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120 · 1d
Did you know
Do you know
how much I cared
Did you know
the love I shared
Did you know
I was even there
Did you know ?
95 · Jul 2020
Sheila Stafford Jul 2020
Lies ruin lives
make people despise
and trust is denied
so many times
Just keep giving
them time

But then it’s a game
that becomes so untamed
something to treat
a despicable bleep
that has no real

It’s all just a lie
that became so sly
how could you meet
and say
it was a treat

It’s an illusion
how could
it be real
such a betrayal
and now its
so stale
87 · May 2020
The man
Sheila Stafford May 2020
Hello I can see you
Sat on the wall
And looking very much alone
Hello how are you

The man looked sad
Hello again
Hoping the man would see my smile
And a greeting that might inspire
Some feeling
That he’s not alone

Hello yes I’m here
And wanting to ask
How are you today
I sincerely want to ask

A smile on his face
Lit up the world
A moment in time is all Took
85 · Jul 2020
The mask
Sheila Stafford Jul 2020
What’s new
a mask or two
our faces are hidden
Covid has given
and we’ve been forbidden

We have no choice
to voice
but been given
a decision

Covid is not forgiving
are we really living
or being driven
by the unknown
that is fear

Is Covid
Still here
should we adhere
who or what
is out to plot

Put on your mask
and do not blog
83 · May 2020
A Virus with a plan
Sheila Stafford May 2020
It may feel strange
In the world right now
And yes it is different
From other years gone by

But let’s sit still
And enjoy a time
Where the traffic
Has been stopped
And the hastle of waiting
In traffic jams
And other hells
Filled with anxiety
Has gone for a time

Pollution of planes
Has dispersed
How does it feel
What do you think

The air is cleaner
And time
Has been given back
to the whole planet
As were are all  sat

A stillness like no other
A calm
And peace
This is what nature
The planet
79 · Jul 2020
Sheila Stafford Jul 2020
I feel so numb
or have I been dumb
not  to see this coming

My life now in bits
through someone’s
own ticks
or tricks

I still feel A mess
It’s all in my head
But the lies
Still remain
What did he gain

I just can not
I’m so lost
In pain
78 · Aug 2020
Where are you
Sheila Stafford Aug 2020
Where are you
someone says you’ve gone
to spirt
I want to say good bye

Where are you
please let me know
your ok
because I cry

Where are you
did you know
that I cared
about you

Where are you
maybe I will see you
in my dreams
dancing smiling
are you happy now

Where are you
you will always
be with me
in my heart
and my soul

76 · Jul 2020
What is this place
Sheila Stafford Jul 2020
Life is but a thought
Imagination that we believe
a dream to be received
should we just dive in
or hold back
and give it some slack

What is life
a time in space
or universal place
floating  through dreams
or nightmares
That are laced

What’s the next page
does anybody know
where or what
is this place

It’s our world
but is it ?
76 · Jun 2020
What I missed
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020
I was small
And life was all
What family
Seemed to be
As norm

My family
Missed a warmth
A closeness
A need

A mum
Who gave
So little
Of herself
She didn’t know

But it was missed
And now I know
Why I want
And need it

Love a feeling
A closeness
A warmth
A glow

An unconditional
You know
When you grow

As a child
I yearned
But as a parent know

How to share
A depth
Of love
And care
A hug so rare

But great to give
A strength
Iv found

Now I’m a mum
75 · Apr 2020
Sit and listen
Sheila Stafford Apr 2020
Spring is here
The amazing life of flowers that  breath
Birds are singing in the trees
The Bees are buzzing in Harmony
A gentle breeze
And swaying trees
Oh how lucky we are

So sit and listen
Just sit and listen
73 · Jul 2020
June 2020 wether Report
Sheila Stafford Jul 2020
A cloud begins to loom
As we sit on the edge
What may come next

The foxes
Are making decisions
Not all are true

While our lives
Are transitioned
And virtual zoom
Contact resumes

Life as we’ve know
Has been turned upside
As a virus flares
And expands

Hoping life
One Day

72 · Jun 2020
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020
Another day
What shall
I do
The clouds are very
And blue

The Thunderstorm
Is echoing
High in the sky
And rain is pounding
On the ground
All around

I sit and watch
As trees are bending
Like elastic
As leaves fly high
Into the sky
And across gardens

Is This summer
will we have sunny

70 · Apr 2020
Sheila Stafford Apr 2020
Nature is so wonderful
It gives without an ask
The beauty of the blue sky’s stretching out above
The flowers are a wonder of colour shape and size
But all of which are fascinating to look at with our eyes

The smell of flowers and trees take me back when beautiful sunny days
that seemed to last
With ease and calmness we so long to have

But take one moment and open your eyes
And you will have what nature gives without lies
69 · Jun 2020
Stay strong
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020
In Marriage
Is not what I found
A loving
Caring man

