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Tom Turner Sep 2020
I saw you sitting
all alone
staring blankly
at your phone.

They all walk past
and none say Hi.
No one even
sees you cry.

They all pretend
that you aren't there.
Alone is not
a place to share.

Come sit with me
and take my hand
Talk to me.
I’ll be your friend.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
I strongly dislike
People who hate.  
Because of color
or where they lived
or who they love
or even their favorite team.

I strongly dislike
People who judge.
As if they know “right”
better than you.
I leave all that
For God to do.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
Everything evolves.
Species improve
or become extinct
Mountains and oceans
grow and shrink
grows or goes.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
are just clouds
you can eat
or squish
between your fingers.

are just marshmallows
all grown up.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
Another grain of sand
on a summer beach
waiting on a midnight tide.

Another leaf
on an autumn tree
waiting on a winter wind.

Another flake of snow
in a winter storm
waiting on a warmer sun.

Another drop of rain
in a spring shower
waiting to evaporate

We are all just waiting
for whatever takes us
forever away.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
She named him Alfred.
The tree where we would park
and talk about dreams
or climb in the back seat
and create our present scenes.

Back in the days
when people parked
instead of tweeted
and loved instead of liked.
Tom Turner Sep 2020
is a lack of light
like existence
is a lack of love
is a lack of life

and I know

Man was not meant
to live unloving
so I cling
to thoughts of you
and love unliving


I hope for more
than mere existence.
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