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May 2021 · 285
The Second Wave
Debashis Das May 2021
With tears welling in her eyes
Six-year old chubby cheeks
Staring in silence through the doors
When the virus has taken her mother away.
Jul 2020 · 44
Thy Pouting Lips
Debashis Das Jul 2020
I keep thinking of thy eyes
   How they slice me through my soul,
Thy ethereal smile so effervescent
   Which tends to vapourize in the thin air,
Thy pouting lips behaving tight
   In tandem to maintain the fake decorum,
The lovelocks in your shining dark hair
   Tending to cascade down opening-up,
What keeps me thinking of thy soul
   I myself am not sure how the passion grows.
Jul 2020 · 51
The Silent Night
Debashis Das Jul 2020
The silent night
   Dingy and dark,
The moon is not there
  In the backyard,
The stars fled
  Out of my sight,
I can feel you
  By my side,
When none around
  Your presence is a solace
In the wounds
  Of solitude and despair.
Jul 2020 · 45
Love Me
Debashis Das Jul 2020
Love me
   without a question
Entangle me
  removing your doubts
Embrace me
  forgetting the viruses abound
Drench me
  surrounding this ecstasy
Enchant me
  with the musical soiree
Play with me
  as the kids play around
Endure me
  for all I am
Love me again
  I need that love again...
Jul 2020 · 44
Crush Me
Debashis Das Jul 2020
You know what...
   When you look into my eyes
   I indulge in the depth of the ocean ahead...
When you keep talking to me,
   I feel myself showering in the
   Everflowing mountain rivulets...
When you touch me
   I feel the shiver up my nerves
   Trembling passions abound...
When you kiss me
   I feel submerged in ecstasy
   Living in the seventh heaven...
When you come all over me
  I live in the stars
  And the twinkling galaxies...
You know what...
   I am waiting for you
   To crush me to ecstasies...
Jul 2020 · 30
Nature's Dreams
Debashis Das Jul 2020
The winds are sweeping through the forest pines
   Kissing past the barks in the dingy nights,
Listen to the howls and the hisses around
   You will feel the ripple in your tummy abound.
Walk around barefoot in the grasses green
   Touch the lavish nature's dreams
Sublime the soul in nature's hive,
   Enjoy the passion of the bountiful vibes.
Jul 2020 · 31
The Virgin Waves
Debashis Das Jul 2020
The waves breaking into the moonlit beaches
   Are losing their virginity to the adolescent soils
The roar they create in utter jubilant ecstasy,
  Falling on the deafening ears of the pine tree grooves.
They roll and they grow in the depth of the oceans
  Only to bounce and leap in youthfulness
Onto the lapping nature of the sandy white beaches
  To attain their union with the sins of the soil.
Jul 2020 · 43
In Unison With Her Lover
Debashis Das Jul 2020
As the flamboyant creeper entwines
   The mighty mahogany up its lofty barks
As the dangling whitish roots of the banyan
   Droops down towards the moistened earth
As the cicadas shriek into the silence of the woods
   The riverine rumbles over the yellowish pebbles
The nature seems so divine and graceful
   As the lover is in unison with her loved ones.
Jun 2020 · 37
Mirror in the Sky
Debashis Das Jun 2020
I bathe in the beauty of nature
  The waters rippling on the white pebbles...
The bright sunlight enraging
  Drying up the beaches in the heat...
The dense forest beckons me
  With alluring leaves waving me nigh...
The deep blue sky crystal clear
  Mirroring my mind up in the sky...
Jun 2020 · 37
Looking Forward
Debashis Das Jun 2020
The dog on the street
    Barking relentlessly since the evening,
The pressure cooker whistling
   From the  kitchen next-door,
Living in the drawing room
   All stay put in a coherence,
Looking forward to a day
   When the lockdown pulls away.
Jun 2020 · 28
Seeking Mind
Debashis Das Jun 2020
The persisting drizzles
   The cloudy skies
The soaked-wet pathways
   The petrichor hues
The dripping leaves
   The moistened grass
The soaking barks
   The sneezing child
My harping mind
   Searching thee in the wild...
Jun 2020 · 37
Debashis Das Jun 2020
The evening skies
   With its tiltillating colours,
Painting up the horizons
   With innumerable hues,
The home-bound birds
   In silhouette shades,
Flying to their nests
   With chirruping joys.
Jun 2020 · 56
Debashis Das Jun 2020
The tiny little drops
   Dancing on it's way,
It's drizzling far and wide,
   Stopping for a while.
When nature at its best
   It rains and then it shines,
If anyone tries to gauge,
   They're bound to whine.

— The End —