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Keanna May 2020
I am a little girl.
Small build
Dark brown eyes and soft coily hair
I am lonely
You can tell I keep all my problems and feelings inside of me.

Never was the type to share my problems with people
Very private person,
Lots of trust issues
I like to isolate myself from people a lot

I am lost
I keep up a brick wall
You cannot break it down

I am quiet
I don't speak a lot,
But if I were to it would change the world
But I  choose not to share my ideas and opinions
Shy, quiet, isolated

Even though I won't share my ideas and opinions out loud
I have no problem writing them on paper
Because truly when I write, my mind feels free
My hand feels like a prisoner who just got out of prison
And my paper feels like outside
Which the prisoner gets to know what outside feels like

You would be the person to talk to the prisoner
Get to know the prisoner
Understand why the prisoner does the things they do
Afterwards help the prisoner understand the way of life
Most importantly help the prisoner be who they’re

I am intelligent
Only when I want to be
A lot of people wouldn't understand that, I hope you do
I have a really bad habit of making people think I'm dumb because I don't talk a lot
It's a good and a bad thing

I can have all the right ideas
And still not say a word
Because i'll feel like i'll say something wrong
Or everyone will laugh at me
That's how I always felt growing up

Even though this is not how I feel anymore

I just want you to know that my mouth may be really quiet…..
But my brain isn't.
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                       By: Keanna
Keanna May 2020
She had the most beautiful smile

But behind her smile hide a lot of pain and sorrow

She smiled so nobody could see her frown

She smiled so nobody could ask her; “Are you ok?” Without her bursting into tears

She smiled so nobody would think she is weak

She smiled so everybody around her would smile too

She smiled so everybody would only remember her for her beautiful smile

She smiled the brightest so her world can look the brightest.

— The End —