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Mar 2021 · 147
Apreet Buttar Mar 2021
I  always gaze the night sky , stars , moon the perfect realm , stillness where the time stops , you feel more than alive ever . Not a single  thought passing through you , you become still , absolutely still , the humanly noises soon disappears in the background you are left with the real you with your body , the soul and the emptiness , you start to shift from creation to non creation and then certain wake up or more of a slumber where you are thrown back into the reality or more of conscious state , the humanly voices come crawling back , you start to make up scenarios of your imaginative lover gazing through the sky at the very same moment and that’s how you devour happiness , a complete ecstasy , a humanly happiness. What do you long for humanly happiness or the stillness ? That’s where your happiness lies.
Oct 2020 · 170
Apreet Buttar Oct 2020
Oh ,sun !
Every morning ,
Along with me .
You leave the home,
And in the evening
Irksomely and wearily ,
With me you return .
Are you also
Searching for employment
Like me ?
Jul 2020 · 124
You vs You
Apreet Buttar Jul 2020
And suddenly some people become a fleeting memory..and you just keep wondering and wondering , a never ending fight against your own mind .
Jun 2020 · 245
One sided love
Apreet Buttar Jun 2020
What is better than loving from faraway
Being with them all the time like the penumbra,
Like the blood drifting through the veins.
Soothing every inch of their wound through the emotional sensations,
Embracing the love from a distance ,
A love that never dies,
A love that rise like the phoenix,
A love that is forlorn ,
A love that rives your soul apart ,
A love that doesn’t anticipates,
A love that doesn’t requisite.
Smashing your heart into million chunks
But you still adore him with all those splintered chunks
Retiring to bed thinking of him and coming alive to his musings .
Alas! What’s better than one sided love ,
What’s better than being in someone’s prayers perpetually.
Neither the fear of rejection nor the panic of being lonely.
It takes ample courage to get broken by your own self .
The love that gives pain still what’s better than loving from faraway.
May 2020 · 112
An essay
Apreet Buttar May 2020
You never know what goes on in a person’s life , a person fights with a number of hidden demons. The voices that keeps haunting them , keeps on reminding them how worthless they are. You don’t have any right to objectify someone, fat shame , **** shame or judge people on the basis of their appearance, nobody is born perfect , each one of us has flaws. Some of them even don’t know whether they are going to make it through tonight, will they even wake up the other day. Be generous, be kind you never know what one battles with . Smile , smile more often even with strangers, maybe you are the reason they start believing in the magic of universe. If you have anyone around who is going through anxiety, stress or depression, be there ,stick around . They need you , tell them the world needs them . They are priceless.
We all encounter someone who is depressed or suffers any form of disorder, they should be treated equally and loved . Be generous and kind , you never know how can u help someone .
May 2020 · 119
An introvert
Apreet Buttar May 2020
She has always been an introvert
Piling the one emotion over other
Nor a place to spill the feelings
She opens up where her chaos are cured
Her heart has been shattered over and over again
Yet she smiles and that smile contains the peace equivalent to mothers lap
Her soul longs for someone who tries to stay
She has heard a number of “I always will be there “ turning to same people nowhere to be seen around
She deserves more than unsaid goodbyes
She deserves a constant reassurance
She is afraid , she fears the loss
The ache that she takes to sleep each night and wakes with it everyday
No matter what I haven’t seen someone as empathetic as her
An introvert trying to find peace among the chaos.
Apr 2020 · 139
The Stranger
Apreet Buttar Apr 2020
I am in love with a stranger
A mere glimpse of him electrifies my heart creates the adrenaline rush,
excites my neurons.
Those eyes unfold the several unrevealed tales.
The gleamy eyes when unexpectedly meet  mine , leaves behind the several unarticulated expressions.
His lips so plain when meet mine ,
it felt like a long lost traveller in desert found water to quench his thirst.
When his fingers slightly touched mine ,it leaves behind a shiver in spine of mine.
These emotions are creating a havoc in my life ,
it has never happened before ,
he is another stranger , I don’t know about yet I am in love with a stranger , yet I am in love with a stranger..
Apr 2020 · 120
The sky
Apreet Buttar Apr 2020
Glancing at the night sky
Makes me feel the ecstasy within me
It fills the void in me , that no human can ever fill.
People compare it with the emptiness but this silence feeds my soul ,
it provides me with freedom and make me who I am ,
this silence soothes me , the silent sky is what my empty heart craves for .
Apr 2020 · 137
Apreet Buttar Apr 2020
Standing among the family
I realised, I don’t belong within
Left out , broken and bruised
A soul disguised as human body
Who still belongs to the dates back
The moment I came to know what emptiness is!
You are here but you belong there.

— The End —