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45 · Jun 2020
Fallen angel
Terich Jun 2020
Beautiful like an angel but fragile like glass, I fell for you so fast our love will forever last. My babygirl my whole world the one I want always and the one I’ll love till the end of days. Even if you aren’t mine I’ll still think of you all the time but I know finding you was a sign that we are meant to be so please just say you belong to me.
33 · Jun 2020
Dead inside
Terich Jun 2020
My heart stop I no longer breath, I’m dead this must be a dream. Wanting to wake up from this, tried fighting ****** fist. Waking up from the nightmare, looking for help but there’s no one there. Dead inside the, the pain I try to hide and all cuz of my pride.
33 · Jun 2020
Terich Jun 2020
I don’t belong in this world think I’m meant for the next, only thing that make me happy is sleep and ***, oh and my girl everything else I regret. I should just die and move on, just one shot and I’m gone, no one will know, heaven or hell where will I go, I guess only the future can show.
31 · May 2020
Terich May 2020
Feel the devil grippin my soul, feel heartless and cold, no one to give me hug no one I could just hold. Walking on earth but it feel like hell, am I human or an angel that fall, one that lost its way, and lost its faith, just trying to survive today. If a fall angel dies does it go to heaven or maybe a place less pleasant, a place where ppl are beatin like peasants, and where their sins become a lesson. Hopefully I don’t found out, but sometimes I doubt I’ll go to heaven or hell, but who knows who can tell.

— The End —