I was pushed
Shouted down

To feel
Less around
This man
I found

But I stayed
And was
Again knocked
To the ground

And with children
I found
More I was
On the ground

Although my
Love for them
I found
I stayed

And was still
To the ground
Lack of esteem

I would lay down
And try not to
But this got me

But one day
I turned
No longer

I would be
Pushed around
I got up from the

And turned
My life

And now
I have found
What life Is
Really about

69 · May 2020
A Walk
Sheila Stafford May 2020
We ventured out
The grass so green
The sun so hot
And flowers a dream

The gentle walk
Towards a scene
As we gasp
It’s like a dream

A lake so wide
Yet calm
As boats bob up and down
Freely in the water
Awaiting their master

The ducks floating
Like magic
Drifting along
With a paddle underneath

Who knows what their thinking
Is it time to eat

Time drifts by
Like floating driftwood
And beauty
Like no other

How lucky
We are
69 · Apr 2020
I remember
Sheila Stafford Apr 2020
The music plays
As I sway
Taking me down
Memory lane

The music plays
And time delays
As I recall a day of long since past
The tune I remember

A memory
It always lasts
Of sweet summer days
When life seemed
So much at ease

I sway to the music
Of what’s my past
69 · May 2020
The caves
Sheila Stafford May 2020
We walked
Past slate
And through a gate
And some woods

Around a corner
And a fear
Surrounded me
To see

A cave
So dark
So bleak
And water
Dripping slowly

My head did bow
As I entered
The dark Dismal enclosure

And my heart
With sheer fear
Of danger

But the light soon shone
In a distance
I wanted
To run

An opening
Of beauty
Within a cavern
Of such age

A wonder
In sight
Viewing the height of
An amazing rock
That left
Me in ore

A destination
I wouldn’t
Have seen
If my fear had
68 · Apr 2020
Sheila Stafford Apr 2020
Time to sit and listen
Allowing a moment of peace
And quite

Time to sit and listen
What can you hear
A bird
The wind
Or a quite stillness
That might feel strange

Time to sit and listen
And stop the day
To dream of a place that’s tranquil
Not to far away

Time to waste
Time to eat
Whatever time might
Make you think
67 · Apr 2020
The Tree
Sheila Stafford Apr 2020
The Tree in my Garden
Swings and sways
When wind is ablaze
Branches holding on
Waiting for calm
To come

The tree in the garden
Bathing in the sun
Accommodating lots of birds
And bees
As the day has began
And gentle touch of green leaves
Now calm
And seen

How lucky we can see
our  tree
67 · Jun 2020
Just a dream
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020
My feelings of Euphoria
I was flying high up up
Up into the sky

All of my life
Was passing me by
Like an old fashioned cinema screen
Flicking through times
Gone by

Further and further
A Sempiternal feeling
That set me on fire
As colours of Rainbows
Set of in
Different directions

Wow what an amazing
67 · May 2020
A wish
Sheila Stafford May 2020
If I could wish
For anything
It would have been
For you

To give you back
The chance to
And move
As we all
Can do

But as fate
Had played
An awful
An accident you

And so sad that
It had made you
You strived on
In such a fearless

Showing strength
That made
You shine
every Single day

And people
Talked so highly
Of the
You had

You will
Always be
And I promise
I won’t
Be sad
65 · May 2020
You and me
Sheila Stafford May 2020
And breath
Life is at our feet

Walk enjoy
What Mother Nature
Has given us
It’s free
To see

Just open up your mind
And open up
Your heart
Love is all around

Believe and you
Will see
It really is so easy
just be
65 · Apr 2020
Love Is
Sheila Stafford Apr 2020
Love is so deep
So meaningful
Don’t blink
It can carry you
When you need a lift

Love is

Love is so many things
A depth that only you can feel
And give to one
So privileged

Love is

In your heart it feels so deep
One should give
So more can keep the love that runs
And powers a storm

Love is

A child that’s born
A love as a parent for life
Is meant
A heartfelt life that’s spent

Love is

So many things  

Love is
64 · Aug 2020
Why me
Sheila Stafford Aug 2020
I wonder why me
what have I done
or what did I do to
be treated with such

Had I not tried
So hard
talked so much
would this still be
Happening to me

Why me
i keep asking myself
was I just blind
did I really not see
what was in front
of me

What is the truth
can it be that
I am not
what he wants to see

Was it all a fantasy
a lie
or could it be
that we were just
not to be

Please tell me
help me
I really want the

Why me
64 · Jun 2020
June 2020 wether or not
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020
A cloud begins to loom
As we sit on the edge
What may come next

The foxes
Are making decisions
Not all are true

While our lives
Are transitioned
And virtual zoom
Contact resumes

Life as we’ve know
Has been turned upside
As a virus flares
And expands

Hoping life
One Day

63 · Jun 2020
If only
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020
As I lay Supine staring out of my window
At the sky
What life was all about

I was wondering if I had enough time
To follow my dream

I wanted to dance
Move freely
Like the wind
Glide across the floor
Like a swan
So elegant
And graceful

To be seen
So supreme

Yet I lay
At an age of 94
62 · Aug 2020
Sheila Stafford Aug 2020
Who are we

Oh what a strange world
we are living  in
an inverse affect it has on us all
don’t forget your mask

Different colours
designs and fabric
do they have an adverse
on who we are ?

