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DrSamta Jain May 2020

Composed by Dr. Samta Jain

I have come a long way and lived with you, by my side.
Sometimes disowned you, other times carried you with lot of pride.                                          

Faith, as you are called.
Faith, as you are lived.
Faith to win a war, faith as a gift.
Faith to swim through the roughest tide
Faith to fight with all my might.

Sometimes disowned you, other times carried you with lot of pride.    
I have come a long way and lived with you, by my side.

Faith, you are in my heart and you stay in my eyes.
Even if I disown and try to ****, you get back and never die.

Faith is what has sustained me through
We sleep in faith to live a dream anew.

Faith will also pave our way through COVID days
Faith comes to life to give us life and in faith million hearts pray.

With faith I battle, I conquer and win and win
Faith is in me deep, and deep within.
Lets have a strong faith and Hope.
DrSamta Jain Apr 2020
Oh Sun, Don’t fade into sky, don’t go away!!
I have just gotten up in the evening, Please do Stay.

I know, I took long hours to come alive.
Freeze in this moment, into the horizon don’t dive.

I know for sure, I owe you more.
I have taken your shine to lighten my shore.

Pardon me for the playful things I did to sky and the trees.
I have hurt the human, animals, birds and the bees.

Freeze this moment, but don’t freeze life
For “that one last breath”, each one will strive

May be give us all a final chance
All are praying- from India, Italy and France.

For, to touch your rays the earth continuously revolves
Be our Saviour  as the humanity calls

Let there be no COVID
Let there be no Dark

Let there be a bright future for us to Embark!!
DrSamta Jain Apr 2020
Oh China! Wars would have been Better, And I can’t say it more!
There would be a periphery to destroy and to restore.
Some rules of war would have been followed
Though, wars I dread the most, Wars, I abhor.
But in wars some protocols are maintained;
Some bad is fought, and sometimes , a little good is retained
And even though some clothes are blood stained and scars gained.
With all those burning sores, I say It all again
Oh China! wars would have been better....
This demon spreads and just kills people at its will.
No strain of blood and Yet spills sad stories to tell.
It sees no nationality , no gender , no religion and no caste.
Transcending them all, it spreads faster than a wild fire,
Leaving us in a condition that’s dire.

The ****** and the Mussolini also would have lost.
COVID kills the carrier and the host.
It needs no one to give instructions, Its always ready to attack
It takes away powerful breath, and leaves nothing to fight back.
Its army just multiplies manifold
Just needs some space to live and some air to hold.
And that’s the reason I say it again, Wars would have been better!

Oh China !! I tell you again wars would have been better.
Wars wouldn’t have destroyed so much,
Like the crown of COVID and the COVID clutch.
The never seen before sight and the lives it has claimed.
Wonder sometimes who is to be blamed?
But now let me announce and pronounce to you
The world is watching whatever you do.
And that’s how I say Oh China! Wars would have been better.

I always heard Demons were large and took up a larger size.
I never thought “for the devil so small" we will give such a huge price.
Oh China, just to show your might you put the COVID out I feel.
To fuel your ego and your power, I believe!
Leaves me wondering, Will the humanity now ever heal?
Oh China! I say again, war would have better.

The blackouts and the missiles from sky ,
The way the enemy has a spy
The artillery, guns and cannons on the roll
The commandos on goals with specific roles
But still with all this we were ready to fight
We had 1.30 billion hearts with “Abhinandan’s might"

But you chose not to fight a war
And The COVID becomes a coward galore
The cities have rested, the countries have locked down
The lanes have become history and leaving no flourishing town.
Now we can see in few nations no life any more
I say , I shout out Oh China! wars with its deep scars and sores would certainly have been better.........
This is a message to the humanity, a strong message which is purely my thoughts, emotions and perception.
Apr 2020 · 94
Mother, Why I left home?
DrSamta Jain Apr 2020
Mother, Why I left Home?
By Dr. Samta Jain

You did tell me to stay back with you
Each day you gave me reasons new.

You threatened me, you blackmailed me as well.
But your arguments that you had also did’nt sell.
Finally , you allowed me to go.
Taught me laundry and how to knead  a dough.

Later gave me skype lessons too
With years I took my age but older you grew.

You asked me to return when you heard the “COVID” news
I was quite chilled, but Mom you were having all the blues
You told me " My Son I miss you a lot."
I told you “I may not come in summers
May is HOT
Winters of 2020 I will see you Mom
I didn't know then ,the strength of COVID Storm.

Now mom..

I don’t know where am I
I can’t touch myself
Neither can I sigh

Mom, I think I am dead.
The water in your eyes now you shed!!

Why you allowed me to go to Rome?
Mother, why at all I left you and my Home!!
Mother, why I left home?
COVID -19 has given lot of lessons, it is for the countries to learn the value of investment in education parallel to the medical facilities and infrastructure.

— The End —