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Tom Turner Apr 2021
The best we have
dress in olive drab
or blue or white
and go fight
and die forgotten
by those dressed
in politician suits,
who get statues built
honoring them
for sending the best
to die and lie
beneath forgotten crosses.
Tom Turner Feb 2021
I have an incredibly
severe case of

The fear that
you go away.
Tom Turner Feb 2021
When you meet a politician,
do not judge too quickly.
once upon a time,
they were human too
and had a heart and soul.
Tom Turner Feb 2021
There is nothing
I would not do for you.
And, it seems, nothing
you would do for me.
Tom Turner Feb 2021
Don’t blame life for passing you by,
just because you didn’t jump on
when the bus came along.
Tom Turner Feb 2021
Negative people only see
the black in every rainbow.

The sun is shining –
“It’s going to rain.”

They never seem to see
even rain is beautiful
Tom Turner Feb 2021
If I were a betting man
I’d put all my money down
on America vs. Democrats.

I know that Democrats
are 5 to 1 favorites
to wreck America.

But I have hope.
And faith .
And I pray like hell.
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