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Veena Iyer Jun 2020
Many a dawn I have seen
Since ancient years I have been.
Enchanted woods,rivers and mountains tall
I have been past them , I've felt them all
Through civilizations and creatures queer
I've lived blissfully without any fear
I know no bounds nor boundaries
I know not to where my journey is
I exist in full exhuberence
In me is every experience
I travel boundlessly in my journey
to seek the never- ending destiny
Who am I? The ever-pervading soul;
Just to be and be forever is my goal...
Veena Iyer Jun 2020
The heart sends out a prayer
As it gracefully accepts defeat
To make the body stronger
So these sagas of the heart dont repeat
For there is nothing like a love-filled heart;
It's purely blood and muscle
It's the mind that keeps tugging at it
And ends up in a tussle.
So the mind stands up -strong and tall
Tends the wounds of the heart..
And never allows the heart to fall  
Never to fall in love,  of all....
Veena Iyer Jun 2020
Of all the myriad shades of life
The most beautiful are love and hope
Love is the one that keeps you alive
While hope helps you to cope..

When things seem cold in **** vanity
It is love that keeps the fire warm
It wrings out the pain caused by insanity
As hope brings in the smile and calm..

Though love is mistaken often
To be that found in the lover's arms
The one who truly loves knows
that it is to love without any qualms..

Love is when the flower blooms
And longs for the bumble bee
While hope makes its petals plume
To look as beautiful as can be!

Love is in the mother's eyes
When she sees her just born child
As hope makes her heart to rise
And fills it with love unmild.

Love is that which doesn't bind ;
It actually sets you free
While hope nourishes your mind
And makes it into a wishing tree...
Veena Iyer Jun 2020
She was a flower, gentle and sweet
Vibrant and colurful as one could ever meet
She danced like an angel and ran like a dart
Innocent and simple she won every heart
She wanted to try everything under the sun
But her father said with that she was done...
He made her study and write many a test
He told her in her future, she should invest
She forgot to dance and spin like a top
Her dreams now looked like a distant dot
She became busy in life's chores
Her dreams had all become closed doors
Until one fine day when at last
She saw him run and her heart beat fast
She resolved to start running all over again
And she took it up as her new ordain
She started to blossom like a fresh flower
Happiness and joy around her began to bower
She revelled in her sweet old memories
Of being that little girl with no worries....
Veena Iyer Jun 2020
Just when you are feeling broken and weak
And almost succumb to defeat
Just when you kneel and send a prayer meek,
And know you are having cold feet
Just then a wave of energy springs
Through the realms of the cloudy mind
A whiff of strength it suddenly brings
That certainly is one of it's kind..
As  the slurries of  doubt and fear
Get wiped away with sheer strength
The aura of faith gets past clear
And slings your confidence at length
Then does emerge the crowning glory of hope
Throwing  out the useless excuses lame
It gives you the grit and determination to cope
And simply puts you back into the game...
Veena Iyer May 2020
As I looked outside my window
While trees and poles went whirring past
The train I was on seemed to to slow down
As I saw people walking fast..
The children though were having their moments
As they saw everyone scoot and scurry,
They probably wondered why on earth
Were all these people in such a hurry!
They peered at the long tail of wagons
And thought of it as a huge snake
And when mother hassled them to make it quick
They pretended to walk fast for her sake..
I couldn't but notice their amused look
Though it had a tinge of fear
Maybe the thought of entering this snake
And sitting on it made them cling on to mother dear!
Getting onboard was one big fight
With everyone getting at it at once
The little people were at their wits' end
As they struggled to hold on to their guns.
I wondered how they would manage to board
The leap of faith would they have taken ?
All that agony , fear and pain
Just for a ****** seat forsaken !?
Just then I caught sight of them
Stepping inside with a deep sigh
Just as they looked around in a haze
I caught them in the eye.
I signalled them to come and sit
Across from where I sat
They took my offer and jumped at it
Without an eyelid bat
Suddenly they realized it was not what they thought
The great  big monster to be
And just like me, the whirring trees and poles
They too began to see....
Veena Iyer May 2020
When she first knew it was time to be
a mother , her joy knew no bounds...
Oh ! so eager she was to see
That whom she only knew by the sounds..
She sang , danced and prayed each day
She wished for the best to come
she was so big but she loved to be that way
As she dreamt of her being a mum...
She blessed her child to happily grow
And be as healthy as can be.
She beamed with the motherly glow
Thinking about her sweet pea..
Soon the D day was here for her
A test of her strength to beget...
To see the fruit of sweet labour
she gave her precious blood and sweat.
She grit her teeth and writhed in pain
But when with joy her eyes finally met
With her , no longer did she complain .
It was the most precious moment of her life
When she finally held her at her *****
After all that pain , agony and strife
She felt her like a fresh blossom
As she tugged at her heart she shed tears of joy
Rolling down her weary face
As she cooed and cried and cuddled her toy
She thanked Him for His grace..
She promised her baby that by her she would stand
For every bit of her life
She vowed to keep holding her hand
Through her every joy and strife...
Today when she sees her baby grow up big and all...
She smiles to herself with pride
She stands by her , towering tall..
Holding hands in her every stride...
She wishes that she dares to dream
And follows the ways of her heart
And that with joy she may forever gleam.
And may she always be there for her, and never they be apart....
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