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Tom Turner Sep 2020
I am the Raucous Liberal.
It is my right to protest.
Ardently and violently.
Not only for my beliefs
but also against yours.

Freedom of Speech
is mine, and only mine.
If you want to voice
an opinion that differs
I WILL shout you down,
shame you to silence,
boycott your business
and call you racist or
any other derogatory
name I choose.

I will hide behind
worthwhile causes
to create disruption
and destruction.

Freedom of speech
is mine - and only mine.
You have no right
to disagree with me.
So shut the hell up.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
I am not sure how it happened
I am not sure why
I thought she was saying good night
But she was saying good bye.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
Forgive me
if I stay too long
or ask too much of you.

I cannot help
being what I am,
near the feast of  you
like a starving man
at the table.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
Was a lot like yesterday.
It rained, I sat
in a room alone
thinking of you
and what almost was
and now is not.

I will sit in a room alone
thinking of you.
It could have been – but isn’t.
It might have been – but wasn’t.

I will get up
and leave this room
where I sit alone
and think of you.
I will forget Almost and Maybe.
But not today.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
The Past and Present
are the same.
I live them both
and loathe them both

The Past, ever unchanging,
haunts me never ending.

The Present, ever unforgiving,
tramples my daily living.

The Past and Present
are the same.
The past all night
The present all day
The same haunting thoughts
that won’t go away
Tom Turner Sep 2020
The path through the woods
Seems to entice the eye
The solitude is clamoring
Calling, screaming, that I
should follow it
to that quiet place
where I can dream
in solitary space
Tom Turner Sep 2020
We are all the CIA,
members from birth
‘til we leave this earth.

Some join openly.
Some never know
they belong.

But the
Creative Intelligence Agency
is part of everyone.

Some write.
Some paint.
Some sing.
Some hug their children
and wipe away tears.

But we all
make an imprint
on the creative soul
of man.
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