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116 · Jul 2020
To The Wildflowers
Gurpreet Kaur Jul 2020
Under the purple tint of sky
Wild Tulip and Cinquefoil sways,
As pleasant breeze moves over petals
Finding it's way through the maze.

The floating clouds are allured
When out of ground comes a seed,
And swarms of flies stops to gaze
Blue jewels festooned on Billygoat ****.

Windswept earth draped in rosy hue
Crimson-red like a bleeding sea,
Tweaked by Kea, fondled by Spiders —
Flowers of mighty Bombax Tree.

The beauty cannot be discerned
Of Buttercups swanking their golden gleam,
When meadows are lit with Yellow Sages
Desirous Crowfoots gape across the rim of stream.

All along the drooped grass
Lies the scented Chamomiles,
Wrapped in silence, in it's dwelling —
Burrowing Owl secretly smiles.

Past the village, up on a hillock
A bed of Musk Roses thrives,
Unfurling the air with it's sweet scent
Forces Bees to come out of their hives.

The most stunning flower in the ranch
Under the sparkling midnight-blue sky,
Dangling in dust — the Orange Cosmos
Beloved of Emperor Dragonfly.
113 · May 2020
To A Distant Mountain
Gurpreet Kaur May 2020
Hummed by bewilderment
I watched Your violaceous oblique,
Kindling with exuberance
That stillness on Your peak.

And stillness in my heart
With upsurging pleasant breeze,
Captivated me - the ultramarine space
And sunlight through the trees.
110 · Sep 2020
Gurpreet Kaur Sep 2020
The Wind from the west
Rapid and strong —
Moves with an athletic grace
All day long.

All around me
I feel it's embrace —
It wraps me in it's wings
And caress my face.

It rises above the bushes
To pick the Lilac flowers
To entwine them between my hair
In the pleasant hours.

Meanders over the water meadow
Curls and coils like a Snake
Gazes at happy flowers from above
And borrows the song from Andaman Crake.

Sings the praise of Almighty God
Agitates the waters along it's way
Perambulates along with Swallows
Towards the Sun's sinking ray.

To come again another day
With same athletic grace
And bring along the puffy Clouds
To complement it's pace.
109 · May 2020
The Fog
Gurpreet Kaur May 2020
I went up to the hills
One freezing december twilight,
Crushing Red Campions under my feet
While ensuring acute frostbite.

By the time I reached midway
She came sliding down,
Casting her mysterious spell
Enveloped the whole town.

She was perilously fascinating
In her own murky fold,
One by one, the trees disappeared
Then the road across the Wolds.

I watched her grow dense and dark
Meanwhile, she concealed the peaks and the valley,
I wanted to embrace her pure seclusion
When she hid behind a crack in the alley.

The Nighthawk and the Owl
Were thrilled with mirth,
As she lied whole night
Upon the moisture-laden Earth.

The Sun came out and was full of glory
But in vain it flashed it's pallid beams,
Wild birds lost their way in skies
Frogs cuddled up with shiver near streams.

Unexpectedly but gently, she decided to retreat
After garlanding the dews on the grass,
Leisurely, she started to uplift herself
From asphalt roads, rooftops and monumental brass.

I perceived her celestial fragrance
When she was falling apart,
I still yearn for her longing
For she has robbed my heart.
103 · Jun 2020
Gurpreet Kaur Jun 2020
A little bird came to me
Fluttering her tiny wings in glee
Sat upon the lowest bough
Of flower-laden Buttercup tree.

And started to sing a pretty song
Picking up notes smooth and strong
I sat nearby in a divine trance
Filled with joy all along.

She stopped a bit to look around —
A dusty trail and a greenish mound
Then flew away in a feverish haste
Producing the sweet musical sound.

And I looked into the distance with a curious gaze
When I heard her mellifluous voice again
As she continued with her melody
This time — atop a golden maize.

A little bird came to me
And I admired her company!

— The End —