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Tom Turner Apr 2021
I have scratched and clawed,
fought and scrambled,
hurried and waited,
and finally made it
to OK.
Tom Turner Apr 2021
There are so many stereotypes –
All blacks are rioters.
All women are feminists.
All Hispanics are illegals.
All whites are racist.
All politicians are liars.
Ok – so that one’s true
Tom Turner Apr 2021
I put Wits End
in my GPS,
to help me find my way.
It said I was already there.

This can’t be right,
I thought, and
drove to another
side of town.

And when I tried again,
plugging in Wits End –
It said it’s where I am
and also where I’ve been.
Tom Turner Apr 2021
The worst battle you will ever start
will be between your head and heart,
when one tells you it’s time to go
and the other cries out NO!
Tom Turner Apr 2021
Sometimes late at night
I become a man-shell
sitting there,
not sad,
not happy,
not anything.

Not thinking
about tomorrows
or dreams
or anything.

It’s just me
and walls,
and random noise.
not anything else.

Just me
not watching
or doing anything
and nothing else.
Tom Turner Apr 2021
Sometimes it’s just best
to smile and nod and agree
with whatever the idiots say,
and go back home
and live your life your way.
Tom Turner Apr 2021
We are the homeless,
that faceless blob in tent cities,
under bridges, on park benches,
in doorways and the woods.

We are the homeless,
the ones without TV
to hear the lies about
for every one and unity.

We are the homeless,
that’s what you call us,
our name is just Homeless,
not John or Jane, or even people.

We don’t vote and
we don’t donate.
We don’t burn and riot.
So our voices are never heard.

We are the homeless,
People, not just homeless.
Homeless People Matter Too.
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