now.
Now, my broken shoes,
Today I say goodbye.

My broken shoes,
Thank you for caring
the few weary months.
Leong Min Sing Jul 2020
"Let it be. Let it be. My old heart."

Let it be forgotten,
as each foot's step is forsaken.

Lets the memory my healthy heart fades,
as each moving breeze flashes.

Lets me get used to this erratic flutters
as each surprising pulsar flushes

Lets me treasure heart's humming norm and its fumble,
as each morning sun flash .

Let it blossoms and fades,
as a lovely flower.

Let it be. Let it be my old heart.
What better teacher than Nature to capture the essence of phases of our life?
My heart hums it all.
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
From below looking at the bridge.
the bridge of yesterday is reached.

Hanging over the Ulu Pandan water flows.
Sky-blue and streaked with high clouds.
Calmly and peacefully the bridge shows.

Nothing is perpetual.
This place is my childhood soul.
That moment of childhood cheers.
Come and go like fear,
and sadness like tear.

Note what progress has thrown.
Note what current has hold.
Note what the future will unfold.

The "Upstream (Ulu)
wild screwpine trees" (Pandan)
of yesterday is long lost.

Only the green of the banks
Remind us of its glorious past.
Leong Min Sing Jul 2020
Finding lost dream.
Alone in the bamboo green,
Enjoying birds' song "streams".
Away from the crowd, deep in the forest trail.
Accompanied only by monkey tails
for this lonely forest pal.
120 · Jul 2020
Become totally empty.
Leong Min Sing Jul 2020
“Become totally empty.
Quiet the restlessness of the mind.
Only then will you witness everything
unfolding from emptiness. "  


The Bukit Timah 1st Divisional Channel empties of water,
but it reviews the massive displacement of water during a storm.

The green flat field along old Holland road empties of building,
but it reviews our breathable space.

The broad skyline quiets
the restlessness of our minds,
as we walk.
Thursday evening, 2nd July 2020, 9.2km walk.
Leong Min Sing Jul 2020
A meditation walk,
my breath and pace clock.

Down comes the drizzle shock.

To anticipate a sudden pour
Hugging the road I walked.

Slow meditation walk ,
Became fast pace brisk walk.
97 · Jun 2020
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
🍁In View🍁
🐾Along Jurong Trail presents a thrill,
🤪observing what nature reviews.
👀Watching from afar an egret stands,
🦵Resting both feet in water it stares.
🐊Afar a monitor lizard that it fears.
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Past memories blows,
Like nature breeze.

A faceless...
Fast paced walk,
Follows the shadow,
With a metre spacing .

Breath so shallow.
Each step follows
the beat of a lonely heart.

Far away the feet strive,
Escaping dreams ,
of bygone days.

Faster, faster
the feet go.
Forgetting things
you will not want to know.

Heart beating
precautious deep inside.
Finding a place to hide.

Passed by the construction site,
Quiet and empty of life.

Peace be with us.
Time to heal and go slow.
Time to back to my shell again.
94 · Jun 2020
Beauty of nature.
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Set out with the least possible baggage,
and discover the beauty of nature.

Today I walked the path of life,
to explore the wetland beauty.

Enjoy the trivial of life,
along its wonderful way.

The songs of nature,
and the quarrelsome birds 🐦.

Wait a scaled log too?,
Ah, a sunbathing crocodile 🐊.
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Beautiful ending of the day.
Hanging by the trees your bright face
Tantalizing many by your stare.

What is this green young fellow?
Is this a cricket or grasshopper?
With birds singing nearby,
this fellow is dead silent.

The flower sheltered the fellow.
Green likes the healthy greens.
Difficult for any un-keen eyes.

Tired mynar flew down to chit-chat.
Rushing my walk before you retire.
Hoping for you to stay a bit longer.

Time for dinner as you rest.
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
The blue water,
soft and flexible.
Water is humble,
nothing can resist
charming ripple.

Looking at the water,
with daze of the past.
we see our regrets,
our pain,
our experience.
When we look forward,
we see unknown,
we see fear but
we also see hope.
When we look around,
we see reality,
we see friends and
when we look within,
we find ourselves.

By the water there is life.
With water there is green.

Human nature is like water.
Water retains no fix shape,
so in life pain is a flow.
Life is like the ripple,
It will go up and down.
87 · Jun 2020
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
🎏Near Pandan Garden shores.
River traveler team swims.
Gleaming smooth smiles.
Cutting teeth like saws.
Polish black fur shines.
Swimming in single files.
Shadowing their fishes.🎏
Otters swimming in the Sungei Ulu Pandan River near the Pandan Garden border.
76 · Jun 2020
Sunset way
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
An evening walk to sunset way's railway track.
The sunset peeking through the trees.
A rusty track sits on the creeping green.
A witness of our past.

As my feet step into an evening dream.
The radiance of the sky changes before me.
It reflected the changes moment of life.
Nothing stays, treasure every moment .
74 · Jun 2020
Sun & Bed
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
sneezing and
Stuck to my throat are sticky green.🥴
Oh no, not again, the flu.

Sun is up,
On the bed I laid,😴

My face is all red.
My throat is sore.

Ginger tea becomes my buddy,
fluids and toilet are my routine .

I want my usual walks,
the aches and the pains
of my body and head..
remind me to stay on bed.
74 · Jun 2020
Life at Swamp
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Clouds above water flew,
Wonder how the tides flows?
Bringing the past or the future.

By jetty I stood ,
just to comprehend,
the up and down of tides.
To hear the splashing.
To see the rippling.

High tide brings the freshness.
Low tide reviews the decays.

