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121 · Aug 2020
Caleb Mwangome Aug 2020
Give me your ear
One you decided to deafen
But still I stood near

A blind eye
Towards me you gave
And your hands high
Still clasped while I did crave
For your sigh

But please-
Now easen your deafness
And your eyes with ease
From the darkness
Rub away the grease

Don't you see
My pieces collected
If you don't, bend down to your knee
To see my heart rejuvenated
117 · Aug 2020
Caleb Mwangome Aug 2020
The sun
with its massive rays
endowed with light
To many plants it can
turn them greeny and leafy in days

The sun
with its intensive heat
that it pours miles below
For seconds it can also shun
the cold that does eat
our skin too low

Its rays scorch
And hopes seems shut
To the greeny plant that dies
In the hands of the sun's torch

How I wish
you would treat me like the sun
during the good and the scorching days
And when hurt in a swish
You won't be fast to blame,for the sun
Isn't blamed on the cold days
96 · Jun 2020
Caleb Mwangome Jun 2020
That sweet fragrance,
Of you, blown by the wind
That also sets your hair dance
I wish it would rewind
And grant me chance
For me to know you're kind
Enough to give my eye a glance
While my nostrils blown out to stand

I feel it now,
Your perfume's created
A path such low
While my energy seems depleted
And I am now forced to bow,
To your wants, for mine you've defeated  
From my head to toe

Your sight triggers,
Off my nerves coldly,
Leaving me in shivers
As i shake solely
Like one in fevers

Please come in jumps,
Iam getting impatient,
My stomach's in cramps
As I yearn for your scent
Come get off the goose bumps,
Blanketing my skin
90 · Aug 2020
Caleb Mwangome Aug 2020
With my eyes we met
And soon our path was set
In them images of you
Our path meant for us two

My mind also believed
And whatever evil it sieved
My thoughts turned to be yours
And dreams of you flowed in pours

My hand felt your warmth
And for days it saw the growth
Of your waist
That it held with zest

My eyes no longer see you
And my mind never thinks of you
Even below
My hand that held you
Gradually embraces the cold left by you

But why?
Is your dying laughter
In my heart beat echoed
And why?
Is the dust of your departure
In my innocent heart resettled
89 · Aug 2020
Caleb Mwangome Aug 2020
My mother beat up her son
Fifteen years younger than iam
He stood aside sobbing in distaste
Looking at the heartless woman
Whom I believed he hated

I had to turn away my eyes
I remember for minutes
But so soon were no cries
I looked back,
Lucky I was to see his final tears
Drop on my mother's laps

The beating
The pain
The hate
All he had forgotten

I thought my brother and I
Were the same
Same mother
Same hearts
Same clay
And tried to forget about her

Her who bruised my heart
And threw it in the dumpsite
To rot

I try to close my eyes
But still her voice I hear
I wish I were my mother's two year old son
Who forgets the bitter pain
And renew this weary heart

— The End —