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Jun 2020 · 75
The Python
Hassan Jun 2020
And the long wait comes to halt ,
bystanders watch from distance quit safe ,
as the serpent unpacks itself from it's pit of a cave ,
gently shifting to a newer version ,
a ****** , soft scale skin ,
behold ! young she is again...
living us perplexed and  in wonder ,
do the creatures internals take such a make-over as well ?
How marvelous nature's makeups !
demonstrated by this crawling yet lethal a reptile .
This poem talks about one of nature's amazement
Jun 2020 · 78
vice addiction
Hassan Jun 2020
indeed I've tried ,ooh I've tried ,
Knoweth I this to be vice ,but can't quit,
'Tis like re-swallowing me own spit ,
Or taking back reckless- spoken speech ,
Alas ! a desire parhaps never to be quenched ,
control for a while can be worked,
Then follows the devine breach...

— The End —