I made my mask
It’s indigo
I love that colour
what’s more
I’m going rent a stall
and sell some more
62 · May 2020
The squirrel
Sheila Stafford May 2020
And there it was
So big
And grey
It’s bushy tail
Up high
Did sway

It seems inquisitive
As it pops it’s head over the wall
Looking around
Before running up and down
And picking bits up
From the ground

The window opens
To say hello
It runs away
In fear
Poor thing

It doesn’t realise
We are it’s friend
61 · May 2020
Nature adapts
Sheila Stafford May 2020
There are masses of
Along the roadsides
What an array of colour

The rain is coming
The antidote
we need
For spring flowers and trees

The dry rough soil
Will drink
And soak
And begin to breath

A natural skill
Of nature
To adapt
Whenever it needs
61 · May 2020
My musical journey
Sheila Stafford May 2020
It takes me on a journey
So profound

Life’s ups and downs
Follows me around
It’s a sound

A Rhythm a
A feeling that’s
So discreet
I’m in a story
A tale

A musical journey
One that I follow
Through life’s ups and
It’s like a pillow

It buffers me
With sound
Within a moment
When I lie down

How music
Fills a hollow

I escape
On my
Musical journey
One that I follow
61 · May 2020
what are we waiting for ?
Sheila Stafford May 2020
We sit
We wait
Until they open the gate,
The doors are locked
Our lives have been stopped

So what are we waiting for
A change in direction
Some hope
That we can believe

More than
A fish that is swimming
Without fins
What can we believe

Will life begin
And start again
Less worry
About money

What are we waiting for
Who is going to make a change
And open up the flood gates

That will take us on a track
One that might be good
Or one that might
Be bad

Who will lead our country
Back to strength
Giving us some
So we can march forward
61 · Jun 2020
Be as one
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020
It’s time
We stood together
As one
Stand tall
And hold each other

It’s time
To count
On each other
Hold and be strong
My brother
My sister

Love each other
Stand tall
Be as one
At a time
We call

Live life
And enjoy
Hold life
it’s so special

One another
Spread joy
Give a smile

Be free
Live as
Life should be

Life is yours
Life is mine
Life should
59 · Jun 2020
A time to celebrate
Sheila Stafford Jun 2020

A time to celebrate

I can hear
The laughter
And cheers in
The distance

At last
The fire has
Gone out
And now the ashes

A beauty a bond
Like glass
So perfect
It glides

And lifts
The depression
Of a virus
That we survived
59 · May 2020
A memory
Sheila Stafford May 2020
I remember
The time we had
Although so
Long ago

The smile
You had
And laughter too
Such special

I held you
In my arms
So tight
Never ever
To let go

But I knew
One day
You would be gone

And then
That day did come
I had to say
Goodbye forever

As The gates
Of heaven
Came to soon
And took you
Oh too soon

But I remember
That smile
And lots  of
I will treasure

Until my life
Is with you
56 · Aug 2020
Too late
Sheila Stafford Aug 2020
Is it
too late
to debate
can we relate

Where are we
the me
that used to be
so strong

Now weakened
and alone
no bone
where is home

Will we ever be
and see
who we both
used to see
25 · 15h
Where are you
I look at you
the person I thought
I knew
Who’s now
Long gone

You sit amiss
of who I am
smile if I can
and hope to connect

A look
or glare
who is that
sat there

Some reaction
I need
my heart
seems to bleed

Iv lost who I am
my life has gone
yet I see you sat
staring out of the window

Just smile
for a little while
a conversation I need
do you know me
24 · 1d
Look and see
To look
and see what beauty
is all around me

A flower
or tree
clouds moving
so slowly
above me

Water flowing
birds cheeping
the wind freely blowing
water droplets glowing

Just look and see
18 · 20h
Deep down
I know I tried
deep down
I know

Deep down
something stirs
an emotion
a feeling

Deep down
I feel
a need

Deep down
a hollow

What is this
deep down inside
16 · 21h
What is love
Is love
Is love all we need
Is love
What it seems

Does love
give us happiness
or is it
just a fantasy
we need to believe

Tell me
is love real
does it heal
can it be defined

What does it mean
Can it be felt
Or reinvent
or maybe a consequent

Love is a word
but with no meaning
But it can be felt
a warmth
a nourishment

What is love ?

— The End —