Whether the tides are
An ending or
a beginning?

Life still continue at the swamp.
73 · Jun 2020
Time has not stand still
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Time has not stand still,
the once timely train will never come.

Moment of joys have become memories.
Those we once treasured are distant past.
All that is left is the tangy aftertaste of rusts.

Hanging above is danger of a fall.
Layer by layer, it is skinned away.
A majestic structure is showing its pain.
Time has no empathy for anybody.
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
A slow decay is underway.
Castaway rotting waste,
dumped on a once beautiful mudflat.
Emptiness and sadness.
Abandoned to another rising tide.
The emptiness and dumps
will be washed and hidden,
When sea rises again.

Robust cast iron,
Gives way to oxidation of nature.
Cavitation, pitting, and scaling,
Painted with the oxide of depression.
Layered the once youthful hydrant.
Waiting for a new coat
to serve another new year.
69 · Jun 2020
The silence thoughts
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
The trumpets of Purple Allamada witness the silence of the Rats.
The comforting silent church just across.
Heart heavy with all wild thoughts.
When will this place be lively again?
When will the blown of orange firecracker flower be seen again?
2020 is the year of the Rat. The covid19 has sent us to our holes as rat.
68 · Jun 2020
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Every morning, silently she will wash
all the cups and containers of water.
Morning routine since known memory.

All these years you did not talk a lot.
But when I needed a care and concern,
You were always there.

Passing age has shown the frail,
Morning routine shows gentle fight
to stay heathy that will never fail.

You show me perseverance .
You show me the Treasure
of each routine moment in life.

"Mother is always a donor of love to children.
Her hands held the child gently from the day the child took the first breath.
Her hands helped to guide the child first step.
Her hands held the child close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show the child that she would take care of it all. "

Thank you for being a mother.
Happy Mother day to all mothers on 10th May 2020
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
"Circuit break"
at childhood place.
Past memories blows,
Like nature breeze.

A faceless...
Fast paced walk,
Follows the shadow,
With a metre spacing .

Breath so shallow.
Each step follows
the beat of a lonely heart.

Far away the feet strive,
Escaping dreams ,
of bygone days.

Faster, faster
the feet go.
Forgetting things
you will not want to know.

Heart beating
precautious deep inside.
Finding a place to hide.

Passed by the construction site,
Quiet and empty of life.

Peace be with us.
Time to heal and go slow.
Time to back to my shell again.
67 · Jun 2020
Love Yourself
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
No bird soars with her own wings,
Is soaring too high a swing.

Be just like a flamingo
stands up straight and tall.
Be upright and righteous .
Stay Pink with health.

Preen in the righteous way.
Stay beautiful by living in good spirit.

Flock Together as family,
Work for the community.
Stay close to the Living Water
"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings." By William Blake
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
Along the shady pavement,
The infrequent traffic on this lovely road.
There is greens where none intrudes,
Under the sunny sky, the breeze shakes the leaves.
Walking in silence solitude.
Appreciating the sound of birds.
I love not human the less,
but god's nature garden more.

For nature is less complicated.

Pause to reflect....
Pause for a moment on the lane,
feel the little Joys of life,
My beating heart still lives.

Pause to reflect the fallen leaves,
feel the forgotten nature lungs.
My breaths the mask lugs.

We are just
a passing moment
on this sphere,
a passing moment
in god's garden.
a passing moment
of a dimming heart.

In the afternoon glaring sun warms,

Enjoy the today's skin warmness
Enjoy the today's circulating wetness.

Enjoy the current moment of "I am alive".
Enjoy each current little moment left.
Enjoy the freshness from the waving trees.
“Life is really simple,
but we insist on making it complicated.”
— Confucius
61 · Jun 2020
Pause for a Heavy Storm
Leong Min Sing Jun 2020
The sea of convid-19 cases showed each countries are working in isolation in this heavy storm.

"Pause for a heavy Storm"
Many boats moving in different direction.
Some ships wreaked, some ground and some sails along.

Some need quarantine.
Some Soft Circuit break ,
Some the hard Lock-down.

Stay at Home.
Zoom at Home.
Work from Home.

Some a time of personal reflection.
Some a time of personal nightmare.

Some paid to stay at home.
Some in financial difficulty at home.

It is opportunity for real family time.
For others the cruel Endless loneliness.

Some industries earn so much to give bonus.
Some industries have to close their operation.

Some worried of obesity .
Some worried about food on the table.

Some want to go back school.
Some want to play the PC games.

Some feared for their loved ones.
Some don't even know they are human.

Some are socially responsible.
Some only about their own enjoyment.

Some know too much and numbed by the fear.
Some stuck their head in sand like an ostride.

Some solidified their relationship.
Some stops the relationship on the track.

Some introverts become more extroverts in zoom.
Some extroverts become loss in cyberspace.

We all want to be back to normal.
This virus taught us to be human,
to humble, to fear, to balance actions
and to slow down for others.

The upheaval stressed us all.
We are all learning.
We are all tired.

Go slow in this storm.
Do not storm.
Do not strom.

The horizon is unknown.

Pause to reflect. The path in our life.
Pause... The cross road of life.
The unknown in the immediate horizon.

Pause to reflect.
Photographing as I walk is my reflection of my surroundings and my situation. To calm my mind to observe the works of god's garden.

"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.Psalm 16:11

Feeling happy at each moment is cultivated by intend by others. You really have to find the happiness with effort. Happiness is a self emotional feeling given by others
I have modified notes WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME BOAT ...forwarded by a friend. And try to draft a poem from the notes.

— The End —